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 sebuah artikel berat....aku pun x phm sgt.... « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:33 pm    Post subject: sebuah artikel berat....aku pun x phm sgt.... Reply with quote

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aku nk share link ni dgn korg suma....dh baca reply kat sini k....

hm...apa pendapat anda?
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Nih dah bace dah...agak lame gak bacenye...tapi aku sendiri pun x semayang (slalu tinggal) huhuhhhuu....
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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kira aku je la yg lmbt ni...ahahaha....
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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agak berat jg la
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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dh bc ke bro roy?

so? apa pendapat....
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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good thing Smile

apa yg aku rasa kan tentang dunia ini selama ini telah terjawab dalam artikle nih.. dan im glad i read this artikle as 1 of answer to all my thinks and questions Smile

article nih senang nak faham kalau kau bole asing kan pemikiran dan jiwa kau..jgn fikir terlampau logic..campur kan 2 subject utama iaitu negative dan positive dalam satu pandangan yg sama...

tapi yg penting terus letak di dalam hati iaitu Allah tetap benar. Article nih banyak hidden skill utk memutar belit kan kefahaman, kerpercayaan dan kebodohan kita.

Smile the whole article is about how they manipulate our mind, weakness, empty soul and life of surrender to the peace.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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artikel ni jgak dh buat aku blank..

tgh pikir apa ak nk keja nnt....huhuhu....

ni suma benedictine order nih....ceit...
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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kau tak bole fikir macam tuh.. itu nama nya meletak kan diri kau dalam kesempitan..dan itu la point sebenar bendedict order..

waktu zaman berubah.. yg penting nawaitu..dan setiap kali solat , doa kan kesyukuran ke atas hidup hari ini dan minta ampun jika apa yg di laku kan sebagai kerja itu salah...percaya la pada ALLAH s.w.t. Dia maha memahami dan maha mengasihani. Dia maha genius.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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mksudnya jgn percaya sgt la artikel tu...

tu la yg aku p.k....kalo kerja,niat kita baik pun xkn xbleh...

sbnarnya..aku bca pun blom hbes...hehe...
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Aku reject kebenaran artikel ni tanpa belas kasihan.
Banyak fakta yang tak betul. Banyak yang cuma bersandarkan circumstantial evidence. banyak yang takde bukti langsung.

Bagi yang beragama Islam, Dajjal dan segala macam perkara Hari Kiamat ialah perkara ghaib. Bila benda yang berkaitan perkara ghaib, tengokla Alquran. Konsep antichrist n benda yang berkatian hari kiamat dalam artikel tu banyak dipengaruhi kupasan dari Bible, n juga sumber2 yang tak diiktiraf Islam. Ayat Alquran pulak sesuka hati ditafsir sendiri, tak tengok pun kitab-kitab tafsir ulama dulu. Amat asing cara tafsiran diorang.

Benda ni boleh jadikan seseorang itu kufur dan tergelincir akidah (sebab 1. percaya kitab-kitab selain Alquran, 2.Percaya kupasan perkara ghaib berdasarkan agama lain, 3. Merasakan Alquran tak lengkap sebab terpaksa rujuk kitab agama lain, 4. Mempercayai perkara yang khurafat)

Nak percaya ada pihak nak kuasai dunia itu tak kisah. Tapi jangan sampai tergadai akidah.

unless proven, conspiracy is just conspiracy.
For those little foofah in the roundabout

"orang yang head banging masa tengah dengar lagu metal akan dikatakan sebagai orang gila oleh orang yang tak dapat dengar muzik tu sedang berkumandang" - Nietzsche
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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itu lah tujuan artikal tu,
memesongkan aqidah,

disebalik dia crita aper yg btl,
dia masuk kan jarum2 halus,
Ini amat bahaya
kpd sesiapa yg x byk fhm tentang Islam,
x brp mendalami al Quran,
x kuat iman,

kesimpulan nya,
mari lah kita lbh memahami agama kesayangan kita,
aku dah baca hbs da artikal tu,
tp no komen la, sbb aku bkn cerdik pandai,
tp dr artikal tu,
aku dapati diri aku perlu lbh mendalami agama aku sndr,
sblm aku terpesong oleh dakyah2 luar.
balik kpd ajaran agama dan laksanakan apa yg perlu,
OrangeMusicStudioShahAlam since2004 call 0123-12345-0 for booking, MarshallTubeMA100&4x12",VS100&4x12", MG100DFX,LaneyTFX3hybrid UK, PeaveyCombo300,Hiwatt300,Hartke2500-2x10",hybridheadHartkeHA3500-Ashdown4x10"cab, SabianB8,StaggDH,PearlExportSeries&YamahaStageCustome,c/w twinpaddle, TamaImperial, IbanezGRX,SDGR, WashburnX10, YamahaRBX,EG303, VantageCustom, BossMT2,BF2,CH1,DD3,DS1, BehringerMultieffect, MegaHalfStack, - Linda
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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orden got the point there Smile

well..if kalau aku..i just put in my heart Allah is the greatest, and all Allah plan can never be ruin.

tapi ada part dalam article tuh yg membuat aku terfikir something is right about "robin hood"...about Imam Mahdi..

we use to live with adat and undang2 and also the education we learn while we growing old day by day.

by what basis that can we know which is Imam mahdi in the future if when people start to talk about this kinda topic, always get rejected..

let say (this is an example) : you know something corrupted and you try to let people know but people dont want to listen to you as much as the goverment it self felt like ure the biggest threat. they will lock u up in so called ISA and stuff.. what if this current situation happen to Imam Mahdi it can we know the real Imam Mahdi when baru introduction sahaja dah kene sangkal..

im not a religious guy or grad from any good university. im not a guy with a paper of diploma or degree or what ever greater after that..

so the question is, does people like me should always been label as cant reliable for all the statement i stated or the think in my mind?

and later it will be back at the original question, how can we approve this is was true? base on what we living on? base on what we learn in the book? base on experience? base on what we feel shit all the time because some people keep on up there and some people dont? base on judgement because we know things but some other dont?

too many judgement upon something and at the end it will lead to arrogant attitude and snobbish act.

i am weak, i admit that, im stupid in certain area as modern human. And what make me look lame is, i am a guy who always think a better guy who living in the city with graduation paper and a stable job with limit time for his own just get updated by living in the box with the computer or television tell him what on is always full of crap. They becoming crap when they cant admit their weakness, cant open their mind for a general discussion, always want to argue to prove he is always right and started to treat other people like crap like other people than his kind is stupid person in the world.

and the genius part of the article is, argue to force people to agree with us is not a good plan. and that is the real conspiracy.

believe it or not i still think the article is great, at least it make me feel good after reading it. It make me feel good about why people must treat the other people like shit, like sort of im higher than u and u should stay down there. People like this is around me and everyday even they are friends i started to hate and care more to hope they will change that kind of stupid attitude...

this is not fairy tale when u have to see the magical and super power baru nak percaya and respect something. what? u want to see another bulan terbelah 2 baru nak percaya? come on guys, we know nothing is great human than Rasullulah. So stop bieng bias because u living good u have to treat other people crap and close ur mind untill u meet the other super mukjizat.

at least try to talk something that make sense dari talk about something close the mind in a split second.

hands down. this is IMHO. Im only a guy who cant prove anything so im ready to be discriminate and be boo what so ever.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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yes...lega aku dgr statement korg ni...huhh...

ak pun bkn la sorg yg alim....aku pun rasa berat jgak nk terima artikel ni...kdg2 aku rasa mcm x logik jgak....

ak dpt link ni masa ak dok kat ward dulu...ada sorg brader yg bg aku....
mula2 dia cerita je...dgr cita mcm x msuk akal...tu dia bg aku link tu...pas kua wad ak pun usha la link yg dia smpai skrg blom habis baca...huhu
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Yang benar tu jelas benar, yang salah tu jelas salah. Problem jadi bila kita campurkan dua-dua ni. Cam broroy cakap, disebalik cerita yang betul, dia selit benda yang salah. Sikit demi sedikit sampai yang baca tak perasan.

by what basis that can we know which is Imam mahdi in the future if when people start to talk about this kinda topic, always get rejected..

asasnya, Alquran, hadis dan juga tafsiran n ulasan ulama yang berautoriti dalam bidang tafsir. Kita tak perlu nak sampai tahu siapa sebenarnya Imam Mahdi. Yang penting, kalau kita ikut ajaran Islam, boleh mengucap, jika kita berada pada zamannya, kita akan jadi tenteranya.

Same goes with Dajjal.Kalau kita ikut agama, amalkan baca n faham awal surah Kahfi, kita akan terhindar daripada fitnahnya. Camtu jugak, Iblis dalam Islam tak pernah nak jadi raja dunia, tak ada hadis (setau akula) yang kata Dajjal tu ada pintu dimensilah, kuncilah, ada ejenlah.

Kalau ada sorang budak yang baru pegang gitar cakap pasal satu fakta gitar yang korang tak pernah dengar, jangan terus tolak. Dengar dulu n kaji betul tidak. Tak kira betapa otai pun kita, jangan ketawakan dia.
Camtu jugak, kalau ada otai gitar cakap pasal fakta gitar yang baru, dengar je dulu n kaji betul tidak. jangan terus sebar lak kat orang lain. Then bila ada orang kata benda tu salah, kita lepas tangan kata otai yang cakap.

Sama macam benda ni. Nak tau boleh terima ke tak sesuatu perkara tu, tengok sumber. Tak salah nak lontar pendapat, tak salah nak dengar pendapat seseorang, walau siapa pun dia. Tapi jangan terima bulat2, or tolak mentah2 tanpa kaji dulu betul tidak benda tu.
For those little foofah in the roundabout

"orang yang head banging masa tengah dengar lagu metal akan dikatakan sebagai orang gila oleh orang yang tak dapat dengar muzik tu sedang berkumandang" - Nietzsche
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Ooo..bagus betul la korg.. skang aku dah paham dah....
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