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Where's Joni
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Our current status
author: potemkin posted: 17 Nov 2004 03:32 AM
Hi there,

This is Alif the bassist for the band... just thought of informing our current status as a band.

Currently, we are very very inactive ... actually 100% inactive because everybody has transport problem getting to jam sessions these day la

for example take Cooper, being in Michigan is a good long flight to the studio and Zaid our beloved lead... he can't promise attending any jam sessions while in vancouver and me Alif well is not that i don't want to jam... but i think being in australia is a bit far to drive... while Audrey is the coolest always and available ready to jam if we are ready...all we need is to pick her up and that leaves joni.... again the timeless question where's joni.... (no man i'm serious no jokes intended) are you in beijing or back in your hometown (forgot what it was called) or in jakarta?

well folks you get the picture... but we still retain our hopes on that slim chance we still get together

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM