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 Build My Own Mixing Room Project by Jiro « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:11 am    Post subject: Build My Own Mixing Room Project by Jiro Reply with quote

Joined: 14 Feb 2007
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Location: Shah Alam

After a decade convincing my dad to give me a space for me to build a better environment for mixing are now approved. To whom already come working some project with me sure know how small the space i got for mixing and more annoyingly is i share the space in my dad home office, plus im stuck very end of the wall wit all of cabinet and some construction stuff. Supposed i want to treat in my own room up stairs, but to considered as all the room was near to each other, so my dad said it would abuse the harmony of family privacy day and night. (But i'm bit pissed off when my brother using that room for his green/blue screen for video editing Mad ).

So yesterday, me, my dad and one of his worker already measure the space and buy some plywood to install a new wall. The new room will a lot disappointment to me because of my dad dont want to remove the glass sliding door and replace with a brick. So i got no choice but to accept which i look at the bright side it is much better than the little room im in now (really little, jamban size, and no privacy as people keep walking behind me all the time). Better this than nothing right? So lets DIY.

So this is how my room measurement (sorry for the bad drawing, using paint, i got no other software)

So now the real deal is, this is my FIRST TIME doing this kind of project. I admit i am zero knowledge at acoustic or any other subject that related to it and this project. So i need alot of advise, suggestion, tips, maybe DIY instruction like building own acoustic panel and bass trap, info where to buy those item like rockwool (or maybe better ready made panel and trap, if they selling it with reasonable price), how to install and apply those panel, and sharing experience for those who already done this kind of thing before.

I already go thru google and a lot of forum and website of audio, acoustic, room designer, but yet im just get 20% of the idea. Im a slow learner when it comes to reading.

My plan.

OK.. i go thru some website, and im lingering longer in because they enlighten me better in visual, dimension, purpose, alternative solution and so on. So i found something that tweak my heart faster, the plan suggested :

So the picture above is what i get in primacoustic.. and im liking the plan idea as it was so near as how my room gonna be in future. And i like the 3rd from the left plan idea. What do you guys thing?

The reasons why im not chose the 2nd idea from the left is because

1) my right side will got a glass sliding door, which i thing is really not the best as because the 1st idea from the left mention it would shift imaging due to the reflection to one side.
2) my room is down stair, and behind the window is side walk, people always walk there to masjid and kind of main road for those who walk, so i dont want they break the glass just to get my stuff using hand, even i got it grilled. Still give the thief a lust and idea more how to break into my house.

Maybe on the glass sliding door area i will put a thicker curtain or fabric to isolate (i dont know if im using a right word) the sound from feedback from those glass. My 2cent, i dont have the main idea, but the basic i was thinking is like the curtain on the theater stage.

**anyway i dont want to jump so fast, i got a question...

1. Where can i buy rockwool? And how much is the price? If any seller out there read this, please do PM me.

2. Or Maybe a ready made panel? (only go for reasonable price)

3. i get it how to build own bass trap, but the only thing i dont get it is how do u install or attach it on the corner of your wall? Nailed it to the wall? hang it? seems like its hard to google how to install it.. hope someone can share me their idea with me.

4. but my head already thinking about alternative like foam, but do i need it in my project? if do, where and how to apply? enlighten me please.. other question at the moment

So i will update my progression day by day, tomorrow we will start to build the wall, and i will update with a real picture, and maybe redrawing the plan using better software like adobe illustrator. After all, you guys can start advise, suggesting me with more idea and to make me get more understanding to finish up this project Smile

DAY 1 we should star..but its only 9 am and the captain not even wake up yet, and his worker not coming yet. But just want to share how i imagine my plan should work and it finish according to plan. Last night after do alot of reading in and they all suggest me to sketch the plan learn how to use google sketchup and made few angle how my room should end with.

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We start all the work around 11am, and the worker didnt show up (ergh..).. not much today, being a carpenter not really as fun as i think especially when the sun is at the top of your we try to finish the frame for the wall and the main entrance door, i know from the picture the frame is look soo much different from what it supposed to be.. and i know why...because my dad dont want the on the other side of the wall look plain, he want to make some modification in pole placement in the wall frame, which if i caculate back, the inner of the wall is not anymore 4" air gap, but 2.5" and 4" and back to 2.5" (Interlaced)... and the size of the gyproc and plywood for the outside wall need to be cut short 2" on both wide side left and right. (I hate sawing even with machine)..

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Anyway today i do more research about how many acoustic panel i need? i afraid if im over excited, and apply too many of it, my room will be dead.. as much as i concern, i cannot treat the ceiling with cloud as i got fan, (well i still dont afford to buy air conditioner, maybe end year, too much GAS this year)....

If you guys can see in my sketch plan, i put 2 panel on each angle left and right, or is it better just to put straight 3, keep it packed on the speaker level?? As i read in some where, they said just apply as many as you can, and also i see alot of photo there is like alot of them using massively... i need an advise on this too... Smile


Well...on day 2 nothing much in the progress... seems like we all get it measure wrong and keep on forgetting things that need to do.. so we take out the last time pole and put in the main frame. Nothing much else to say for today just around 5pm i fall asleep...and thats make the work stop for today..but the best part is all the parts like wall, pole, little frame, door frame...all already done, so maybe tomorrow we can speed up as only need to assemble things to the place it should be Smile

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Still in the progress to bring up the wall.. for each detail need to be so specific to combine 2 type of outcome on 2 both different side....on the side out side of the room, my dad want to make it more ethnic design, which in the inside i just need a plain wall. So the air gap inside already reduce to 2" ...and i voice up my suggestion to install wool inside the wall and been approve by my dad .. (i dont know why kinda got a great feel against wool, he said not good for health some like that)... but i will just bring up the wall first...later when i got enough wool, i will open the wall and install it in.. nothing much, this is the progress we came to.

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Today, we finish all the frame work, and check if anything was right and done correctly. So we install the wall, the part was " 1" Gyproc > 1" Plywood > 2" air gap > 1" Plywood > 1" Gyproc" . Why Gyproc on the outside? It is because the material is easy to paint on, easy to screw anything later like panel, frame or any interior item like switch.

One side of wall finish.. the next stop should be finish the other side and total close up all of it. Then we gonna paint it first, while on it, on Monday i will call CSR Asia for purchasing acoustic rockwool. Basically we will install the rockwool inside the wall. All i need is a 6pcs of 2" 2' x 4' . Then be hoping can finish the door frame and install the door ASAP. Then re-planning on rewiring new power outlet for that room.

I know it is a slow moving progress, but the time we spent slowing for each detail, i could say its worth it, all the frame and wall are tightly done.

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DAY 5,6,7

Sorry guys for a very late update and reply.. kinda got some other stuff need to be done as well.. geez...

1st MAY
On the 1 May.. we got nothing much to do as everybody was home once as a family we do more family things on that day.. We go surveying stuff for the table, speaker stands, sofa bed, curtain and stuff more..

2nd MAY
The next day, my dad catch a fever, so he need more rest and stuff..while he resting, i just need to do some simple job on the progress like paint white code color and syelek (i dont know what the word in English and how it spell). Cut some more plywood and gyproc for other open area on the top and bottom of the wall. And the rest of the day im out again.

3rd MAY
Today we continue our progress very slow as my dad still not fully recover, but i can see his spirit Smile .. I did make a call to CSR to enquiries about rock wool. Seems like its getting hard as they transfered my call to 3 different department, and at the end i got the answer "I cant provide you the price as im not the one who decide the price for sell, you need to contact our marketing in charge", my response "how and which number can i contact any of them?", she answered "currently none of them are in today, can you email them and i believe they will email you the catalogue" .. so did the e-mailing and still waiting for the answer, hope they reply within 48 hours, if not i need to get an alternative to owned a wool. If i buying a ready made panel, that makes me getting less panel. So i stick to DIY it.

We continue finish the wall job today...closing up some open area.. double check if everything seal tight and no gap. Checking area so can re-wire for installing electrical stuff inside the room, and not much of it..

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Suddenly the question came out from my mouth to my darth vader..

Young Jedi "When can we install the door, dear lord"
Darth Vader "Shhhh~ Shhh~ we need to paint Shhhh~ the room Shhh~ first.."

So to more, hope something more than this 3 days will be happen..


Ohhh so today the progression not according to the plan again... we forget about painting the room, we install the door first... and we out of plywood and gyproc for above the door part.. so just install the door and clean up some stuff as my mom already nagging about the dirty dust and stuff... and i had to go out to find present for my mom birthday this coming Sunday and for Mother days Smile so not much of the update..

and yeah i still didnt get the reply from CSR... so guys... i really need option on where to buy a rock wool? does ACE hardware or DIY got wool for sale ????

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Really really sorry for a delay in the progress...i got a tight schedule last few days and try to finish the out side part of room ASAP coz my mom already bla bla bla dirty, dust, ugly, new furniture and so on so on... so today i got little time before out for some audition, i finish to seal with chalk every gap and coding color the wall as tomorrow im really really gonna paint the room. Still bad news, i didnt get a time to survey or make a different call in searching for wool...haiyaa..why la so hard to get a wool... and here i update some few pic for the progress and how the outside of the room look like.

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DAY 10 and 11

OK...late update..busy..super busy... so we get back to the track on last Saturday... in the early day, we going to IKEA to buy some table top, bed sofa and some misc item. So the delivery will come on the next today with the help of my brother, we paint the room. Nothing much, paint and syelek some wood material. Paint the wall turquoise (i believe) and the exit door red from the outside. We finish around late evening, so need the whole night to wait for all of it to dry before we can continue. Do some clean up, and out for family dinner. End of the day.

The next day, once done, we install the electric power. And I start to unplugged all the computer from the all room and transfer to the new room. Install the table, we custom it a bit. Bring other stuff into the room, install back everything and try the room how the sound should be. Just test it out using my altec lansing as i didnt get yet my Yamaha HS50.

At first it is really feel awkward, feel different and its really true, the low end are supermassive. I readjust my woofer bass, and test with audio check from 10hz to 200hz. Maybe im using the altec lansing, so from 10hz - 30hz are so not notice able, and from 130hz to 160hz abit lost. The room feedback / reverb ...well i cant say much, it something i had to deal with with this dimension of room. After all i said to my self "i really really need to do more homework to get used with this new room, its totally feel different"...

The later i install new sofa bed, this and that, dinner, continue, take shower, continue to test the sound. Yeah, after install sofa bed, put curtain on the window, and some few stuff like coffee table, the sound are way better than before. Now i can feel the low end and bass are controlable, mid spike up and high freq crispy. I kind like the sound, something like my old room but way better and wider sound (as last time the space are too small so kinda feel not so wide). Try play some movie, well hahaha NICE...

So about the wool and acoustic panel, i just got a great news from Dwayne, (he is very helpful buddy, honest and educate me alot) , he can help me to get it. Smile So i will continue later, once i got my wool Very Happy

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DAY 12

At last, and at last Smile

I just got my rock wool last Sunday (29/05/2011) and thanks a lot to Dwayne from Redpocket Studio that helping me to purchase a couple of packs of rock wool and not just that, he volunteer to send it to my place...[size=150]REALLY REALLY BIG OF THANK YOU FOR YOU DWAYNE[/size] Very Happy soo soo much Very each package got 6 pcs of rock wool with the size of 2ft x 4ft x 2inches and 60kg density. Total for 3 beg is 18 pcs of rock wool.

Ok, it is a busy week, band practice for show, playing games, working bla bla bla list goes on, and on Tuesday, im going to Jakel sec 7 Shah Alam to buy a roll of fabric. [size=150]AND LUCKY AGAIN !!!![/size] JAKEL now got SALE...yay~ and with little money left, i just bought a normal cotton fabric just for RM3 per meter. ...well im not really a guy who always buy fabric, so i dont if that is super cheap or not but for me..that is super cheap Smile ...Bought about 40 meters...

So the next day, Wednesday.. around evening time as need to borrow my father truck to go buy some wood... Bought around 14pcs of wood with 12feet length each of them....price around RM10 per pc...bought it in Section 19 Shah Alam, there is MyDIY warehouse...i think it is a new building..

Reach home and i cant wait to do the work, so me and my dad take out our toys....i try to make 2 first... and i take around 3 hours to finish those 2...well, to cut the wood just take around 10 minutes, to screw and become frame 10 minutes...and to staple the fabric to the frame take around 1 and a half hour.....f**k GILA advise...get a proper stapler gun and a proper stapler stapler keep fucked up all the time...seriously..i feel like wasted my 3 hours for nothing and mental ill..~! it should can be done around 20 - 30 minute top~!! for lazy ass like me.

So the plan is....i got 18 pcs of rock wool and i just make 14 frame...why? Simple.. 10 is for acoustic panel and another 4 for bass trap....bass trap i will double up the im using 2 pcs of wool to get 4 inches thick.

Total cost to make this 14 panel is;

1 beg of 6pc rock wool = RM 250 x 3 = RM 750
1 pcs of 12 feet frame wood = RM 10 x 14 = RM 140
1 meter of cotton fabric = RM 3 x 40 = RM 120

Subtotal = RM 1010 and it is worth it Very Happy

So thats for now...tomorrow will continue, hope can finish all at once Very Happy

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DAY 13

So after the busy weekend and busy i got the time to finish at least 8 panel and got 6 more to go...and i still annoyed with my stapler gun...after all not much word to say...we install the panel to the wall... and i test the sound ...WOW...really really giving a big differences.. especially the low end freq...its better than before i install the more boom boom too hard...and it is controlable... yet..i feel like losing abit the high mid and high freq...not so sure, maybe i set the woofer too loud....and also i just notice that the sound are more to the right, the left seems lose not sure if it is a technical problem after i re-plug everything back...but i will double check tomorrow after finish install all the panel..

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DAY 14

So yesterday i just finish install all the panel and today did some experiment. First to get use to the room i just keep listen to some track for couple hours while reading some stuff thru net. I listen to alot of kind of song from metal to hiphop, classic to modern, accoustic to electronica, local and international. Some like Scott pilgrim OST (which i like the most of it dirty mix), MCR, The Stroke, ARch Enemy, Ramones, Sex Pistols, Dream Theater, Tupac, Black Eye Peace, Kylie Minogue and alot more.

At first i try the original speaker position i wanted to do. Well i like the sound. Giving a clear signal, less low end, but the high mid are bit higher but overall i like it, every single signal can be heard. Later i try to change the position, speaker facing direct towards my sliding door. It's bit tricky, i got no issue between left and right, but some how the reverb from my back are disturbing my hearing, and its getting more worst and worst till i get alot of mass. It become noisy and disturbing. Even i lower the volume, still it is noticeable it coming from your back. But i leave it that way for an hour. I cant dig it, really really not comfortable and hard to detect any tiny signal in the mix.

So i change back to the first positon, well like in the photo said, this position giving a room natural diffusion. There is very very little coming from my back, the reverb are just nice, not to obvious. I try to pump up the woofer to check up the bass signal... well nice, not over bouncing the room.

Right now i just started to continue mixing new material, later if it is done i will post, this is just an experimental purpose. To check the result, i need to get used to this new room. I also try to record a vocal, acoustic guitar and miccing and amp, just want to check if this room can be consider to do all that task very nice or not.

For other like watching movie and playing games, the environment is superb. Watching movie like in a theater. The sound are nice, even not the exact same like in THX..but it is considerable alot better than untreated room. Also with games, i feel alive. Well im kinda game freak, so i play game alot, its consider a bonus to my gaming satisfaction.

**If you want to view a better and bigger picture go here:


ok, as promise to post some test record and mix i made in this room, here the file

Guitar : TGM acoustic guitar (a RM50 acoustic guitar)
Mic : MY-MIC TS condenser mic
AI / preamp : Toneport UX2 / pod farm
Compose and lyric : by Jiro
Guitar Player : Jiro for rhythm and Baha for lead/solo
Sing by : Iqeat Ismail
Track arrangment: 1 layer rhythm guitar, 1 layer solo, 1 layer supporting lead guitar , 1 layer vocal
Record in : 44100 / 16bit (forget to record in 24 bit and lazy to re-record as after finish it i realize it is in 16bit)
Convert : to mp3 using xilisoft in 320kbps

this song already mix and pre-master
for a RAW wave sound to check how the sound in this room as reference, here they are:

for guitar:

for vocal:

p/s: sorry for some part that are really a sloppy playing as try to record it in one shot as this room is hot as sauna, im not install any air cond yet.

So thats all i got now...later when progress started, i do more update Smile
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Last edited by Jiro on Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:12 pm; edited 14 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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huyoooo! gila ah!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hahahah mana ada gila.. gila duit berhabes nih hahahah wehhh ada band nama DIAM kau ke??
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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hehe cost2

DiAM? kat ne? soundcloud aku ke? kalau yg tu band aku ngan adik aku la...haha

kalau Shh... Diam tu bukan haha

ehem...btw ko buang la kipas tu
pakai nih

murah jer kat pasar pudu...huhu

looking forward for update...jeles2 tapi tumpang gembira...haha
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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a ah kan pakai bende much ehh the price?? and bende tuh apa sebenar nye?? macam aircond ke? bising tak?
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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gila and congrats bro!at last you got ur own space eh..hehe Razz

best la kan..perhaps in near future kitaorg bleh dtg wat rekoding kat situ?..
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Mantop! Very Happy

Lepas ni MIX lebih detail....
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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sungaipelong wrote:
gila and congrats bro!at last you got ur own space eh..hehe Razz

best la kan..perhaps in near future kitaorg bleh dtg wat rekoding kat situ?..

thanks bro Smile

insyallah boleh punya Smile tapi nih more to control room..bukan recording room Smile tapi belasah je hehehe
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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sha_eddie wrote:

Mantop! Very Happy

Lepas ni MIX lebih detail....

harapan nye macam tuh la... hahahha tapi kalau buat lebih kurang je...adoiyay...hope room nih dapat translate audio lebih baik hehehe
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Tapi dah 1 step sirius dah ni...mesti lepas ni MIX secara sirius plak...Lepas tu MIX skills pun akan lebih kaw...sebab dengar benda betul...

Aku pon jeles tgk ko nye progress....

Tahniah Jiro!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Jiro wrote:
sungaipelong wrote:
gila and congrats bro!at last you got ur own space eh..hehe Razz

best la kan..perhaps in near future kitaorg bleh dtg wat rekoding kat situ?..

thanks bro Smile

insyallah boleh punya Smile tapi nih more to control room..bukan recording room Smile tapi belasah je hehehe

hehe..ok xpun nanti kitaorg hantar lagu suh awak mix pun ok gak..sya suka hasil keje awk bro dlm RXF tu..

neway gudluck!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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best nye ada own mixing room

bagi aku yg xmampu ni pakai laptop je la mixing hehehe

anyway good luck and all the best bro... Smile

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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Jiro wrote:
a ah kan pakai bende much ehh the price?? and bende tuh apa sebenar nye?? macam aircond ke? bising tak?

yup dia mcm aircond jugak, tp kena isi air utk COOLING mode...
harge 5rat ke bawah...cuma bising sikit...huhu
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 19 Feb 2008
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ni dah tahap kingkong punya gas nih haha..
dah siap nanti pastikan semua kroni i-bnads beratur panjang ye untuk menerai studio rekoding beliau keh3

bro, just asking, kalau ikut yang susunan first tu (3 diagram design yg ko cilok kat tenet tu, kalau ikut yang paling kiri, tapi tang cermin tu ko letak tiraimisu tahap kain santa klos tak boleh ke? ke sama gak keaskutikann kualiti dia tak best sebab kiri kanan kena ada akustik panel?

eniQma wrote:
Jiro wrote:
a ah kan pakai bende much ehh the price?? and bende tuh apa sebenar nye?? macam aircond ke? bising tak?

yup dia mcm aircond jugak, tp kena isi air utk COOLING mode...
harge 5rat ke bawah...cuma bising sikit...huhu

eh bukan senyap je ke natang ni? aku selalu tengok kat majlis2 YB ketuk gong cam xkuat sgt je bunyik dia..
tapi kan, kalau letak ayaq, maknanya ia akan keluarkan ayaq sebagai mod penyejukan.
kalau camtu, ia akan menyebabkan keadaan sekitarnya menjadi lembap. kelembapan ini akan lebih diamplifikasikan sekiranya ruang bilik tersebut tidaklah besar, seperti bilik studio rekoding jiro diatas.
ini akan menyebabkan beberapa perkara, khususnya kualiti bunyi, dan proses pengoksidaan (karat) dan juga promosi kepada tempat tinggal kulat. sekian.
For those little foofah in the roundabout

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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woi.. bahasa melayu la.. tak paham aku baca... hehehe
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