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Days To Remember
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About The name is Days to Remember (D.T.R) from Kuala Lumpur. Menace (vocals), Caon (guitars), Cipoi (guitars), Najmi (bass) and Ekman (drums) started the journey of DTR in 2002 studying together in Bangi. Before that, they are just a band having fun and jamming together without a proper line-up. DTR is created by having a bunch of friends with a lot of different influences in music to create sound that rocks. The music can be defined as rock with a tasteful blend of melodic metal, punk riffs and a sing along choruses. In June 2003, DTR produced the first four track demo recorded and released in a very d.i.y style. Then the following year, they managed to put heads together under the label of Bleeding Ear Records and produced an e.p recorded at Artrax Studio in Bangi. The e.p is also consisting of four attractive songs recorded in June 2004. The CD is distributed by Musictrax Sdn Bhd on September 2004. Now, they are still having fun and just a 5 bunch of normal chap hoping to get as many gig as they can and continue to make music that appreciate by others. differences is nothing compared to this..
Members Menace, Caon, Cipoi, Najmi and Ekman
Location Kuala Lumpur
Influences at- the drive in, iron maiden, hatebreed, a.f.i., inflames, snapcase, beastie boys, glassjaw, killswitch engage
Sounds Like metal+punk+ rock+hxc.. all sorts of variety

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM