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 Build My Own Mixing Room Project by Jiro « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 14 Feb 2007
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Location: Shah Alam

sebenar nya aku mmg nak sgt pilihan no.1 tuh...boleh adjust..pakai curtain...tapi jgn la thick sgt macam santa claus tuh...damping dia...muddy sound...sound dead....aku suka first choice tuh sbb memanjang...which sliding door kat belakang tuh secara automatic jadi macam panel gak in theroical.....

In such a small room I'd would've preferred Layout #1 as having the speakers firing down the longest wall makes for better bass response (the reason is explained below). Also it allows you to maximize the available floorspace. The layout you've chosen though is still workable and it looks cool.

The sliding door is actually not such a bad idea. Why? Because it will be acoustically transparent to bass and to some extent your low-mids. In other words, you've magically "extended" your room to include the area on the other side of the glass. This definitely help with evening out the bass.

tapi sbb meja aku agak panjang 5 aku nanti dekat sgt plak dgn tingkap tuh...senang je org nak panjang tangan...itu pun aku risau tuh...dah la family aku jenis suka buka langsir..biar pun bilik aku..derang tak kasi tutup langsir..kang nampak dek bebudak sini barang dalam tuh...sesah kene rompak hahha

OO== aku igt aircond...aisehh...kuar air camtuh eh?? tanak ahh..dia macam blower la kira nya? sejuk lagi fan siling aku tuh heheheh tido bongkang nyaman je terselak kain pelikat hahaha

Malas nak translate...pegi translate kat google..aku copy paste je hahaha maklum la..nak share the world wide....Think Global, Act Local hahahha
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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oRden wrote:
ni dah tahap kingkong punya gas nih haha..
dah siap nanti pastikan semua kroni i-bnads beratur panjang ye untuk menerai studio rekoding beliau keh3

bro, just asking, kalau ikut yang susunan first tu (3 diagram design yg ko cilok kat tenet tu, kalau ikut yang paling kiri, tapi tang cermin tu ko letak tiraimisu tahap kain santa klos tak boleh ke? ke sama gak keaskutikann kualiti dia tak best sebab kiri kanan kena ada akustik panel?

eniQma wrote:
Jiro wrote:
a ah kan pakai bende much ehh the price?? and bende tuh apa sebenar nye?? macam aircond ke? bising tak?

yup dia mcm aircond jugak, tp kena isi air utk COOLING mode...
harge 5rat ke bawah...cuma bising sikit...huhu

eh bukan senyap je ke natang ni? aku selalu tengok kat majlis2 YB ketuk gong cam xkuat sgt je bunyik dia..
tapi kan, kalau letak ayaq, maknanya ia akan keluarkan ayaq sebagai mod penyejukan.
kalau camtu, ia akan menyebabkan keadaan sekitarnya menjadi lembap. kelembapan ini akan lebih diamplifikasikan sekiranya ruang bilik tersebut tidaklah besar, seperti bilik studio rekoding jiro diatas.
ini akan menyebabkan beberapa perkara, khususnya kualiti bunyi, dan proses pengoksidaan (karat) dan juga promosi kepada tempat tinggal kulat. sekian.

bising sikit dari aircond le...aircond kotak kipas dia kat luar rumah...nikan mcm ampcombo hahah
yup letak air..tapi bukan jadi mcm kipas kat mapley tu
mcm aircond jer...
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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lepas aku drop by kat thread nih,aku rasa macm nak buat jugak benda2 ni walaupon aku tataw apa2 dalam bidang nih...

anyway bro jiro! keep it up dude!!!!!!
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Well...on day 2 nothing much in the progress... seems like we all get it measure wrong and keep on forgetting things that need to do.. so we take out the last time pole and put in the main frame. Nothing much else to say for today just around 5pm i fall asleep...and thats make the work stop for today..but the best part is all the parts like wall, pole, little frame, door frame...all already done, so maybe tomorrow we can speed up as only need to assemble things to the place it should be Smile

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So thats all i got now...later when progress started, i do more update Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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jiro...agak2 berapa kos yg ko dah kuarkan setakat nih?

hehe nak tau la jugak
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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eniQma wrote:
jiro...agak2 berapa kos yg ko dah kuarkan setakat nih?

hehe nak tau la jugak

buat masa nih utk kayu dan alatan yg berkaitan around rm300

pintu baru around rm200

cat around rm200

itu utk wall nih je baru..

yg bakal beli utk dalam bilik plak nanti maybe

wool = RM200 perpack (ada 6 piece 2" 2' x 4')
so total wool aku beli maybe 3 pack, RM600

kayu utk frame panel semua nanti maybe around RM200

sofa bed tuh = rm1200 ....takde maybe nye..aku dah beli pon hahah

meja baru tuh maybe RM300 ke bawah...tak survey lagi...kerusi pun tak pun tak survey lagi...

nanti la dah siap semua baru aku boleh bagi exact cost yg aku spend.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

King Korek

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wah banyak jugak tu...itu baru intro jer huhuhu

btw, kalau ko nak cut cost sikit, meja kerusi tu ko cari la yang terpakai dulu, kan ada kedai yg jual barang2 ofis yang sekenhen...huhu so duit lebih leh spend kat others kan2?

lagi pon ada jugak yg aku tgk meja tu kadang2 elok2 lagi...huhu kasi cuci2 reper2 sikit da mcm baru...huhu
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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eniQma wrote:
wah banyak jugak tu...itu baru intro jer huhuhu

btw, kalau ko nak cut cost sikit, meja kerusi tu ko cari la yang terpakai dulu, kan ada kedai yg jual barang2 ofis yang sekenhen...huhu so duit lebih leh spend kat others kan2?

lagi pon ada jugak yg aku tgk meja tu kadang2 elok2 lagi...huhu kasi cuci2 reper2 sikit da mcm baru...huhu

hahah aku setuju dgn idea tuh...if not aku boleh je pakai meja lama aku nih...but to find something that really mengikut kehendak tuh susah nak dapat lor..aku ada go thru kedai terpakai...byk meja style office je..pastu size maybe aku just go buy those barang dan custom kan je kot Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Still in the progress to bring up the wall.. for each detail need to be so specific to combine 2 type of outcome on 2 both different side....on the side out side of the room, my dad want to make it more ethnic design, which in the inside i just need a plain wall. So the air gap inside already reduce to 2" ...and i voice up my suggestion to install wool inside the wall and been approve by my dad .. (i dont know why kinda got a great feel against wool, he said not good for health some like that)... but i will just bring up the wall first...later when i got enough wool, i will open the wall and install it in.. nothing much, this is the progress we came to.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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dah siap nanti buat kat rumah aku plak k.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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fuyoo..buat sendiri ke?? serba boleh la hg ni..main gitar pun boleh...kontraktor pun boleh....
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Today, we finish all the frame work, and check if anything was right and done correctly. So we install the wall, the part was " 1" Gyproc > 1" Plywood > 2" air gap > 1" Plywood > 1" Gyproc" . Why Gyproc on the outside? It is because the material is easy to paint on, easy to screw anything later like panel, frame or any interior item like switch.

One side of wall finish.. the next stop should be finish the other side and total close up all of it. Then we gonna paint it first, while on it, on Monday i will call CSR Asia for purchasing acoustic rockwool. Basically we will install the rockwool inside the wall. All i need is a 6pcs of 2" 2' x 4' . Then be hoping can finish the door frame and install the door ASAP. Then re-planning on rewiring new power outlet for that room.

I know it is a slow moving progress, but the time we spent slowing for each detail, i could say its worth it, all the frame and wall are tightly done.

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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hari ni public holiday... ko pun cuti dari bikin the room gak ke?
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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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GryMlock wrote:
hari ni public holiday... ko pun cuti dari bikin the room gak ke?

a ah... heheh tapi bukan atas sbb public holiday...tapi bapa aku aku buat kerja ringan je macam syelek tiang kayu tuh... cat putih utk coding.. dan g kuar survey barang utk interior Smile
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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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ahh ok.

update again soon! very interesting to see dude.
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