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 New Year's Eve Unlawful Arrest at Paul's Place « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:34 am    Post subject: New Year's Eve Unlawful Arrest at Paul's Place Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

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Sila membuat saman anda terhadap Pihak polis jabatan Brickfields, hari ini sebelum pukul 10:45 malam.

Dalam report kamu,

Ko kena citer pasal ko buat ape, dan ko di mana masa ko kena ditangkap.

Atas sebab2 ko boleh membuat saman ialah

1. Pihak polis tidak memberitahu kamu sebab ko ditangkap.

2. Ko di salah Tangkap.

3. Pihak Polis tidak menerangkan arahan apabila ditangkap.


Dalam Undang2 federal, BLACK METAL tidak salah disisi Undang2.

Terima kasih.

Kalo, ko ade ape2 soalan nak tanya saya, ko boleh PM aku,
Kalo ko nak tau butir2 selanjutnya bagaimana menyaman semua pihak polis, sila pm aku untuk peguam contact saya.

Sekian Terima Kasih.
"Thus let my enemy's blood be spilled
like water and sink into the earth."
- By Irene

Last edited by HuntressM00n on Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Kena raid ke? fucking malaysian authorities.....
Can you feel the groove?
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Too bad i didn't go last nite... jadi xleh nak saman diorg...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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Location: Agombak Ago go!

hmm aku dengar citer kata Paul's Place takde permit? if this is the case then susah ah.

black metal mmg tak salah. but diorang bleh cas as menghadiri perhimpunan haram.

band luar perform kat sini tanpa working permit tetap salah.

yg kena tangkap ni semua masuk lokap ke just diorang tahan utk amik statement??

really felt sorry for the organizer and moktar and offcourse the bands. in the heat of the black metal issue... everything underground kena tempias.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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aku tinuk tv tadi! berita 1.30, wah.. ramai siol.. semua naik trak.. kesian tol la.. mamat yang diorang tanya tu plak da cam gelabah je jawab namapk cam bersalah la plak! ke aku je tengok lambat? dalam newspaper dah kuar eh? Razz
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku missed tu wei. aku pun baru tau pasal raid ni tadi from enol crestfallen. there was a 500 strong crowd! 500 dude! gila best.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

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Menurut peguam bela kita,

walaupun tempat tu tidak ade permit,

ia tiada berkaitan dengan organiser dan orang yang pergi ke gig tu.

orang yang tengah lepak kat mamak pon, kena serbu.
orang yang tidak ade kaitan dengan gig, pun kena tangkap
"Thus let my enemy's blood be spilled
like water and sink into the earth."
- By Irene
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Saturday, 31st December 2005: This Year’s Final Threat@Balai Polis Brickfields

Paul's Place was raided on New Years Eve, 31/12/05 at approximately 10:30. Police were acting on an report that the gig was allegedly a Black Metal gathering. Bands that performed were, Crystal Lake (Japan), Force Vomit (Singapore), Cassandra, Second Combat, Devilica, Uphold, The Falling Grudge, M.U.Z.E, Net Restraint and Crestfallen. It is interesting to note that none of these bands is a Black Metal band. (Note: I only caught M.U.Z.E's set which was damn brilliant).

Paul, Ben (Bitches) and I were in Sri Hartamas when the raid occured, we left about 15 minutes before the raid. Contrary to popular belief neither Paul nor I were aware that this raid would happen. Paul was filling in on drums for Triple6Poser.

When we were informed of the raid, we immediately sought legal advisory and contacted Sonia Randhawa from the Center of Independant Journalism who in turned brought in HAKAM and SUARAM.

Paul wanted to go to the police station but after getting legal advice and discussion amongst ourselves, I felt it would be logical for Paul to wait until the courts open on Tuesday. If he were to go then/now, there is a possibility that he may be remanded (and rendered useless). I felt it would be more useful for him to use Sunday and Monday working on a legal strategy to get the detainees released and organize funds for bail if it becomes necessary. We told him to go home and headed to the police station.

Ben and I arrived at the police station at about 2am. CK (Ben's Bitches bassist) arrived shortly after. Friends and loved ones waited outside the station compound.

Detainees were released at approimately 5am. David (Paul's Place staff) and an indeterminate number of others were remanded and shall be brought to court on Tuesday/Wednesday to face charges.

Some detainees, Crystal Lake included, immediately went back to the police station and lodged a report on what they believed to be an unlawful detainment.

Ben and I left the scene at 6:00 am in the morning. CK was still there when we left.


It is estimated that 380 persons were detained without cause. Those detained included Paul's Place staff David, members of Japanese band Crystal Lake, Singaporean outfit Forced Vomit and a lawyer from law firm Edwin Lim & Suren Advocates and Solicitors. All merchandise and movable equipment at the venue were confiscated.

It should be noted that not all those detained were physically in Paul's Place. Some were in the stalls outside eating, hanging out at the kaki lima, others were there to drop off friends.

Detainees were trucked to the Brickfields Police Station and tested for drugs. They were made to sit in the compound, men were went single file to give their urine samples, I assume the women were given a little more privacy. Friends and loved ones kept vigil outside the police station. No one was allowed to enter and meet with the detainees until they were processed.

Those who tested negative for drugs were released at approximately 5:00 am, I was there until 6:00 am and people were still being released. Some of the merchandise and equipment was returned to the owners. It is uncertain now many persons (if any) tested positive and held for a second urine test and/or remanded.

It is *uncertain* what the detainees were/are being charged for. Detainees could not get a straight answer from the police. Anedectotal information includes:

a) Black Metal/Devil Worshipping ceremony (to quote a TV reporter "Menyambut Tahun Baru dengan Syaitan" - something I wish I had tradmarked)

b) Illegal gathering (for those caught outside).

c) Operating/being in an unlicensed venue for David, organizers Paul's Place.

d) Undecent public display (I'm assuming wearing black t-shirts)

From what I understand Paul's Place is a licensed cafe. He is allowed to sell soft drinks and canned/bottled beer and host private events (i.e., gigs). The authorities have never seemed to have a problem with this until now.


Malaysian human rights organizations and watchdog groups HAKAM and SUARAM and the Center of Independant Journalism were present outside the police station demanding to speak with the OCPD and questioning the media.

N. Surendran from law firm Edwin Lim & Suren, lodged 3 police reports against Brickfields OCPD and 2 other high ranking officers within hours of the raid for the unlawful detainment of their staff lawyer who happened to be at the gig.

Media, newspapers, TV were present at the police station interviewing detainees and shooting pictures and footage. Some detainees were "asked nicely" to provide interviews with the TV journalists. Who were asked promptly complied.

Some detainees, approximately 15, who were released immediately returned to the station to lodge a police report against the Brickfields Police Station's unlawful detainment. Irene (frequent gig organizer and band nomad), Jay (Freelove) and Hana (Lucy in the Loo) were amongst those who took a stand and lodged the report.

In addition to that, Crystal Lake members too lodged police reports They had been advised to bring this matter up to the Japanese Embassy. I'm not sure if Forced Vomit submitted a report.

A young unidentified off duty cop came up to me and told me, "If I didn't have to work tonight, I would have probably been at Paul's catching the hardcore gig and with the detainees right now".

David and some other detainees have been remanded and will be brought to court to be charged on Tuesday or Wednesday since Sunday and Monday were public holidays. It will be impossible to contact them, bail them out or take any legal action until they have been charged.

We are working on a legal strategy to get David and the rest of the detainees out as soon as they get charged on Tuesday.

Post Mortem and Call for Action
Kudos to you all who lodged police reports!


What the police did was unlawful and amounts to harassment. One can't be detained for listening to music (no matter how bad) or wearing black t-shirts and having dinner at a gerai.

Failure to take action NOW will allow for the possibility for this to happen again. I realize it is difficult for some to contemplate lodging a report or complaint due to several factors; parents, concern that you may be further persecuted (which won't happen) etc.

If enough people get together, it will be possible to organize a class action lawsuit. Edwin Lim & Suresh Advocates and Solicitors contact details below.

I have asked Suren to provide information on how to file a police report and participate in a class action lawsuit for this matter. I shall post that up as soon as I get it.

What can you do:

It is important to ensure that incidents like this do not happen again. The community needs to send a message to the law enforcement agencies and show that they are not little school kids that can be easily intimidated and pushed around. They need to show that they are aware of the law and what their rights as citizens are.

Please do the following:

a) If you haven't already: GO BACK AND LODGE A REPORT IF YOU WERE DETAINED. For those who weren't: get your friends who were involved to return to the station and lodge a report. Some don't feel comfortable doing so as they were made to feel they were guilty when the opposite is true. Support them.

b) Go to your MP, DAP complaints bureau and lodge a complaint.

c) File a class action lawsuit. Suren can assist with this. But he needs LOTS OF YOU TO PARTICIPATE.

Edwin Lim & Suren Advocates
Contact: Suren
Phone: +60 (3) 2161-7003

Paul Millot
Phone: +60 (16) 276-8962

Rafil Elyas
Phone: +60 (12) 389-2260
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 08 Feb 2005
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Location: Setapak, KL

I wish luck to all you guys
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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Location: Agombak Ago go!

aku kat JB pulak skrg ni. Hope many will come to show their support. if 500 can come to see bands play.. then I supposed more than 500 can come tomorrow.

thanks alda for sending out the sms.

Rafil : good luck dude.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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heard there's a press confrence at paul's place at 2pm tomorrow... maybe i can singgah after i go pay my saman (psl xgune jejantas Razz)... but i dunno where is it... can anyone tell me?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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dead_zink wrote:
heard there's a press confrence at paul's place at 2pm tomorrow... maybe i can singgah after i go pay my saman (psl xgune jejantas Razz)... but i dunno where is it... can anyone tell me?

Glad to see the community rallying up to support this.

If you're planning on dropping Paul's to show support, you can do the following to make the Press Conference sucessful.

a) Please come up to Paul's Place, don't loiter around the kaki lima or the outskirts.

b) If Paul's becomes full, please leave the venue, spread yourselves out THINLY to surrounding and send us good thoughts.

c) If possible, please consider wearing non threatening non stereotypical clothes. I know this is difficult because when I was your age, my wardrobe consisted of Joy Division, Bauhaus, Dead Can Dance t-shirts, all in the perfect shade of Black.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Thanks for the suggestions!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 16 Mar 2005
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lets all come together and see this one thru! Unite!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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I was at CRYSTAL LAKE gig in Ipoh. I was a late comer, arrived about 945pm Got to see 2 bands prior to CRYSTAL LAKE. THe show ended near to 12am. Was wearing a snowcap and blue baju melayu (sebab baru lepas jemaah di masjid, grab some friends and head to the venue). Nasib baik pakai seluar, kalau idak aku pi gig tu dengan kain pelikat hehehe... Ala, kampung sendiri, apa kira, ye tak?

I asked the organizer, "ada sape2 kacau ke?". Dia kata, "takde, semua OK". Kalau camni best le, aku kata dalam hati. Anyway, mungkin depa ni bukan BLACK METAL or near it. It was a HARDCORE gig.

Anyway, enjoyed it. First time in a CORE gig. Some new styles I got from the bands onstage. Rasa2nya tak leh ikut gaya depa. Dah tua heheheh...

Alih2, kat KL masuk TV pulak... pening kepala dah sekarang ni.

p/s: ternampak mamat pakai baju LANGSUYR masa kat gig tu... errmmm kembang kempis la jugak hidung muehehehe...
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