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 [WTA] Guitar color problem « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:45 am    Post subject: [WTA] Guitar color problem Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Aug 2010
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Aku ada satu masalah..

customer selalu mintak gitar kaler yang xde dlm stock..

sbg contoh.. bila aku stock LP sunburst orang mintak putih..
bila aku stock kaler putih, org mintak sunburst pulak.. aduyai..

lagi pulak, bila aku amik 2,3 kaler yg berlainan, STILL kaler yang xde tu gak yg diorg nak.. apesal eh mcm ni Question

p/s. sbg org melayu ni, paham2 je la.. 'kalah' bab fund ni.. nak stock 3pcs/model punnnn kena korek tabung.. alahai~~

btw, aku xbley tdo ni... saje2 tny kot2 ade sape yg bleh nujum kan instrument yg bagus utk market.. hehehe

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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sorry nak ckp ar bro
org cam tur sbnr nyer x der niat nk beli pn
Dia cakap cam tu maksud dia -aku x der duit nk beli gtr ko

kalo dia nk beli gtr walo pn pilihan color time tu x der,
dia akn ckp cam ni -bro, boley order gtr yg cam tu tp color ni bla blabla...
bila bley dpt?

tentang nujum tu kna nujum pak belalang ler

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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setuju ngan boyroy...

kes fund tak cukup nak beli gitar haha...

macam si A nak gitar kaler sunburst ... so dia tgk ko ada stok so dia diam je la.. tgk je sambil air liur meleleh...

Si B plak nak kaler putih, so dia tanya la.. ada tak putih... kalau ade, dia diam la... kalau takder, dia tanya lagi... haha...

So kalau dorang tanya... jawab je "ada, berapa mau?"...
untuk menguji tahap konfiden & serius pembeli... "tapi kena order la..." hehe...

remark* not recommended for a good seller... haha
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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tu la psl.. kalo sape2 bole recommend mane2 ahli nujum kan bagus..

the main prob aku ialah, bila stok tu lame sgt kat display wat aku sakit mata.. ye lah, lame2 skru n hardware die oxidized.. so mcm xbest nak jual as baru.. lagi la pulak bila jual online.. nnt selambe je customer ckp brg sekenhen bile brg smpi.. haizzz

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku bukan ahli nujum.. tapi aku rekemen based on ape yang aku suka..

Mostly everybody will choose...

1. Black - Basic color for all especially heavy type of music.
2. Red
3. Sunburt, tobaccoburst, cherryburst etc that have vintage looks
4. White - different type of whites... but not the 'rumah tak siap' looks <- quoted by Jiro.
5. Blue
6. Rockstar / idol's axe color - people tend to choose color based on their heroes axe...
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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dude... 6 color choice tuh macam common basic color yg ada kat kat kedai jer hahaha

neway kau buat perangai woh fat ja..."u tanya nih mau beli ke tak mau, semua stock wa ada, apa lu mau lu cakap" ahahahahah

duit kasi tunjuk dulu~!!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Mar 2005
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Its not easy to sell a guitar through the internet .
All people have is pictures , youtube , harmony central reviews...

There are many guitars that look beautiful online , but look like shit when it comes to real life..
Also , many guitars that look very boring online , but it looks super awesome in real life ..

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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jo...cari la gitar warna purple!! ahaha

ada stock ke?

ooo ada eh?....pastu aku buat diammm jer...ahaha

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