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Erylasia |
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:56 am�� �Post subject: |
 Mod Squad

Joined: 02 Jan 2005 Posts: 3118 Location: Kuala Terengganu
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kudo |
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:57 pm�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Posts: 342 Location: sheffield, england
riki_rahman wrote: | Bug 01: "dont look at the light, dont look at the light"...
Bug 02: "but i just cant help it!"... "it's so beautiful..." aaaaaaarrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhh!....... |
retirement eh. really? REALLY?
this i have to see for myself. since i know what your eBay username is now.
until i see the letters and numbers DR103 i will then believe my eyes (and ears).  _________________ "my small a book amongst the many on a shelf.."
"Welcome to Tube Club. The first rule of Tube Club: you do not talk about solid state." -The Uncle
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kudo |
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:25 am�� �Post subject: kejayaan eBay ku yang terulung |

Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Posts: 342 Location: sheffield, england
sebagai AJK terbawah dlm persatuan eBayers saya ingin mengumumkan kejayaan saya subuh ini.
izuanhafez wrote: | kudo.. ko bid apa? hahah.. aku sebelum ni doakan kejayaan deadzid jer.. hahah.. |
ok, izuan. now i will tell you what i bought. since i won the bid literally 15 mins ago.
a 40-watt 1995 fender blues deluxe. this series was released by fender between 1993 and 1997. they have released the FBD again this year but the re-ish amps are all MADE IN MEXICO (like the popular hot rod series).
the 1995 is american. it has three 12ax7's in the preamp and two 6L6's in the power stage.
harmony central users' review here.
saya terasa amat terharu kerana akhirnya, selepas bertahun bermain guitar (dgn crap sekali), saya mampu membeli sebuah valve (or tube kalau anda american) amp, seperti rakan-rakan saya. _________________ "my small a book amongst the many on a shelf.."
"Welcome to Tube Club. The first rule of Tube Club: you do not talk about solid state." -The Uncle
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deadzid |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:41 am�� �Post subject: |
 Mod Squad

Joined: 13 Feb 2004 Posts: 3891 Location: Shah Alam
whaaa congrats bro.. seronok kan? pagi2 bukak eBay and found out that you've won the bid! hahaha best gilerr rasanya!!
hmm aku takde benda baru yg nak bid... baru je bid Digitech Multi-Chorus last week (setelah gagal dan tension utk mendapatkan Small Clone) so peruntukan bulan nih dah abis! eheh kena stop kejap, next month baru bukak eBay balik...
by the way, pagi ni aku check, aku dah dapat 2 positive feedbacks (wow banyaknye!) and then chorus pedal yg aku order tu dah di poskan dan dpt refund US$12 sbb dia salah calculate shipping cost! woohooo... sekian dulu laporan mengenai akaun eBay saya buat masa kini.. terima kasih! _________________ > facebook
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riki_rahman |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:43 am�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 12 Mar 2004 Posts: 212 Location: UK KL
siap ada account status report lagi! gempak betul...
 _________________ [ r i k i r a h m a n ]
... Hail Hail The Analog-Man... |
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kudo |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:09 pm�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Posts: 342 Location: sheffield, england
zid: hahaha. actually for this aku tunggu masa bid tu habis walaupun 2.59 am! sanggup..........  _________________ "my small a book amongst the many on a shelf.."
"Welcome to Tube Club. The first rule of Tube Club: you do not talk about solid state." -The Uncle
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:02 pm�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 11 Dec 2004 Posts: 3447 Location: Melbourne, Australia
kudo.. gempak barang ko nih! berapa ko dpt? haa amp lama ko kalau dah takmo pakai pandai2 la buat amal jariah kat aku..hehehhe
zid.. small clone ada rezeki tak? still pending ker? _________________ Gelanggang guitar : |
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riki_rahman |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:11 pm�� �Post subject: Re: kejayaan eBay ku yang terulung |

Joined: 12 Mar 2004 Posts: 212 Location: UK KL
kudo wrote: | selepas bertahun bermain guitar (dgn crap sekali)... |
korg percaya ke?!
setahu aku mamat yg ada Blues Deluxe semua power� belaka...
but last time aku dgr, kudo main Johnny Winters pakai kaki je...
so go figure!  _________________ [ r i k i r a h m a n ]
... Hail Hail The Analog-Man... |
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deadzid |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:45 pm�� �Post subject: |
 Mod Squad

Joined: 13 Feb 2004 Posts: 3891 Location: Shah Alam
izuanhafez wrote: | zid.. small clone ada rezeki tak? still pending ker? |
aku rasa mamat tu takkan claim payment aku ni until 30-days sbb lepas tu PayPal akan automatically refund balik duit tu dlm account aku (so that lepas ni dia boleh jual dgn harga lagi tinggi!)... aku dah risau ni, pasal payment tu dah kluar dlm statement bil credit card aku bulan nih! hopefully next month dia credit baliklah... _________________ > facebook
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kudo |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:33 pm�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Posts: 342 Location: sheffield, england
izuan: �385 (�415 kalau kira shipping). my marshall tak jual. pasal sekarang aku beli LOOOPER pulak. hehehehe
riki: hotak ko!
wahai ahli2 ibands yg baca ni, ini semua fitnah belaka!
zid: apa jadi dgn small clone yg kau bid tu? (must've missed the thread if you had already mentioned it). _________________ "my small a book amongst the many on a shelf.."
"Welcome to Tube Club. The first rule of Tube Club: you do not talk about solid state." -The Uncle
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pali |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:51 pm�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 03 Jul 2004 Posts: 687
kudo.... nak jadi tuan presiden kah?
p/s: when you feel like letting go your custom epiphone 'black beauty' pls do tell. _________________ "life is what you make it"
TERUBOZU*on drums |
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kudo |
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:50 pm�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Posts: 342 Location: sheffield, england
aiyo. another one?
hahaha. one thing about me i don't sell my stuff. i still play my xingxiao strat which is a china squier (it's 9 years old, vintage la jugak... hahahaha ).
i have to admit. i sold off my ME-30 for a mere �20 (RM140) to my friend, and that is because i have absolutely no use for it anymore (unlike other guitars or amps). kalau aku jual ME30 aku rm140 sure korang berebut eh? mana mau carik harga cam tu (perfect working condition). but this was one rare example...
nak beli barang? you are speaking to the wrong man. but you know who you have to speak to kan...?
 _________________ "my small a book amongst the many on a shelf.."
"Welcome to Tube Club. The first rule of Tube Club: you do not talk about solid state." -The Uncle
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deadzid |
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:36 am�� �Post subject: |
 Mod Squad

Joined: 13 Feb 2004 Posts: 3891 Location: Shah Alam
kudo wrote: | zid: apa jadi dgn small clone yg kau bid tu? (must've missed the thread if you had already mentioned it). |
nope, haven't mention about it here...
actually, aku tolong bid utk izuan Small Clone ni (rarely used, like new condition)... at the end, aku menang dgn mudah pada harga US$41 je.. then dia kluarkan invoice, so aku bayar la thru PayPal but the status remains 'pending' until now... aku bukak help kat PayPal, dia tulis situ maybe seller punya email address tak confirm, so the seller must login to PayPal and claim the payment... tapi dia buat bodo je.. siap cakap kat aku dia nak re-list the item lagi! nak kena bagi negative feedback mamat nih...!
aku rasa dia tak puas ati sbb aku menang dgn harga rendah kot, tu pasal nak re-aution semula so that boleh dpt harga lagi tinggi! _________________ > facebook
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riki_rahman |
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:32 am�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 12 Mar 2004 Posts: 212 Location: UK KL
kau dah check account credit card kau? fund cukup tak?
if credit card kau ok, in my opinion (& experience), duit kau dah terburn! jadi tak perlu lah kau bersusah payah menunggu pedal or duit tu! mmg sah mamat tu nak klepet kau...
so ape yg kau perlu buat is report this to eBay dulu. then see what the eBay admin will say...
kau boleh letak negative feedback but aku takut dia retaliate. tak pasal� feedback kau tercemar dgn 1 negative feedback yg kau tak patut dpt...
p/s: kekdg aku rase bersalah coz promote eBay kat korg semua but then belum sempat korg 'berjalan', korg dah dpt musibah! sori laa... i guess eBay is not as safe as i thought it would...  _________________ [ r i k i r a h m a n ]
... Hail Hail The Analog-Man... |
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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:43 am�� �Post subject: |

Joined: 11 Dec 2004 Posts: 3447 Location: Melbourne, Australia
aku lagi la rasa bersalah pada kau zid.. dah la penat2 nak tolong aku.. aku rasa kena push mamat tu la.. ish geram pulak aku ni... grrrr... _________________ Gelanggang guitar : |
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