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 Seymour Duncan atau Dimarzio « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:10 am    Post subject: Seymour Duncan atau Dimarzio Reply with quote

Joined: 25 Nov 2011
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Location: Johor

Hello bro2 otai sekalian Very Happy

aku ader kemusykilan skit la

niat d hati nk sumbat dimarzio d activator kt gitar aku. gitar cort jer body type basswood

aku nk dpt modern metal tone. tp keng kadang ader jugak maen blues ngan jazz, just sampingan jer la

persoalan nyer, pups aper yg sesuai nk sumbat dlm axe aku nie. ader aper2 cadangan x?. ker sumbat jer d activator 2

d harap dapat bantu la aku yg naive nie hehehe
terima kasih Laughing
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Apr 2008
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Seymour Duncan Blackouts or EMG
ATH M-30
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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pailang wrote:
Seymour Duncan Blackouts or EMG

I prefer passive to active

malas nk pk battery Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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moden metal..contoh band? ikut eksperiens, activator klau bridge position masuk kat basswood akan jadi terlalu bright & loose..lagi2 klau gtr pakai tremolo.

samada kene carik pickup neck yg sama bright utk balance (bg aku activator neck terlalu kontras) sound atau pakai model marzio lain yg lg terbukti femes utk basswood cam d sonic, super distortion etc. klau duncan lak biasenye distortion, custom 5 etc.

nak ikut versatile lak; papehal rasenye jazz yg penting kene ade tone knob, blues lak alnico magnet. model moderate marzio biasenye paf pro, duncan lak jb.
the sangap guest!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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SANGAP wrote:
moden metal..contoh band? ikut eksperiens, activator klau bridge position masuk kat basswood akan jadi terlalu bright & loose..lagi2 klau gtr pakai tremolo.

samada kene carik pickup neck yg sama bright utk balance (bg aku activator neck terlalu kontras) sound atau pakai model marzio lain yg lg terbukti femes utk basswood cam d sonic, super distortion etc. klau duncan lak biasenye distortion, custom 5 etc.

nak ikut versatile lak; papehal rasenye jazz yg penting kene ade tone knob, blues lak alnico magnet. model moderate marzio biasenye paf pro, duncan lak jb.

ader tgk la 1 video nie . dier demo sumer hot pickups utk seymour duncan. mcm berminat dgn distortion. plus byk org kate seymour duncan nie universal. bleh maen2 mcm style. x mcm dimarzio kate nyer la

tp jb sumbat dlm basswood. sedap ker bunyi nyer. psl byk org komen jb bleh geng dengan mahogany jer. btol ker?

cth band modern metal As I Lay Dying
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Lakau wrote:
pailang wrote:
Seymour Duncan Blackouts or EMG

I prefer passive to active

malas nk pk battery Very Happy

tak payah tukar pickup
ATH M-30
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 25 Nov 2011
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pailang wrote:
Lakau wrote:
pailang wrote:
Seymour Duncan Blackouts or EMG

I prefer passive to active

malas nk pk battery Very Happy

tak payah tukar pickup

stock pickups x sedap. pickups lousy
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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personally bagi aku senang je bro, masukla pikap apape yg memenuhi kriteria (output, magnet, basic eq etc) asalkan sound balance dgn middle/neck pikap..pastu bleh ejas overall eq ikut taste. jgn compare ikut brand, tapi ikut model. dua2 marzio & duncan ada produk info kat website diorang, siap bleh suggest yg mana sesuai lagi ikut gitar/genre Smile

bbrp tahun lps ada try jb kat basswood, ok je ikutkan. dua2 position aku 'ter'letak jb haha, tapi yg menariknye sedap lak kat neck. video tu yg ni ke?
the sangap guest!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 25 Nov 2011
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SANGAP wrote:
personally bagi aku senang je bro, masukla pikap apape yg memenuhi kriteria (output, magnet, basic eq etc) asalkan sound balance dgn middle/neck pikap..pastu bleh ejas overall eq ikut taste. jgn compare ikut brand, tapi ikut model. dua2 marzio & duncan ada produk info kat website diorang, siap bleh suggest yg mana sesuai lagi ikut gitar/genre Smile

bbrp tahun lps ada try jb kat basswood, ok je ikutkan. dua2 position aku 'ter'letak jb haha, tapi yg menariknye sedap lak kat neck. video tu yg ni ke?

tq bro for the useful info

m'genai tone knob. ader bace dlm byk forum untuk metal klu bleh x yah ader tone knob. tp seperti yg aq ckp aq nk main jazz skali. so aku igt mcm nk ubah wiring dier. gitar aq cume ader 1 volume knob n 1 tone knob

jd aku igt nk setting tone knob utk neck pickups shj. pasal aku igt nk masuk kn SD jazz kt neck. kire bridge xde tone la. bleh ker wat cam2?

ke xpayah tone knob pon xpe utk main jazz Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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Klau SD Jazz, pasangan yg sherashi bershama biashanya JB. Klau JB kat bridge, takyah skip tone knob pon takpe..sbb skip tone utk kembalikan treble yg sebahagian telah difilter out oleh pot/capacitor (aku ckp bahasa pasar jela, klau nak eksplenation psl hal teknikel kene tunggu bro ultraman hehe). Bagi aku yg sesuai skip tone ni pikap bassy cam Invader, Tone Zone etc.

JB lak dah mmg naturally lebih ke arah bright (sbb tu ramai rekemen masuk mahogany xsilap, sbb masing2 balance out each other) so klau skip tone nanti cam terlebih bright pulak..lebih2 lagi klau basswood. Tapi JB dlm basswood utk metal mungkin kurang skit tight dia.

Tapi just in case nak tone utk Jazz shj jugak, just pastikan lead wire Jazz tu sambung kat tone pot dulu baru ke selector. Yg bridge pikap stret ke selector.
the sangap guest!
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 25 Nov 2011
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SANGAP wrote:
Klau SD Jazz, pasangan yg sherashi bershama biashanya JB. Klau JB kat bridge, takyah skip tone knob pon takpe..sbb skip tone utk kembalikan treble yg sebahagian telah difilter out oleh pot/capacitor (aku ckp bahasa pasar jela, klau nak eksplenation psl hal teknikel kene tunggu bro ultraman hehe). Bagi aku yg sesuai skip tone ni pikap bassy cam Invader, Tone Zone etc.

JB lak dah mmg naturally lebih ke arah bright (sbb tu ramai rekemen masuk mahogany xsilap, sbb masing2 balance out each other) so klau skip tone nanti cam terlebih bright pulak..lebih2 lagi klau basswood. Tapi JB dlm basswood utk metal mungkin kurang skit tight dia.

Tapi just in case nak tone utk Jazz shj jugak, just pastikan lead wire Jazz tu sambung kat tone pot dulu baru ke selector. Yg bridge pikap stret ke selector.

so klu basswood x payah skip tone pon xpe la ea?
ader betol jugak. psl basswood nie bright. nnt klu buang tone t'lebih treble plak. x best gak tone nyer.

compare JB dgn duncan distortion maner yg ko rase lg best sumbat dlm basswood?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Jan 2009
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Salam bro.. kebanyakan basswood body org akan pilih Dimarzio.. kebanyakan Ibanez Highend guna Dimarzio gak.. tapi pedulik la kalu kita nak pakai pikap ape pn ye dak hahaha.. cuma kalau dimarzio yg menjadi pilihan aku prefer Air Norton/neck - Breed/bridge.. tgk link ni pakai RG350 aje bro tapi sound bole tahan..



ni contoh rg350 guna SD dimebucker.. org yg sama gitar sama cuma lain warna..

maybe faktor keadaan, angle, position masa dia recording lain sikit aku tak sure.. tapi kalu di dengar Dimarzio tu lagi superb dgn basswood.. tone naik, sound lebih clear.. apa pn mcm aku ckp tadi maybe keadaan masa recording guna SD tu tak menjadi sgt atau pn maybe SD mmg outtone dgn basswood.. dia lebih serasi dgn mahogany.. MAYBE!
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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T|melessness wrote:
Salam bro.. kebanyakan basswood body org akan pilih Dimarzio.. kebanyakan Ibanez Highend guna Dimarzio gak.. tapi pedulik la kalu kita nak pakai pikap ape pn ye dak hahaha.. cuma kalau dimarzio yg menjadi pilihan aku prefer Air Norton/neck - Breed/bridge.. tgk link ni pakai RG350 aje bro tapi sound bole tahan..



ni contoh rg350 guna SD dimebucker.. org yg sama gitar sama cuma lain warna..

maybe faktor keadaan, angle, position masa dia recording lain sikit aku tak sure.. tapi kalu di dengar Dimarzio tu lagi superb dgn basswood.. tone naik, sound lebih clear.. apa pn mcm aku ckp tadi maybe keadaan masa recording guna SD tu tak menjadi sgt atau pn maybe SD mmg outtone dgn basswood.. dia lebih serasi dgn mahogany.. MAYBE!

oh cam 2 ker
aku ader refer dlm beberape blog. steve special antara pickups yg baik utk basswood, jd compare breed dgn steve special yg maner ko rase bleh bg metal tone yg best or ader pickups laen ker?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Jan 2009
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steve special aku tk pernah dgr lagi sound nye.. tk berani plak nk compare..

kalu ko tanye pickup lain ade utk metal.. tapi mahal.. try Lundgren handmade buatan sweden.. aku rasa Lundgren antara top list pickup utk metal.. try tgk link aku bagi ni.. lundgren m7 pasang dekat Ibanez Universe.. result dia tak bunyi Ibanez dah.. hilang sound Ibanez dia.. String Low B clear dah mcm bukan 7 string.. pikap mcmni yg patut kita cari.. sbb kebanyakan pikap Low B akan bunyi sebu.. selalu yg sebu ni Dimarzio..

Ibanez Universe - Lundgren M7/bridge


PRS plak dgn Lundgren M6.. hilang punye PRS.. hahaha.. prs tak brape sesuai dgn metal.. tapi dgn M6 no prob.. dia ubah karektor PRS tu terus..

tapi mcm aku kata mahal.. Seketul pickup RM700-RM800..

antara pikap yg top utk metal

Bare Knuckle Pickup (BKP)
Ken Amstrong
Seymour Duncan
Conklin GTG-7T
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 26 Jul 2006
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try dimarzio tone zone bro
Ibanez JS1 1991
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Ibanez RG550 89
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Ibanez RG620QM
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