This site is currently in archive mode. We no longer accept new accounts and song uploads. All rights to the published songs belong to the respective artists. But circumstances might have changed since the last time i-bands was online. Therefore, do report any copyright infringements to our team at
mono lo-fi minimal
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New stuff
author: johnnok posted: 21 Mar 2007 04:18 AM
You can now purchase some tunes via:

SoundClick Now!

There are also free tracks for download there. This means that it will only be available for stream on i-bands because I thought it would be better if I used soundclicks bandwidth instead, so you can download the mp3's of the songs there. Anyways I have also taken the liberty of going to the dark side and finally join myspace, so you can add me there as a friend if you want, the address is:

Click here to check mono lo-fi minimal at!

I have a problem adding people on myspace, so you are going to have to ask for a friends request, I have disabled the option for needing last name or email so you shouldn't have any problems adding me. I've been busy with work projects but this year I intend on being a little more regular with my music. Hope you guys will enjoy the new tunes, and thanks for those that have been listening for years without complaining too much hehe.

April 10th 2007 - New stuff has been uploaded, check it out.

Note: My tunes are licensed under creative commons licenses (2.5 and 3.0 - usually), as always please check for my licensing details in the song info, or you may inquire further by sending me an email.

New tune - My Supergirl
author: johnnok posted: 15 Oct 2005 01:25 AM
Courtesy vocals by Lisa DeBenedictis + Musicbox by shortface bear. Under creative commons license. Just a rough copy for now.

New experimental track - Departure
author: johnnok posted: 14 Oct 2005 03:53 PM
Just a collage of genres (alt rock/hip hop/d&b/etc elements) in one. Drums are a dominant feature in this one. A bit lengthy but oh well :)
More coming soon.
If you wish to download more tracks that are no longer available on the i-bands, please visit my website.

Mechanics Of The Mind
author: johnnok posted: 02 Oct 2005 11:46 PM
Just a quickshot since I've been busy organising my stuff. More coming soon!

Song: Mechanics Of The Mind
Vocals are under creative commons license. See HERE for details. Vocal credits to RFL/Split Seconds - Diagnonsense.

If you want to download more of my songs [that are no longer available on the i-bands website] you may download them from my website.

New preview - When You're Broken
author: johnnok posted: 03 Sep 2005 07:17 PM

This time, "M" goes lead on this one. Anyway, been really doing lyrics quickly without giving it a second thought so they are kinda cheesy, still a work in progress.

Update:: Just did some tiny tweaks on "When You're Broken", added a bass, tried getting less distortion on vocals but still a little muddy and sharp on some ends. Also fixed some vocals for "How You Feel". Also changed the "We were" part in the lyrics to "We've been" heh.

Here are the lyrics so far in case anyone is interested [extra cheesy as usual]:

Verse 1
When you're broken, and no one cares...
The look upon you, with empty stares...
No burdens lifted, no breath of air...
You're suffocating from all of the despair...

There's no escaping from the problems in your life,
Just hold me now honey, I'll be there...
To hold your hand, to give you life,
I'll bring you hope now, I'll understand...

Aren't we just broken anyway, yeah

A new work in progress released
author: johnnok posted: 19 Aug 2005 12:29 PM
Been a while since I got to put anything up, so here's something I did this morning. Not my usual style but hey, it's something. Anyways, it's still a work in progress, just thought it was a nice "feel good" tune and idea. All comments are welcome.
The new track name is "My Dementia" and yes, it has nothing to do with the song really, I just ran out of ideas heh. Cheers!

PS - just a reminder, for anyone who has missd my other tracks and wants to download them, just visit my website. The fileserver is backup so you shouldn't have any problems trying to download any of them.

Just some stuff mocking around
author: johnnok posted: 18 Aug 2005 07:53 AM

Cover of Groove Theory's "Tell Me".mp3 This one was a request from my ex. I haven't really done much on it, cos I'm still wondering what she wants me to do with it, though she will be singing the vocals on it hehe. So hopefully that will get done sooner or later when she gets back to me about it. My version i a bit corny though. But I ahve some of the melodies there at least. Still in progress anyway.

Hmm, lemme see, since I've been sick and my stupid computer has been on the fritz I have not been able to get much done, but now that I am miracly feeling much better, I shall get down to business, though I just took a sleeping pill eariler [dr's orders] so I might flop out before that happens. I will keep posting up some snippets on here and some other unreleased tunes. Oh yeah, My website is up [well it always has been, just not the links from the fileserver, so now all the files that couldn't be downloaded before, CAN be downloaded now.

If you have forgotten the link to my hompage, click HERE

Don't forget to keep checking. Damn I can hardly type hehe, sleeping pill has gotten me all dizzy, I suppose I better follow dr's orders before I make myself worse even though I think I feel better. It could just be a rouse. More to come, tata for now! Adios!

Hah, we have signal!
author: johnnok posted: 10 Aug 2005 05:35 PM
Yes, I have acquired a temporary computer [courtesy mom] which surprisingly is much more stable than the previous one acting as a fileserver, so I'll be busy losing some sleep the next week or century trying to squeeze out some tunes for everyone.

Note: temporary, therefore I do not know how much time I will have to use this comp as a fileserver. Anyhoo, expect something soon!

New comp = new music [finally]
author: johnnok posted: 14 Jul 2005 12:43 AM
So, ever since the computer acting as fileserver went down the music has been on hold for about a month now but that's all about to change soon. Getting a new computer and will able to access the files [hopefully] from the other hard drives. Either way I'll be able to go ahead with my music endeavours and get rid of this whole month of not being able to do anything in the meantime. Can't wait to dish out some new tunes, got alot of ideas floating in my head. I'll keep you guys informed the moment I get that new computer hehe. Hopefully it will be within a week... we'll see...

Weddings, weddings, weddings...hehehe!
author: johnnok posted: 08 Jun 2005 07:42 PM
Yes, I've been busy with weddings lately. Still got a few more to go to. Am best man for one coming this Saturday so been busy preparing all the stuff this past month, not to mention my bro's birthday is the night before so I dunno if I will survive this weekend heh. Anyhow, after this wedding, I should be more free to let the tunes flow, even though there are 3 more wedding processions I have to go to :o

Don't worry, more material is coming out! I just need more sleep and sedatives. Thank you please drive thru :)

PS- mail me if you wanna ask something or need anything. Cheers.

Oh and yeah, if you had problems connecting to my site blame streamyx :P and all the power outages I've been having hehe.

More 'new' old stuff - a recap
author: johnnok posted: 20 May 2005 12:56 PM
Some previews of stuff I haven't finished and was too lazy to post up - just in case you thought I wasn't doing anything heh.

Unravelled [preview]
Not Here With You [no vocals+guitarsolo preview]
Any Other Way [piano preview]
Open Your Eyes
My Little Fondue
Dreams Are Real

Will add more soon...

Quick tune
author: johnnok posted: 05 May 2005 07:16 AM

Here. Just a quick idea put down before I forgot it.
When The Funk Rolled In.mp3

More experimental drum tracks
author: johnnok posted: 28 Apr 2005 12:17 AM
I'm not going to upload them here, not yet anyways, but don't fret, I have them up on my website. The two drum tracks are called "The Red Packet" and "Drumming on The Last Joint". Both have droning repetitive stuff in the background because the theme and issue here was mainly to concentrate on the nonchalant drumming. You could say that it's a bit messy, but oh well hehe. I'll upload it on here if they develop into something more detailed and not too stoney - unless someone actually likes it. With that said, "The Red Packet" is actually split into two parts. You'll be able to tell the first part from the second part trust me, there's a gap in the mp3 somewhere when the bass comes back like it did in the beginning. The difference is that the drums on this 2nd round are slightly a bit more different so perk your ears up and see if you can tell the difference. And yes it's messy. On the other hand, "Drumming On The Last Joint" is pretty much messy too. Again with the repetitive stoney background and the drumming doing it's own thing, pretty much a lil chaotic and messy. Doesn't make sense but it's fun nonetheless.

The Red Packet.mp3
Drumming On The Last Joint.mp3

I have also messed around with "Fantasy In Blue" a little bit, just 30 seconds. Dunno if I should really. But if you wanna listen to it:
Fantasy In Blue - 30 sec guit solo part 1.mp3.

Lots more tunes coming, just got about 40 gigs wiped off my hd and trying to free up more space. And no, it's no porn hahaha. ANYWAYS.... I'll post every new snippet or tune on here or my website whenever there is new material so don't forget to keep checking. Thanks for wasting your time here people :)

Update: done some little changes to "The Red Packet" and "Drumming on The Last Joint" in regards to drum levels and sound, also cut "The Red Packet" so it doesn't include the other diff drum half. If "Stickman" appealed to you or if you are a drummer then perhaps you might be able to enjoy listening to this, but it may be a little on the weird side. Check it out.

A quickie tune for welcoming the weekend (updated)
author: johnnok posted: 15 Apr 2005 09:55 AM
Well, messing around with some chords I've never tried and it was all quite random in fact. So from those chords I just did the usual guitar stuff on top and here's a real quick effort. No real planning on this one, but have a listen anyway.

Song name: Hey You

A9 - Gb7sus4 - Gb7 - Gbm7b9 - Gbm5
A9 - Dbdim - Gb7 - Gbm5 - Gbm5
Gadd9#11 - Gmaj9 - Gbm
Fmsus2 - Em - Ebdim - E
Abmadd9 - Bb9b5 - Gb13sus4 - F7b5b9 - B13 - Bb7b5b9
C7sus4 - C7b5b9 - A#msus2 - A#maj9
C7sus4 - C7b5b9 - A#msus2 - A#maj9
Em9 - C7sus4 - Em9 - C7sus4

Well, something like that anyway. If it doesn't make sense, don't worry, I have trouble myself hehe.. Any questions, mail me.

PS - added another short tune, "Fantasy In Blue". Couldn't stop messing with finding weird chords.

Update: Yes, another tune,"My Imagination". Tthis one is a lil more electro-oriented with a twist of jazzy chords and stuff. Just a change from the guitar stuff I've been doing lately. Enjoy! (Don't forget, if you've missed a song, you can grab it at my website, just find the link somewhere below, you can't miss it heh).

Bonus crap: Yeah, since "My Imagination" was a pretty darned simple tune to start off with, I thought I'd be nice and let you guys see how it was done. This was done in Reason 2.5 and requires the "NuHouse" and "Electro Jazz Retro Funk" refills (just for the beats). Be my guest and laugh at the simplicity :) Oh and this doesn't include any mastering, it's merely a guideline to show you how it was done and how the devices were hooked up. The end result [mp3] was processed outside of reason. Any questions? Mail me! johnnok-MyImagination-nonprocess.rps. Please download it before I take it down hehe. You guys better thank me :P

Something new...
author: johnnok posted: 08 Apr 2005 01:34 PM
Alright, here's a new tune entitled Weapons Of The Industry. Feeling a bit random today but what the heck. It doesn't really go anywhere [just ilke most of my other stuff] but I like a few of the riffs and some of the drums. Check it out! If you missed any of my previous stuff, or wanted to download any stuff that was removed from here in order to make space for my new uploads, you can get them from my webpage.

Click here to go to my homepage

PS - is anyone else having a shitty connection with streamyx today? I certainly am. I thought there was a problem when someone mentioned they couldn't download my tune so I checked a few times myself and basically yeah, hella crappy connection but keep trying.

Update: TMNet problems will be resolved between 16-20th of this month, at least that's what I heard through the grapevine. This sucks.

What's new
author: johnnok posted: 28 Mar 2005 11:44 PM
Check out my guitar

Ahh, just to keep you updated with what I'm up to, I've uploaded 3 new clips for you guys to check out, and yes they happen to be more guitar oriented. Just decided for a change as usual. Still loads more stuff to come, just need to decide which tunes to finish first because it's all just one big bunch waiting to get finished and I keep working on new material. For those that have missed out on older stuff, not to worry, I've provided download links to some of them. I'm a little lazy so there's only a fraction of what I have which I have put up there, but it should keep you busy till I churn out new stuff. Have fun and keep listening!

Click here to go to my homepage

Experimental drum track now up
author: johnnok posted: 22 Mar 2005 12:59 AM
This one focused more on drumming aspects, so everything else was just kinda laying in the background being monotonous just as a filler. Track is entitled "Stickman". No, this is not part of A Silent Tribute. This track features coded messages through shortwave radio a.k.a what is now known as the Conet project.

A Silent Tribute - what's that all about??
author: johnnok posted: 19 Mar 2005 09:05 AM
Ok, for starters, A Silent Tribute is just a small side-mini-project I am doing as a tribute to the Silent Hill game[s]. Some are covers and some are original concepts, but they generally have the same elements. If you like the music from any of the Silent Hill games you should check out the releases from Akira Yamaoka. It's brilliant! Anyways, this is my homage to one of my favourite games and also one of my favourite producers/composers.

The 3rd track from this project is from the main theme of Silent Hill itself. At first it was going to be a more mellow version, but since alot of people went for A Silent Tribute I decided to do this one with some heavy guitars [not too heavy though]. I hope you guys leave an open mind for this kind of music, but anyways enjoy it. The 3rd track from this release is aptly named, "Silent Hill" and is a cover.

A Silent Tribute - Tomorrow, not today...
author: johnnok posted: 15 Mar 2005 07:51 AM
Tomorrow, not today.... This is the 2nd track of this mini project. As usual, this is just the idea's for now, so it will all remain W.I.P [works in progress] till further notice. Opinions will be greatly appreciated. I am planning to add lyrics to this, though I cannot say when they will be added in, I shall post about it here when I do. This one is a more mellowed out tune, and ends of kinda weird I guess, couldn't help it. I think in general the overall levels should be *ok*, it won't hurt your ears at least :)

PS - no, this is not like the other tune sorry, will make another one like that if enough people ask.

A Silent Tribute - side project
author: johnnok posted: 13 Mar 2005 03:43 AM
Yes, been a while. Decided to skip on a few things, and now I'm going to start a new project called "A Silent Tribute" and guess what? The first track is also called that hahaha. Anyway, just started two hours ago, if you wanna hear the work in progress, click HERE. It's more on the side of horrific sounding ghastly elements, dark, industrial/ambient/electronic/distorted guitars, etc. I hope I actually stop sitting on my ass and make some progress with everything I'm supposed to be doing. Anyway, enjoy!

PS - if you don't like hearing spooky sounds, then don't listen :), it's pretty much experimental here, just pushing boundaries, not your normal day to day listening material.

Update - I just uploaded 1st version of the 1st track, "A Silent Tribute". Check it out and give me some opinions.
Sorry, I forgot to make it downloadable. It can be downloaded now :P

For those that like classical guitar...
author: johnnok posted: 17 Feb 2005 06:32 AM
Mocking around with classical guitar. if you want to listen to it click HERE. It's a song by Gnatalli called Choro. That's all for now. Sound is a little bit with too much reverb but ah well, it's just for fun :) It consists of two guitar parts.

Boredome strikes again
author: johnnok posted: 15 Feb 2005 02:51 PM
This time, doing covers of two old time song classics. Give them a lilttle bit of modern elements, a lil faster on the bpm. Not feeling that much gravy on the guitar at the moment so it's sloppy but it'll have to do. Hrm. Need to work on finishing my own songs instead of doing covers like I've been recently. *back to the drawing board*

New house remix
author: johnnok posted: 28 Jan 2005 12:20 PM
Stayed up all night to work on a remix by D:Fuse. I have not listened to the original intentionally because I thought it would wreck creativity and that I would base it more on the original tune itself so I just worked with what I had. I think it's simple enough and conveys some emotion. D:Fuse was basically looking to "...inject an element of emotion into your take of "Everything With You" and see what you can create. Reach down deep. Feel something.." and so here is the remix I came up with. I will probably make a habit of doing a cover or remix once per month just to keep in tune with things.

Update: Here's what the original sounds like: Everything With You - D:Fuse - Original Mix

PS - before anyone jumps to any conclusions, please be aware that this is a remix, the original is by D:Fuse for those not paying any attention, I just remixed it with my own flavours. And no, I didn't submit my version into the contest, which ends 12:00 a.m. midnight PST on Monday, March 07, 2005.

Update: Added a lilttle bit more harmonising on the vocals, and fixed one part of a bass melody. Nothing much really, you'll only notice the change with the vocals predominantly.

Added some new stuff..
author: johnnok posted: 26 Jan 2005 07:22 PM
Yep, added "Falling From Your Mouth" and a lil preview of "Le Jeune Funk". If you've missed a tune I've had up here and wanna download it you can get it at my website HERE. Hopefully I can get these other tunes I'm stuck on over and done with cos there's alotta other material I wanna put out. Thanks for wasting your time to listen to it all :)

Just wishing everyone a Happy New Year
author: johnnok posted: 31 Dec 2004 04:05 PM
All the best wishes to everyone at i-bands and have a Happy New Year. I hope you've all made your new years resolutions. Remember, if you're going out, drive safe, party smart, and don't do anything stupid, though I shouldn't have to remind you guys about that :P
Anyways, best of luck for the new years, go out and get laid everybody!

PS - and yes, I have some updates, just check my site for my songs and other junk. There's tons of stuff I haven't put up yet and tons of stuff I've been working on or have just started. I'll be adding more previews and what not, but I know I'll be working on some music tonight :o no partying for me. Sad isn't it..

*update* - please try not to stream the songs you find on my website because it will just buffer. It's best just to click and download it.

Updates and stuff
author: johnnok posted: 26 Dec 2004 09:32 AM
Updated some of the songs [mastering mostly] I'll be uploading them to i-bands soon, but since I haven't just yet, you can grab some tracks that have been through *some* mastering. Just getting them fixed up and doing some adjustments, but there is a possibility that I'll rework over all the songs again anyway. So if you want to download any of the so-called 'mastered' versions of some of my music, you may download them HERE AT MY WEBSITE. Yup, you'll probably also find the other tracks from my side projects. Oh and another thing, please don't rape my bandwidth haha, just be patient if the download is slow. The downloads are on that page, it ain't hard to find, it's titled "My tracks for download" (pretty eash, huh?). I'll be adding more tracks there when my ears hurt less and I get enough rest. ENJOY!

Memories In My Head - 1st mastering session
author: johnnok posted: 25 Dec 2004 07:20 PM
Yes, this is what I'm doing for Christmas hehe. I want to master it so I can include it on my demo whenever I get the chance to compile enough material for it. So if you're curious to listen to what it sounds like now, you can get it HERE. If you are having problems accessing this file, it may be that I'm working on it or actually in the process of encoding a new version of that file. Don't worry though, it will end up being uploaded here on i-bands anyways. Merry Christmas everyone!

PS - I would appreciate it if someone could help listen to it and tell me if it sounds weird on their speakers or headphones, I'm using a shitty pair or old fostex headphones and monitor speakers from 95 which I have problems with alot of muddiness and panning, so if you hear any of these problems or bad sound artifacts please don't hesistate to mail to me and complain. Thanks again!

Extra note: the mastered version has been uploaded so you don't need to download off the link.

New stuff..
author: johnnok posted: 21 Dec 2004 07:47 PM
Well, I guess losing internet access helped to make me more productive. Mostly just messing around with sounds mostly and working on side projects. And so, I've put up two pretty much nonsense tunes up that don't make much sense. Nothing serious, but it shows how bored I was when I couldn't get online haha. The two tunes are "Blow My Load" and "Drummer Itch". I hope they annoy you.

The tunes shall come!
author: johnnok posted: 23 Oct 2004 12:29 AM
Welp, problem here is that I've started too many, and I can't finish them..Well if I do then they'll all come spurting out at once anyway. So I've taken a break and worked on some itty bitty tunes to keep you guys listening to the fresher stuff. Just keep tuned or keep checking on my homepage for news, been busy with the webradio lately too. Once again, if there is a tune you wanted to hear that's not avilable here any longer just send me an email about it I'll put it up somewhere.

Picking up the pace..
author: johnnok posted: 10 Sep 2004 04:04 AM
I think it's high time I picked up the pace and start dishing out some more tunes in different genres. Just testing the water mainly to see if anyone likes what I'm doing. Let's just hope I don't run out ideas heh. Please write to me if you like my stuff, I love getting email [just not spam].

Thanks for those who took the time to listen
author: johnnok posted: 12 Jul 2004 02:16 PM
Yeah, lotsa thanks after I had to chase so many people around just to get them to listen and download, but it seems to have paid off. Muchos gracias! I am in your debt. Sort of hehe. Anyway keep listening, I think I might rotate the material on here every week but I haven't decided just yet, I wanna get more time coverage for people who haven't gotten a chance to hear what's already on here.

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM