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the newer ones.
author: zilch posted: 19 Oct 2004 10:24 PM
just took a listen at the tracks i've up here. and the comments i've received about it. thank you. the feedbacks was rational (and again, i wish i could fix the tracks if i hadn't already lost the source files, silly me). the new tracks in the midst will probably be on a diff account. simply because. "/ i've taken a slightly newer approach with the new ones i'm on, still acoustic but i dont knw. still playing around and seeing what i can do with it. end of november probably. til then. thank you fr the comments aye? adeou

so. this is what it's like.
author: zilch posted: 19 Sep 2004 11:28 PM
sometimes. people wither in boredom outside, they forget to speak and are left with so much to say kept in. they observe much, but are allowed to say only so little. here are the results of what i decided to patch together. the band i'm in, Ephmera is in a pause. our drummer, emmanuel is lost in ireland and justin and i tried to go acoustic with the band. didn't happen. not in the gig circuit at least.(decided to wait fr our drumfellow to come home before putting our heads into anything serious again). so instead, i got involved in diff accumelative and solo projects. and yup. this came to be. decided to pick up a very old guitar left to me by emma, and without knowing two cents worth about chords on strings, decided to make a fool of myself with music. so much fr going all indie. " / so take heed. close your ears, and open your eyes. adeou.

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM