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author: adam posted: 16 Jul 2004 11:11 PM
"the quest is to be liberated from the negative which is really our own will to say yes to an instance;is to say yes to all of existance..."

author: adam posted: 14 Oct 2004 04:23 AM
"..the music should always come first.if the words were so important and the music wasnt then people would be doing sold out spoken word tours and music would be secondary but its not cuz the music carries all the emotion..the words just kinda define a little bit where the emotion is some cases when you get a record and deal with subject matter that we deal with ,people go straight to the lyrics and ignore the music..then that would only put a focus on me and im only 1/4 of this project.." -MJK

author: adam posted: 14 Nov 2004 12:53 AM
"Music driven by money deserves to fail." -Chris C.

author: adam posted: 25 Nov 2004 05:08 AM
"some things dont need the thought people give them" - hobbes

author: adam posted: 17 Dec 2004 01:50 AM
Been writing quite a few tracks already but still needs alot of work with the sound quality tho and its not going to be a radio friendly cd i can tell you going to be abit more experimental on this one using more of musical scales tuned to the human energy system.a basic idea of it can be found on one of my post on "spiritual meaning of the notes".not exactly everyones cup of tea..but yeah this is what im interested in and i'd like to share it.hope it turns out alright...hope i dont release some bad karma or some shit like that hehe...peace.

"It frequently happens that in listening to a
piece of music we at first do not hear the
deep, fundamental tone, the sure stride of
the melody, on which everything else is
built... It is only after we have accustomed
our ear that we find law and order, and as
with one magical stroke, a single unified
world emerges from the confused welter of
sounds. And when this happens, we
suddenly realize with delight and amazement
that the fundamental tone was also resounding
before, that all along the melody had been
giving order and unity..."

Rudolf Bultmann

"music is the secret exercise of arithmetic of a soul which does not know it is counting."

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM