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 How do you write songs? « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:56 am    Post subject: How do you write songs? Reply with quote

Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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just of mere curiosity, how do you usually come up with an idea to write songs? i find myself blank and sometimes quite limited in my effort to write a decent sounding songs. kengkadang.. when i write songs, rasa cam dah ada dah lagu ni. how do you write songs that are totally original or at least doesn't sound like you're influenced by the songs that you often hear.

this is me bummed out after trying to put an effort to write new songs. man..
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 23 Mar 2004
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Location: sheffield, england

how do you write songs?
with difficulty.

i have the same problem. pretty much given up on it myself. thank god for my day job!
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 22 May 2005
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jumpable beat.....
b like what u want to b
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Aku dah give up dah... I accepted the fact that I am going to be merely a sucky player... I am satisfied by playing covers...
Can you feel the groove?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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haha... i'm becomin that part too...
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 28 Mar 2004
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kalau x silap aku la.. dream theater pun rembat part2 dr lagu2 org.. tp diorang main kan dgn gaya diorg.. lagu radiohead pun diorg sebat..

SPITCONTRA - my x-band

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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kalau aku, aku imagin melodi dlm otak dulu la. pastu baru aku pegang gitar n cari sampai dpt melodi tu (dalam bentuk riff gitar). kalau ada rasa macam sama dgn lagu org, aku ejas skit beat riff tu.. lajukan or slow kan.. utk vocal nye melodi aku siapkan dulu lagu tu, pastu sesuaikan melodi vocal.. nak bg lagi best, aku cuba x samakan melodi vocal tu dgn melodi riff yg aku buat mula2 td.. maksud aku, kalau riff tu bernada tinggi, aku buat melodi vocal tu lawan riff tu.. kalau nak buat melodi yg ikut riff, makna nya sama je la lagu tu.. statix!!! selalu yg buat style ni, pantera la.. tp pantera best sebab ada melodi vocal lagu diorg yg x ikut format 4-4.. tu yg best tu, padahal riff dia main 4-4 je.. sempoi la..

ala, dalam dunia ni mana ada originality.. kalau ada pun, mesti ada orang cakap dh de org buat music macam ko ni!!! tul x? (tapi meshuggah memang gila la..) so, buat je, peduli la apa org nk kata!!!

so, sama2 la kita tolong sesama sendiri kat topic ni.. sama2 bleh improve kan???

SPITCONTRA - my x-band

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku spontan je
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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I stop listening to CD's dan dalam 2-3 minggu aku tak usik guitar.... selalunya idea akan datang kat kepala aku kalau aku buat camtu..usually aku dah ade the whole song dalam kepala aku...

prblemnye, aku rasa ni ada ADD hehehe........ baru 30 minit buat...dah hilang tu sebab aku ade berpuluh2 lagu tak siap.....idea2 pun tak banyak di cemari oleh unsur2 luar (lagu orang lain)...kalau apa yang aku tulis tu ade kebetulan macam orang lain punya...nasibla...

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Ridzi wrote:
prblemnye, aku rasa ni ada ADD hehehe........ baru 30 minit buat...dah hilang tu sebab aku ade berpuluh2 lagu tak siap.....

same here! hehe

tapi aku bikin lagu pakai Guitar-Pro 4... buat beat drum lebih kurang, then pandai2 le bikin riffs... lepas 30 minit hingga sejam kemudian - tension!!! tutup pc, gi tido! hahahah...

aku pun ade berpuluh-puluh lagu tak siap, nak combine, tak matching la pulak (dari segi tempo, beat, etc)...
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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itutakpe lagi Zid, aku rasa yang paling teruk ialah, bila tone guitar selalu lain aje from one lagu tak siap to another....Laughing
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 22 Jun 2005
Posts: 49

wow...glad someone brought this up.

almost all the stuff i made, from rock to hard trance, same problem. bikin bikin sekejap, dah malas. lepastu, kalau ada lagu baru, lagu lama semua bunyik macam keparat.

tapi kalau gua pegang gitar, all my bad habits mula la. chord pertama misti nak bagi metal, jeng jeng jeng, asyik asyik itu aje. kalau drop d lagi shiok, jeng jeng jeng...personally gua memang suka tone gitar macam tu, tapi takken semua gua punye lagu kena buat macam tu.

then if i try to play clean and record some riffs, orang cakap bunyik macam incubus la, macam nie la,macam tu la...susah nak satisfy. tapi kalau riff/idea tu datang dari dalam hati, peduli apa? asalkan tak curi orang punye riff ( literally copying the riff and changing the style abit and claim its urs) sendiri mau ingat la. Bak kata STONE, imagin melodi tu dalam otak, kalau keluar bunyik macam orang, nak buat camne?
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 08 Feb 2005
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aku kalau nk bikin lagu xkesah start ngan music atau vocal dulu...

kalau nk buat lirik tuh... aku tulis ape yg ade dlm otak aku... xkesah org paham ke x, janji aku paham... mungkin org lain akan kate lirik aku bukan2 tapi aku buat xtau jer... stakat nih aku dh buat 50 lbh lagu... tapi xde satu pun yg dlm production...

gitar plak... slalunye aku start main satu scale, pastu pecah2kan scale tu... last2 jadi le satu lagu... tapi xpnh lagi aku create solo... lagu bunyi clean aku xreti nak buat... slalu xtau nk main chord ape...

selame ni aku buat sume music aku sorang2... jadi idea tu pun kureng ler skit... kadang2 naik muak pun ade time nak buat lagu...
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Yeah kalau buat dengan another musician usually ideas start bouncing back and forth
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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yup...not listening to music for some time tends to be the best.sometimes when i have awesome dreams or have songs in a dream i quickly write them down.

sometimes i write the drum tracks first then think of the guitar. then once the initial riffs are done..i hum on top of that over and over again and translate that to guitar until im gets sickening and tiresome when i get stuck on one riff and when im unable to progress to the next parts which often results to 'cut and paste' and then hey presto~

writing music alone really sucks big time.its like talking to myself.
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