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Zero Tension
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New song - She Said, He Said
author: zerotension posted: 03 Jan 2005 04:13 AM
Decided to release this piece here, as it didn't quite belong anywhere else. Anyway, it's quite a mellow and chillout tune that works it's way up eventually. I haven't decided whether I'll do anymore changes at the moment cos I'm pretty busy with my other projects. As usual, any likes or dislikes, please tell me, I'd like to hear some feedback.

PS - if you would like to listen to other tracks from my other projects, you can get them HERE. Be advised, the speed isn't that great on my server so be patient. You could always lookup the corresponding artist names you are interested in on i-bands, they are all here. Thanks for listening!

Song updates
author: zerotension posted: 29 Dec 2004 09:28 PM
Messed around with "Eyes of glass" some more. Also tweaked the sound quality of some of the other tracks. That's about it. Now back to my other pet projects hehe.

Updating stuff
author: zerotension posted: 27 Dec 2004 07:18 PM
I've done some mastering on "Pet The Black Mamba". Will finish off "Eyes of glass" soon, just got caught up with other projects. I'll add another post when everything has gone through some form of mastering and some new tunes.

Just another song for another sunrise..
author: zerotension posted: 11 Nov 2004 10:26 AM
Here's another lil song I just started working on this morning. Very chill and relaxing. And yet unfinished as usual. Song is entitled "Eyes OF Glass". Email me if you like what's there so far..

New song updates..
author: zerotension posted: 08 Nov 2004 12:45 PM
I decided that "Pet The Black Mamba" is now basically finished. Apart from that I also thought that I'd add a track I was working on this morning. The new track is entitled "Linger". The drums are crap. Will work on it some more one of these days along with some lyrics and vocals. That's if I don't get sidetracked with another track hehe. Ciao!

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM