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About noizecricket was formerly known as summergreen, formed in early 2000. started off as 4 crazy kids who'd rather played music than sekolah.. or whateverlah. wan on skin, weq on voice/guitar, kyril on guitar and fizi on bass. for a while, they started to perform at schools, a few little gigs under selayang scene, and a lot of battle which they were never won... or sarcasticly dont wanna win.. or so they said.. whateverlah. Still struggling to make their own music, their early stage always on roots of hardcore despite their wide range of music from grunge to punk to metal. hail to system of a down, nirvana and good charlotte (what a combination!!). but their music influence actually came from local bands and considered butterfingers, servant jamm, bloody mary, and chaise lounge as their heroes (not just spiderman or batmana can be heroes.. er whateverlah).Early 2004, they decided to make their music more serious and make a major changes on their line-ups. well, weq's still on voice, and wan decided to make rooms for shah on skins (well, shah's played better than him.. no offense.. heheh) and take bass as his new mate. kyrill still on guitar, and came along polly, err i mean dj meq's on turntable and ejan on keyboard. at this point they slowly found their music that sounds like hardcore, punk and grunge combined. and so decided to call their grungecore music as their own.. or whateverlah.. anyway, they are still learning and needed comments from anyone who's willing to smash their heads. apart from that, noizecricket is always looking for gigs to play and activities to join in. pls contact us! or whateverlah...
Members wan, weq, kyril, shah, meqx
Location selayang scene
Influences system of a down, butterfingers, nirvana, servant jamm, bloody mary
Sounds Like our own

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM