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 100 Greatest Guitar Solos (Guitar World) « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2005 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku pulak....minat solo samad.....(Album solo dia best)
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 5:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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jaaroquai wrote:

Pada aku yg bes EKA-Ozon (gitaris shahrul ekamatra) solo shahrul mmg aku suka.

Aku pun! Tapi apa khabar mamat tu sekarang? Is he in another band or still doing strictly sessions?
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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 9:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hmmm susah nak jawab ni. tapi menurut sumber la dia takde projek apa. maybe session jek la kot. dia ni macam sham kamikaze gak la. family sume talented dalam muzik. dari kecik dah di didik. adik shahrul pun tak kurang hebat gak.

tapi sham more exposed la. senang nak dapat maklumat dia. shahrul ni kene ada kenalan kenalan yg kenal dia baru bleh dapat tau apa dia buat.

tapi apa pun aku respek both of them.

cuma tak berkesempatan nak jumpa jek lagi.
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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shahrul is better than sham in my opinion. better melody and my opinion

macam samad pun better than man kidal but then again org sumer respect man kidal lebih.
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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pada aku la.. sapa yg lebih baik tu tak penting sgt pun. sume org bleh dapat teknikal dgn praktis tapi tak sume ada feel. lagipun setiap individu feel berbeza. itu yg buat setiap pemain gitar tu ada keistimewaan sendiri.

aku tak suka nak bandingkan sapa lebih baik atau sebaliknya. aku dengar dan terima je. just respect them for who they are.
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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jaaroquai wrote:

tapi sham more exposed la.

Pada pendapat aku .. dia selalu exposed ada sebab jugak. Good attitude, berani, friendly (tak kedekut ilmu) dan profesional. Yang paling penting tak terjebak dadah. Atas sebab2 ni org senang kerjasama dgn dia.. itu pasal dia more exposed.
Gelanggang guitar :
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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ada baik jugak kita mengenal sapa yg lebih bagus...kena ada awareness untuk mengenal pasti gitaris yg lebih mantap. kalau nak ckp respect kat gitaris mana2 pun mungkin betul jugak...

tapi adakah yg bagus dan tak bagus tak penting? kalau macamtu Izo xpdc pun boleh jadi sessionist kalau org tak pentingkan mana yg bagus dan mana yg tak bagus.

bukan nak ckp atau mengutuk tapi kekadang ignoring the fact which guitarist is better and not relevant is not mature thinking in my opinion. if i am a conductor of music i would want to employ a good guitarist...would you want to employ Izo xpdc rather than Hillary Ang?

if you got the chance to play or learn with either world class guitarist or with gitaris yg just a bit better than you ..which one you prefer?

yeah you wrote sumer org boleh dpt teknikal but each individual has its limit. how many ppl can achieve technical ability with the likes of rusty cooley, shawn lane? dont underestimate technicality.

both technicality and feel is not an easy task. although feel can make one guitarist special but technicality could also make one guitarist special. so if you got both then you got the edge.

i've encountered many young guitarist or veteran guitarist who says that technicality is not important. whats important is feel. i agree to a certain point. of course feel is very very important but saying that technicality is not essential is a naive statement.

feel and creativity is important. but if your technicality is limited but your ideas and creativity is beyond your level of technicality is also no use. you cannot execute them with your limited technicality. therefore players with high level of technicality has the advantage over you because they can execute more of their ideas and creativity.

think again....
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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izuan: yup aku setuju


benar apa yg ko cakap tu. cuma kalau nak compare sapa bagus sampai bila takkan abis beb. mesti ada yg lebih bagus dari yg bagus tu. sbb tu aku sendiri tak suka nak compare dari segi itu. ini pada diri aku dan pendapat aku sendiri. tak melibatkan org lain.

dan aku tak cakap pun teknikal tu tak penting (refer balik yg atas). mmg penting tapi bleh dapat dgn praktis. itu yg aku cakap. limit tu bergantung la kan dan selalunya kalau kita usaha insya allah bleh dapat. and i dont say that technicality is not essential.

bagus ngan tak bagus yg aku maksudkan bukan utk sessionist tapi pada permainan individu tu sendiri. bagus dan tak bagus ni pandangan masing masing kan. setengah tu org ni kata tak bagus tapi org lain kata bagus. subjektif. cuma aku lihat dari perspektif yg berbeza dari kau kot. aku lebih suka lihat dan dengar dan kenal cara permainan seorang pemain dari nak tau dia bagus ke tak. dan sekali lagi ini perspektif aku dan setiap org ada pandangan masing masing.

pasal blaja tu, aku akan pilih seorang yg akan mengajar dgn ikhlas. walaupun world class tapi kalau tak reti nak mengajar pun tak guna jugak. belajar ngan sapa sapa kita bleh blajar. ilmu tu di mana mana. tak semestinya kita blaja ngan org yg tak bagus kita akan jadi tak bagus. tak semestinya org yg tak bagus tu tak bagus dalam mengajar dan begitu juga sebaliknya. pada aku yg penting sesuai dgn diri masing masing.

mmg betul apa yg ko cakap pasal execution. aku tak nafikan sama sekali. tapi setiap org berbeza kan. jadi setiap org akan execute dgn cara masing masing. kelebihan atas diri tu, pada aku, sama macam yg aku cakap kat pada awal perenggan. takkan abis kalau nak pikir. mesti ada yg lebih berkebolehan. yg penting jadi diri sendiri dan main apa yg nak dimainkan.
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Mar 2005
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jaaroquai wrote:
sume org bleh dapat teknikal dgn praktis

i don't agree with this.
not everybody can commit themselves to the time,dicipline , can tahan hearing the "tak tak tak tak" metronome noise ..

new technique keeps coming out ,you can NEVER learn finish/master technique..too many innovative guitarist now..

no offense here jaaroquai...
you know there are so many ppl dissing technique now .. feel , everybody can learn by practising ...
as if mastering 1 technique is soo easy ..
usually when ppl diss technique,i will tell them "why not you master technique A first it and show us then you tell us how easy it was"

anyway ..about my opinion on sessionist ..
i just believe in 1 thing..a sessionist must be able to CONTROL everything he plays ..speed(especially)..
correct me if i am wrong..but 90% of the time a sessionist is given something to play ..not to compose a full song or something right?
so i will think a world class sessionist is a better bet than another guitarist who is popular with his "feel" ,band ,wrote great songs or wtv

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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ehhe..yes i guess u r right. dan problem pada time dan komitmen kan. but kalau praktis berhasil la. is not that im dissing the technique. i never said that.

pasal sessionist i agree with u.

thanks for all ur responds. really helps me to view things more appropriately and sorry if my opinion is not correct.
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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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jaaroquai wrote:
ehhe..yes i guess u r right. dan problem pada time dan komitmen kan. but kalau praktis berhasil la. is not that im dissing the technique. i never said that.

pasal sessionist i agree with u.

thanks for all ur responds. really helps me to view things more appropriately and sorry if my opinion is not correct.

yea chill Smile
don't worry about your opinion..nobody's opinion is right or wrong
anyway ..i like your attitude in a forum Smile
much better than those sensitive bastards who acts like small girls..a small opinion wanna flame the f*ck out of it

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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Thanks gapster! appreciate that. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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1. Paradigm Shift - John Petrucci (with Liquid Tension Experiment)

2. We Don't Own This World - George Lynch (Solo album)

3. Crystal Planet - Joe Satriani

4. Valhalla - Yngwie Malmsteen (with Rising Force)

5. Terrifying Guitar Trip/Technical Difficulties - Paul Gilbert

6. Bad Horsie - Steve Vai

7. Candlelight Fantasia - Michael Romeo (with Symphony X)

8. Cliffs of Dover - Eric Johnson

9. Everytime I Die - Alexi Laiho (with Children of Bodom)

10. Full Moon - Jani Liimatainen (with Sonata Artica)

Not exactly in that order.

Edit: Wah has many uses other than covering up sloppiness in playing (I just discovered that after reading this thread). One is to leave the wah on in a certain position will give you a different tone (whether you'll like it or not, I don't know but there are plenty of people who do that).
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Comfortably Numb - David Gilmour (Pink Floyd)

this one for me is the greatest solo..
anyone with me?
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PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PaulGilbert wrote:

shahrul is better than sham in my opinion. better melody and my opinion

macam samad pun better than man kidal but then again org sumer respect man kidal lebih.

Well...opinions about music and all sorts of arts are definitely subjective...there is no necessarily right or's all about personal taste.

As for me, I love both Sham's and Shahrul's work and both of them have got their own unique strenghts in their musicianship. Personally, I think Shahrul tends to 'hint' at shredding but never really have gone to full hilt at doing some 'death licks'. Maybe he prefers to hold back rather than shred till you drop...I dunno...but the guy sure is damn good and I have the greatest respect for him. My favourite is his work on the album 'Eka - Kelahiran' and his solo work 'Transfigurasi'. Great guitaring and songwriting...great concept and musical direction and I bet it would do well overseas if the album is in English, but too bad the locals prefers the typical 'rock cintan' instead, and the album didn't do well...which was a dissappointment. It was definitely a departure from the more chart friendly 'Ekamatra' Too bad the vocalist and the production wasn't up to scratch...but I still consider those 2 albums Shahrul's classics.

As for Sham, I think the only time you could see how good he really is, is when you hang out with him noodling around on the guitar. Sure, everybody knows he's great, but unfortunately his session work and stint with Kamikaze does not really reveal to the fullest his true amazing abilities, whether musically or technically on the guitar. I wish one day he would release something that truly exposes to everybody his full capabilities and talents. And the guy not only plays jazz (not just fusion...but jazz), he teaches jazz at a music school too. Technically, what I've seen him done when we do jam is definitely scarier than Shahrul's stuff, but as I said, maybe I havent got the chance to see the real Shahrul

Similarly...I know Man Keedal personally so I'm more aware of his abilities than Samad, whom I'm not that close with. And I prefer Man for my personal of it is that I prefer Man's blues's more from the gut...Samad is great...but he sounds more 'rock' than blues which is cool too...Samad's solo album is also what I would consider a classic for Malaysian guitar music. I managed to hang around King's studio during one of the recording sessions of one of my fav tracks...'Blues Jiwa'. I was sitting just a feet away in front of him stealing his licks while he was recording that song...the poor guy couldn't even concentrate! He he!

The first time I listened to Man Keedal's solo album...that was a couple of months before it's release...I remember me and Man were driving around in the car and listening to the album again and again for hours...talking all things guitar...I was initially shocked to find out that Malaysian's premier shredder released a blues solo album...and there was no shredding at all in that album! When asked, he just told me that he just wanted to do something different and expose another musical side of him which was still a way I'm glad he did that because I think it's a great album...only that I wished he did some of his trademark wild million notes per second stuff at least somewhere in there...Smile

Last edited by Bode on Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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