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 Gear Review: MXR pedals « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:18 pm    Post subject: Gear Review: MXR pedals Reply with quote

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MXR DD11 Dimebag Distortion
Retail Price: RM450 - RM550 (tak sure!)

dari nama model distortion box nih kita dapat agak ia utk sound Metal! pedal nih cuba emulate sound berat based on Dimebag Darrel punya setting... nak kata tepat, takde la, tapi kalau tweak betul2 eq tu, dpt la sikit2 sound Pantera...

personally, this pedal is a bit dissapointment (maybe i expected too much), kureng memberangsangkan utk dpt sound metal lain... sbb dah spesifik utk sound Dimebag, tapi itu pon tak lah sebjik mcm Pantera punya! ada something yg kurang la, hmmm aku tak beberapa puas hati sangat!

this stompbox has 3-band eq, gain and level knobs plus a switch to get that scoop sound. price range around RM450 - RM550 (not sure), in my opinion, it's a waste of money! but if you're a true Dimebag fan, then you should get it and combine with some other pedals to boost the sound a bit more.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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MXR M135 Smart Gate
Retail Price: RM850

aku tak pernah pakai sebarang noise gate pedal sebelum nih so susah sikit la nak compare... so aku plug guitar ke Behringer GDI-21 dan set ke sound yg boleh menghasilkan noise yg banyak, then plug in ke MXR Smart Gate pedal nih sebelum masuk ke amp...

this pedal has a trigger level knob, a 3-way noise reduction switch (Hiss, Mid, Full), and this one little button that i don't really know what its for..! my setting on the pedal was, set the noise reduction switch to "Full", and dial the trigger knob to a certain level...

the trick is, you have to dial the trigger knob to a propriate level so that the noise will be suppressed, but at the same time, the sound should not be affected... if you turn the knob too much, you guitar sound will be somewhat compressed and will cut off the volume level a bit. satu lagi experiment, aku petik satu not dan buat vibrato pada not tu, amazingly it sustains until that cool (not annoying!) single humming sound appears! whaa so smart la you...

but looking at the retail price, fuhh... better find other alternatives la... too damn expensive for a noise gate pedal. even kalau you search pedal nih kat online store pon you can get half the price! memang la pedal nih bagus (some say this pedal almost like Rocktron's Hush The Pedal), tapi bila tgk harga gitu, man it really turns me down!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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MXR M151 Double Shot Distortion
Retail Price: RM660

this is one hot pedal! aku rasa aku banyak habiskan masa kat Bentley dgn pedal nih! hahaha... basically, it's like having 2 dirty channels on a single stompbox! each channel consists of 3-band eq, a gain and a level knob, plus a "focus" switch which changes the character of the distortion sound... there's also a on/off button and a channel selection button to alternate between those two channels.

sound bagi kedua2 channel tu tak sama, even bila aku setkan eq & gain pada level yg sama utk kedua-dua channel tu. channel yg atas tu lebih garang, sesuai utk chording/rhythm, even boleh dpt sound berat mcm Dimebag Distortion! sound utk channel bawah pulak more soft and bluesy, mcm sound overdrive, dan sesuai utk lead/solo, i think. so pedal nih sesuai utk both rhythm and lead playing, so you can switch to a "boosted" lead sound when it's time to solo! to return to your clean guitar sound, just switch off the on/off button...

aku buat kesimpulan sendiri, channel atas tu is actually a distortion channel, dan yg bawah tu overdrive channel... you can get that blues / lead sound on one channel, and some decent modern heavy shit on the other! hmm betul ke? entah la, korang gi la try sendiri... tapi aku memang rekemen la korang beli menatang nih, pada harga RM660, i think it's worth it!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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MXR ZW44 Zakk Wylde Overdrive
Retail Price: RM500 lebih (tak sure!)

i'm no fan of an overdriven guitar sound, so this thing ain't my cup of tea... so it wouldn't be fair for me to review this shit... to me it's just like a normal overdrive pedal, nothing special to it.. pada harga yg agak mahal, baik beli boss overdrive je! just because Zakk Wylde signed on it, so the price should be higher? entah la, like i said, aku tak minat overdrive, so aku berenti review kat sini je lah!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Lebih kurang ler harga ko zid...
Aku dah tengok kat bentley sabtu lepas.
Aku terkezut beruk dengan gate tu... boleh tahan rega dia.

Pasal noise gate tu. teringin juga nak tau bagus ker endak. Pasal boss punyer nyebabkan sustain jadi pendek. Stakat ne aku try guna line 6 punyer gate dalam pod.
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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itu la pasal.. aku mmg tgh usya noise gate pedal nih... kat boleh dapat half price laa! errr.. lebey kurang half la kot belom campor shipping lagi, tapi masih lagi boleh save!

dah usya Rocktron's Hush The Pedal? glamer gak menatang nih since the 80's lagi...

uik! bukan ko pakai GT8 ke? bila masa lak ade POD nih? hmm...
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Ader member tolak murah 2 bulan lepas...
Aku tangkap podXT tapi pedal board tak der...
Geram punya pasal nak compare 2 menatang ne.
Rocktron's Hush = kat mana ada tu zid.
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

And Now all jazz.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hahaha aku pon kengkadang rasa geram gak nak compare 2 pedal.. nih tgh dilema, nak beli SansAmp GT2 ke tak, pasal nak compare dgn Behringer GDI21 aku nih.

Mahogany distributor Rocktron punya barang kat mesia nih, tapi pagi tadi aku gi branch Shah Alam nih, dia kata Hush The Pedal kurang sambutan so diaorg tak bawak masuk la.. kalau nak, kena beli sendiri (order on-line), aku calculate kat boleh dapat around RM382 (include shipping)...
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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caya laa zid... kau semakin ANALOG!!! Smile
[ r i k i r a h m a n ]

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hahahah baru nak berjinak2 dgn analog pedal ha... oh yea, alang2 ko ada kat sini, ni aku ade benda nak tanya... kat mana ko selalu order pedals online ha? aku tengok music-123 je option yg boleh ship worldwide... tapi apsal shipping charge dia sampai US$30 lebih??

lagi satu, ajar le aku camne nak order online... apa method yg paling bagus, murah dan selamat? mengikut kajian aku, aku kena register kat PayPal dan Music-123 utk purchase online... betul tak? ada apa2 lagi yg aku kena register? by the way, aku cuma ada MasterCard dan Amex (version credit card)... both local banks.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku slalu order kat Ebay je. aku rase eBay nie paling selamat laa antara semua.. Wink belum penah aku kene klepet lg la...

and for payment memang terbaik kalau kau register Paypal. selamat sikit dr penangan system processor! pakai credit card directly boleh jgk tapi kena hati² sket laa... Mastercard tuh ok laa, dah boleh register PayPal! sempoi...

once kau dah register, boleh laa kau guna acc kau utk semua online transaction. ak semestinya music-123 or eBay je. apa² site boleh... mana laa tau nak kene beli rantai email pujuk bini... Wink

USD30 tuh Global Express Mail or Fedex or DHL or UPS... airmail & cepat!!! less than 1 week kau bleh dpt... Smile aku recommend kau amik nih. selamat sket... Smile

happy shopping!!!
[ r i k i r a h m a n ]

... Hail Hail The Analog-Man...
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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ok dude... aku dah register PayPal.. dah add credit card.. and then there's this one option "Enroll in the Expanded Use Program"... so should i proceed with it or not? apa guna program nih?

aku jugak dah register kat eBay dan Music-123... last sekali baru aku tau, kat Music-123 tak accept payment with credit card thru PayPal... damn it! so i think eBay is going to be my main online shopping store... yg aku tak puas hati kat eBay nih, ada orang lain dah guna nick "deadzid"! cibet tul, sape la lahanat tuh.. (entah2 adik aku kot? hehehe selambe je kutuk)
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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dont worry, zid! eBay melambak lagi benda² pelik yg kau tak sangka akan jumpa... Wink

btw, expanded program tuh kau mesti enrol. if not kau takleh guna PayPal account kau more than USD100. benda nie jez nak confirm yg credit card kau tuh mmg kau punya and memang kau yg register PayPal. kau mesti enroll coz aku tau kau akan beli byk benda online nie... Very Happy

selamat mencuba... Smile
[ r i k i r a h m a n ]

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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thanks for the info zid and riki.. klu mcm ni aku pun next month nak singup citibank CC la.. khas utk internet shopping jer..
Gelanggang guitar :
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