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Pulpy Sun
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Sanitized revision
author: ib6ub9 posted: 14 Jul 2004 09:20 AM
Did an update on "This Song Is A Joke". Decided to sanitize the track so it's easier on the ears, hope you guys like it.

The Pulpy One

Yo, what's with the afterglow?
author: ib6ub9 posted: 02 Oct 2004 03:14 AM
Ahhh, the last two songs, so out of place. I guess it's a fresh new sound for most. If anyone likes this kind of music I can keep doing it. As far as I'm concerned it's a mixture of some distorted/melancholic guitars + electronic elements + weird basslines + laid back sounds. Well "What's With The Afterglow" is anyway. Gonna try finishing these tunes and then work on my other side projects. Hope you like :)

Update: This Song Is A Joke
author: ib6ub9 posted: 01 Feb 2005 05:45 AM
Yep, finally got down to to getting rid of some pops and clicks and other stuff. reworked the drums, added more interesting shit. Harmonised the vocals a little more. Added some funk elements. Improved the general sound. I'm pretty sure that it will be worked over again. Have fun listening to it!

Song title: This Song Is A Joke
Genre: Alternative
Notes: Being awake for two days, sat down and strummed some chords, and this is the outcome. A song done in 5 minutes including lyrics :) Appropriately titled I must say :P

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM