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 How to expose your band/music work in wider range? « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:19 am    Post subject: How to expose your band/music work in wider range? Reply with quote

Joined: 14 Feb 2007
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Ok guys.. this topic kinda get seriously knocking in my head since few days ago.

lets talk crap first.

dulu..once upon a time.. Myspace is the best alternative way to promote your band. Its the biggest factor of modern music band get well known and being noticed. Since 10 years ago, there is like million band came across the world thru myspace, and the fact giving good traffic to the website it self and a good crap people who like to spam that leads to end of it era.

then Facebook came out and being popular among people who love to socializing in the net. But there is no option given to the band like myspace music did. Eventually now in our local scene or industries or maybe virtual social networking are more up to date with Facebook rather than Myspace which is the bad thing for who still stuck in myspace or maybe a younger kids who just establish their band hard to get fan or being heard in the range of local capacity.

Now the social networking is getting bigger, in band it self now have ,, used to have amp.channelv , used to have band page and more to be discover. But it seems not work very fluently as some of people like to spent more time looking at chicks picture in facebook, updating his/her wall status with flashing activities and stuff.

Ok, the real picture now infront of me is, how to set your band or song get know widely at least in your local area.

Professional method shall be done by submitting to radio for band or artist who already make an effort to record in professional studio for better playing quality to played on air. But that would be sound so mainstream and involving alot of money at the most. And also the biggest factor of alot band/song that deserve to be on air are DONT KNOW HOW TO SUBMIT THEIR MATERIAL to respective person in-charge of collecting valuable records.

Quit talking about some people in the radio are taking advantage by asking for ransom or under-table envelope. Sometime the place need a price. But there is part of band it self need to quit talking about royalty, copyrights and stuff as i believe the first stage of promoting to get know first, if you just want to make money at all in the first wave, that should be hard as people dont even know you, and appreciation come later when they love you.

Get expose in via media, magazine, television show, chart show, newspaper, and alot more. This stage is quite big to be earn, there is only if youre well notice by the writer or youre connected to the writer. Bias, cronyism are well picture since stone age. So it is u to decide which path you want, to be respected or to be such a cheap guy who need attention. But both way never a mistake or a wrong way, to walk the talk always need an action, rather take what ever offer than just being held because of egoistic epidemic.

Playing live show is the best after all, the old school way, but it seems now the rivalry Underground VS Mainstream had taken the place on the effect of today scene and industries. Some crap people would like to boycott indie scene while the others just being the fire stone. Vice Versa!! never have an end only on 1 side, it always both to be blame. So today we see there is less gig in our own town, less crowd to come and support even it is free concert. See what your old brother did? f**k this and that, now the new age kid cannot get an experience watching live band instead of youtube.

So now comes to the climax part, where are all this supporting attitude of our 1Malaysia ??

Just keeping to yourself is not a good attitude, if the song are good or maybe the band is your friend, at most please to share it with others. 10 years ago yes, its sooo lame to go 1 to 1 persons just to tell them about the band u just heard. But now facebook, twitter, myspace, all share the sync feature of update status. Its not that crap to share with people what u just listen.

"Everybody want to change the world, but no body want to die" - MCR - Na na na

So now i dont want to write a longer article because it gonna be a big complaint / sigh / tired of promoting band.

Do share with the rest of us, how to promote our band / music more effective that can make the scane hype again like it used to be.

Im not a guy who good a social networking, the button "suggest to friend" already been push, and already come to end of friend list, but still the band / music didnt get know widely. To see some new band manage to get fans,friend turboly massive, so how they do it? Please do share the trick.

and if people who in here know how to submit our music work to radio, please share with us.

p/s: i admit im out of idea how to promote the band and music.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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Jiro..nice to ve ur luahan perasaan here... Razz

aku suka topik nih...
sometimes aku terfikir kenapa band2 kita susah nak dapat tempat even di tanah tumpah darah kita sendiri...? why?

hmm...utk kasi masuk radio eh? yg aku tau pergi sendiri la kat stesen radio...n get the deal...mcm XFM (a.k.a xfresh) ada ruang utk submit songs kat website diorang

...kalo hot FM ke Era ke...rasanya better kena jumpa diorang sendiri...
Wink Wink Wink
gudluck to u n rXf...
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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thanks bro..

now aku baru tahu xfm bole submit via net Very Happy

thanks Very Happy~!
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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huhu xde hal...
ait bukan ko dah tau ke?hmmm

apa lagi...mata2 kuala lumpur satuu!!! ahaha
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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tak boleh submit la bro..asik fail je..huhuhu Sad

hantar guna email pun dapat balik mailer deamon...huhuhu failed~!
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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Jiro wrote:
tak boleh submit la bro..asik fail je..huhuhu Sad

hantar guna email pun dapat balik mailer deamon...huhuhu failed~!

huh baka!!
ahaha nape la website2 kat mesia ni kdg2 x leh harap!! ahaha
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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kalo yg ni bro...mcm menarik...huhuhu
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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ok thanks bro Smile

kau nih betul betul master of korek laaa..hehehe thanks.. Very Happy

masahlah dgn XFM tadi dah ok dah..

cuma part kat submit tuh...collum utk biografi tayah tulis panjang..kasi link page sudah...dia jadi sbb ada problem dgn .ASP ... dia ada limit charter utk collum tuh..cuma XFM tak nyata kan limit nya berapa Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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Wink ...huhuhu gudluck!!
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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aku rasa ko kena suruh iqeat tonggek kat major label.. la..
kasik jalan... hahaha

takpun buat scandal..
'Jiro bercinta dengan bini orang'... hahahah
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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well said Jiro! tahniah atas sebuah artikel yg mmg tepat dlm scene music tempatan.... ada a few points yg ko mention yg aku nak elaborate skit...

aku ingat lagi zaman underground dulu, ramai budak2 form band untuk BERKARYA... they don't give shit about royalties n stuff like that, but it's an additional bonus (kalau dapat la). Ade tu sampai tolak offer utk go mainstream and prefer to stay underground (masa tu mmg wise choice la sbb scene underground sangat kuat). The main objective is - they just wanna get their music HEARD!

dan disebabkan semangat musicianship mereka yg kental ni, ade la golongan2 corporat dan keparat yg take advantage atas the sincerity of the bands... Offer mereka gigs, dapat crowd beratus2 org tapi sikit pon takde nak bagi saguhati pada band (mentang2 bands sanggup main free)... Offer recording deal, dapat untung album sales, tapi royalty tak bagi kat band, kalau bagi pun cipuut je... Dalam kes ni BANDS adalah mangsa...

then skarang ni pulak, ade trend baru... Band pulak yang DEMAND! padahal baru setahun pisang... mentang2 baru balik perform kat Batam, then bila main gig kat kampung halaman sendiri pon nak mintak payment. Kalau bawak crowd yg berbayar takpe la jugak... dah la datang berlenggang mcm rockstar! Dah takde keikhlasan band tu punya semangat utk berkarya, cuma semangat utk main gig je. Ade plak tu cuma ada 1 lagu sendiri je, yg lain main lagu cover! WTF??

kalau organizer zaman dulu, skali buat gig crowd yg datang beratus2, untung mmg tak hingat punya... tapi zaman dulu gig cuma dua bulan sekali, kadang2 tu 5-6 bulan sekali baru ade gig, mananya tak pack?!! Mesti la budak2 kemaruk nak dtg, kan? Skarang ni, every weekend ade gig, pastu siap clash, on the same date, ade sampai 5 gigs berjalan kat venue berlainan! Camne nak dpt crowd ramai?? In the end, gig tu jadi "bands watching other bands perform" gig! Dalam kes ni, ORGANIZER jadi mangsa...

bila jadi senario gig mcm di atas, so mula la trend gig "pay-to-play"... Band yg demand boleh "fukk off and die", sbb byk lagi band baru yg sanggup bayar utk main gig. Pada mula aku mcm rasa it's an insult to the bands, tp lepas dgr view dari organizer sendiri, i think it's not such a bad idea la -- dgn syarat yuran penyertaan tu tak melampau! at least collection cukup utk organizer bayar sewa venue, backline, etc... ada untung skit, at least belanja la budak2 band makan ke hape ke...

lagi satu, kalau tak mampu nak organize gig besar, jgn panggil band2 headline! ini tidak... collect yuran dari band2 mentah, pastu duit collection tu buat bayar band2 besor, konon nya "otai" / headlines band! eh butuh la wei! kalau band headline tu bawak crowd yg berbayar takpe la jugak... ni bawak pelir masing2 pastu main mcm gampang, haram tak best! Enjoy lagi tgk band2 baru perform! In the end, organizer bankrupt, ade yg sampai pocket dried-out terus!

Malu la skit dgn budak2 junior... the so called "otai" ni la yg rogol scene music kita, then the next generation mewarisi scene yg fukked up! "Aku dah tua, dah ade anak bini... tak kan datang jauh2 semata-mata nak main gig free?" kalau mcm tu just ini je nasihat aku: "Get a fuckin' DAY JOB!!" hahahhaaha....

so in the end, ding-dong ding-dong.... both bands and organizer should sit down and think, how to make the scene better... nak balik ke zaman old school mmg dah tak boleh la (since the internet lagi cool dari fanzines, demo tape, etc..)

ntah la.. aku rasa mcm dah off topic la pulak!
hahahah dan seperti biasa, aku tau menyalak je,
tapi takde solution! hahahahahah


lariii je laaa mcm ni.....
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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one way is to make sure that you have your music on all the popular music sites. view this as if you're making your CD available in all music outlets. so if we're talking about wider exposure and accessibility of your music, then this is pretty much logical.

all of the Online Music Distribution site (OMD) - like i-bands, is your outlet.

Radio Air play. from my experience, knowing the radio presenter will help. but it doesn't mean that you can submit crap to them and expect them to play your song on air. There must be quality. Production quality is one of the components but the overall song is important too. basically if they don't like it, then you won't be hearing your songs on air anytime soon.

Assuming you have production quality, and you think you have a good song, then go on a submission tour. visit the station. make arrangements to meet up with the program manager (if possible). Tho most of them would ask you to just submit via email or snail mail, but just give it a try first.

Nowadays "indie" bands are abundant. Similar to myspace, youtube, and other social networks, it's flooded. it's hard to get noticed. same thing if you're developing application for iphone. it's not easy to be in the top 10 listing. you may argue that you have better "product" than the currently popular ones but the fact still remain, you're not on the top list.

so how to get to the top list?

aku pun taktau sial Laughing

I'm testing some strategy. marketing shit lah. so, if it works, then i'll share it with you guys. otherwise there's no point me talking crap.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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Pakzid....saya setujuuuu!! saya mesti piley!! Razz

Grymboss!! - cool tips!..
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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ok skarang sudah cool down dan lebih rasional...
merujuk kepada topic asal...

kalau korang ade band, ade proper material...
maksud aku proper material tu:
stuff yg agak2 layak utk air-play kat radio la...
in terms of sound quality... the song itself is subjective...
(sendiri mau ingat la, jgn la submit rekoding jemming pakai walkman)

kalau nak try submit ke Rock Selamba,
PM aku utk no phone DJ K-Roll...
dia pon dok carik gak band utk di muatkan dlm segmen RS...

tapi ye lah... in return dia bukan mintak duit pon...
but at least tolong sama promote segmen RS la...
dan dia cuma mintak kita rajin2 la dengar siaran dia...
tu je heheheh...
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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thanks guy for the positive respone Smile

+10 buat deadzid...betul la tuh zid...apa yg kau hurai kan tuh.. aku paling tak boleh terima in 1 day ada 5 gig in different avenue.. come on man..KL nih bukan nye besar sgt.. nih buat gig kroni kroni..pastuh bayar ok la, aku willing to pay to show support, but kalau sekali 5 tempat nak pegi, tokeh babi pun bengkok.

+10 Boss Ajeep.. Productive side, buat dalam compact disc.. good idea, cuma biasa la dalam band, lain kepala lain pandangan, ada yang kata main gig dulu tgk market baru buat disc...ada plak sebalik nya..tapi apa pun usaha itu satu perjalanan, dari tak berjalan langsung kan?

ok la.. aku cam ada idea..but tatau bernas ke tak..

aku nak buka satu thread sebagai jalan alternative which macam concept band spam, tapi this is more to like glosarry, any body can promote any band provide with picture and link of the band site or any site yg bole dengar material derang. NO OFF TOPIC OR CHIT CHAT as kalau bole nak jadi kan macam archive at least when come the time derang terlintas, "ohhh band aku ada gak orang dengar".. so ini juga satu sikap memberi semangat utk derang lebih bergerak dan tak putus asa macam setengah band, alih alih padam. Ini juga membantu kita tracking band dari era zaman tahun bila dan bila. We make it simplest as it can be. Kalau tak support orang negara sendiri, at least support kawan kawan pun jadi la, kalau support kawan pun macam berkira, support adik abang sendiri. Kalau darah daging sendiri pun berkira, haa support la band korang sendiri.

Hope king korek dapat bermain peranan.

dan juga..kalau la i-band yg sendiri buat compilation disc band band dalam iband nih pun cun gak..

yer la..dalam band sendiri, memasing kekadang nak donate buat hard cover cd pun nih kita buat few band in the list, each band donate to publish it. Think for no profits first, think for the good of community, at the most pun with the selling money boleh buat t-shirt ke, upgrade iband ke.. wouldnt it be nice?

apa pun nih idea aku yg mungkin akan di sangkal. but thread tuh aku akan terus kan juga.. i cannot just sit around to see my local scene dead.
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