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 Korang x rasa Perhimpunan Umno tahun ni over ke? « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:52 am    Post subject: Korang x rasa Perhimpunan Umno tahun ni over ke? Reply with quote

Joined: 27 Oct 2009
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Location: 3rd floor of Heaven

aku bkn ada pape grudge dgn mane2 parti politik. tp pasal bnde2 ni abes sudut2 berita dlm newspaper penuh dgn cite2 dorg je..

bosan aku..

seolah2 dlm mggu ni xde pape yg trjadi kt rakyat jelata. kalo tgk berita utama kt tv3 kul 8 mlm tu lg la hampeh, xde lgsung cite tentang masalah rakyat. asik2 Umno Umno Umno.

ape pndapat korang, yg secara umumnya tgk tv or baca paper tiap2 ari?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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aku takde TV...aku layan ibands 18 jam sehari ahaha

kalo baca paper aku beli kosmo...baca part F1 (padahal sama je yg kat internet...ahaha) pastu aku kumpul satu sudut
esok baru aku baca citer lain... Razz
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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tv mmg la bro....tu suma media pro umno....dorg sentiasa membackup kerajaan...paper2 tertentu pun sama...

cuba pembangkang silap sikit je...dok mencanang kat tv3 tu x hbes2...

ak ni x tgk tv...hidup aku hnya dlm bilik...dan internet...dan juga gitar
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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tak berminat aku dgn politik nih semua..malas nak tgk, malas nak ambik tau.. derang je paksa aku cakap ini semua tanggungjawab rakyat..malas aku tanggungjawab macam nih..hidup aku lagi tenang je tanpa derang..

malaysia tak maju? malaysia mundur? malaysia tak dpt saing negara luar? itu semua bukan masalah aku...korang kerajaan yg nak sgt semua bende tuh buat apa..bagi aku..negara aku tak perlu bersaing dgn memana negara pun...sbb negara aku best dah...tanak aku jadi cam negara lain.

dan juga.. malaysia takda bangunan tinggi la...tecknologi itu ini la....itu pun masalah korang org politik kuat..bukan masalah aku..bukan masalah aku.. aku kalau bole nak duduk kat kawasan takda langsung bangunan lebih tinggi dari 2 tingkat..dan byk gila kawasan bole parking kereta tanpa nak kene bayar harga parking macam harga gaji aku kerja sejam..

yg penting kawasan tanpa pencemaran..jauh dari jenayah..dan hidup bermasyarakat...maksud aku BERMASYARAKAT bukan BERPOLITIKAN~!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku rasa golongan2 mcm ni la yg mmbuatkn org2 muda mcm kita ni makin x minat dgn prkembangan semasa yg ada kt dlm Malaysia ni. dh tu nk buat camane, xde 1 pn sumber berita yg melaporkan berita yg sebenar-benarnya.

berita harian kalo leh tiap2 ari nk hentam PKR, PAS, DAP & yg sewaktu dengannya, paper alternatif pulak mcm Harakah, Suara Keadilan pn sama x abes2 kata itu salah, ini salah. suma tunding menunding kt satu sama laen, last2 sape yg btol2 prihatin kt masalah rakyat?


sedihnya masalah kt Malaysia ni. aku x paham knapa org2 kita, x kira bangsa, xleh brsatu. last2 negara ni brpecah belah. kn ke kita ni smua org Malaysia?

time generation anak cucu kita pulak nk idop nnt, masih ada ke tanah yg kita leh pggil Malaysia?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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apa kata hg lyn channel malaysia kini kat youtube...ak x igt sgt btol ke name dia cmtu....rasa2nya tu neutral kot...dua2 dia hentam...huhu...

try usha sini... [url][/url]

blog yg membangkang dengan fakta...
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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thats the magical thing about media...
are just born yesterday or what?
no matter whether politic or not... that's their mumbo jumbo thing to do...
it all about money... rating... it a business after all...

you want an honest, not profitable thing? do it yourself and see how long you gonna last... or can you even start it out?

everything has its yin yang... don't expect everybody will provide you all of the good things all the time...
everything has it own good side and bad side... what really matter is how you process and the way you look at it....
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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unfortunately there's only a tiny ciput small percentage of people who realize this matter (media as the cibai tool for politicians).
like what u said Eternal, even if we try to forward this matter into neutrality, probably none can even make a start.

tp kita xleh langsung jd rakyat yg ignorant, kn? at the very least while we're ranting bout it here, ada jgk la org2 yg mmbaca n timbul kesedaran dlm diri sndiri utk menilai idup ni.

incik salammmm, aku slalu jgk baca malaysiakini tu, bkn ape, nk dptkn pandangan alternatif. dorg slalu amik pndangan dari pihak yg menuduh n yg dituduh, which is 1 bnda yg aku rasa baik dlm melaporkn berita. tp yg sedihnya, tggu masa jela smua krew editorial kene ISA, pasal brani bg pndangan brlainan.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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tu la aku pun nyampah dgn media2 ni...
asik citer politik je...
takde ke citer2 pasal muzik ke, gig ke, studio ke, i-bands ke...
syok skit!

hahahaha... mencarut la aku ni!
lari lah....
> facebook
> youtube
> my-mic
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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itu la pasal, camne la gitaris or musicians kita nk dikenali kalo xde sape nk tonjolkan.


wlaupn mmbosankan tp aku tetap syg negara ini dan penduduk2nya skali. (konon patriotik la tu)
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Aku baca sinar harian. murah n quite neutral. kalau online malaysiakini ngan themalaysianinsider.
Ala, siapa pun jadi kerajaan mesti media sokong dia. nak cari duit.kenalah camtu.
For those little foofah in the roundabout

"orang yang head banging masa tengah dengar lagu metal akan dikatakan sebagai orang gila oleh orang yang tak dapat dengar muzik tu sedang berkumandang" - Nietzsche
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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oRden wrote:

Ala, siapa pun jadi kerajaan mesti media sokong dia. nak cari duit.kenalah camtu.

sedih kn realiti idup ni.. hahaha!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku tgk setsunarx ni asik bukak topik psl politik je... Razz
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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eh, bkn la. hahaha...

aku tgh bosan sebenanye ni, sementara nk tggu exam start.

aku x suka politik, kotor. tp nk x nk, idop kita dikawal oleh politik. tujuan aku ni supaya nk ngajak kite smua same2 pkirkn sejenak tntang ape yg brlaku disekeliling kita arini. tu je..

kn ke bile kita dpt bnyk input dri kwn2 forumer ni akan meningkatkn prsefahaman sesama insan?
cewah2 ayat aku... Laughing

tp kalo sesapa rasa aku ajak bncang artikel2 yg menghasut, delete je la thread ni, xnak aku kene ISA kang. hahaha!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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semua orang nak duit... nak untung...
cuba fikirkan balik... kalau takde orang support, takde orang beli...
takde nye dorang teruskan benda2 camtu...

itu semua permintaan market... makcik2, pakcik2, abang2 MLM kereta sport.. suke cite2 camtu... kena la letak.. datuk2 pun suke...

As a businessman, there is no such thing as doing things for fun or for own satisfaction.. its all depends on the customer itself. The customer always right as long we get paid.. LOL...

as being neutral myself, even the opposition are not that 'clean'.. in effort or journalism. Please dont simply trust whatever you read. You have the mind to process it then use it. Even when they claim that they did not done it because of profit, i still dont believe in 'charity'. no such thing as free thing.
Please do something to achieve something (selfishly). either for fame, glory, satisfaction, profit, grudge. etc)
As i state in previous post (i cant remember where). Writers will tend to glitter and bend story to their liking. sometime to make the story easier to be sold, the will tell whatever you want to hear...

Mr. Setsuna, please assist be clear, are you complaining on media credibility, political agenda or some other things? so that all the guys clear and make give a correct discussion. tQ
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