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 A Love In Misery - Give us ur toughts / Pandangan anda « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 2:20 pm    Post subject: A Love In Misery - Give us ur toughts / Pandangan anda Reply with quote

Joined: 02 May 2004
Posts: 97
Location: Kluang, Seremban

Hi! Very Happy

akhirnya after several mth, sejak bln 11/03 to b honest, akhirnya siap gak projek home recording kitorang yg tak seberapa nie. altogather ada 14 track but for n introduction of what a love in misery is all about, why not go to the url below, listen and berikan komen anda. Komen psl recording, lelagunya n senang cerita semua laa.

suppose ade 2 lagu but tangan tu gegatal nak repair ade 1 lagu tu... tup tup last last pc plak jam. rasenya da ade virus hinggap la mlm tadi... nak upload lagu xble

so....... abg2, kakak2, ayah, mak boyz n girls... denga yea jangan xdenga.


p/s latest update: dah bole download dah lagu yg 1 tu
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 82

hmmm not bad .. boleh kasi mantap lagi..kasi citer sikit camner record... drum trk dah ok dah.. tapi guitar bunyi mcm bising.. tkleh nk dgr tone dier.. vocal korang bole capai high pitch.. ade vibe rock kangkang ...heheh nice.. mcm suara mamat terra rossa tuh.. nway.. imho, rasanyer ade mcm slang sikit bile nyanyi.. maybe if u can get rid of that and everything will be fine..
all in all.. bole improve byk lagi.. so good luck!
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Fulammak la lagu ni...shit man...kalau dapat record betul2 mesti best..

Lagu ni happy ...aku suka...sounds really 'summer-like'. The vocalist has a very good voice..

I always have a softspot for punk-rock tunes !!

Well done!!!!

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 May 2004
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Location: Kluang, Seremban

lupalak wrote:
hmmm not bad .. boleh kasi mantap lagi..kasi citer sikit camner record... drum trk dah ok dah.. tapi guitar bunyi mcm bising.. tkleh nk dgr tone dier.. vocal korang bole capai high pitch.. ade vibe rock kangkang ...heheh nice.. mcm suara mamat terra rossa tuh.. nway.. imho, rasanyer ade mcm slang sikit bile nyanyi.. maybe if u can get rid of that and everything will be fine..
all in all.. bole improve byk lagi.. so good luck!

Tq 4 ur comment. actually the drum track was taken saperately, record kat studio. yang lain buat kat umah. termasuklah part melalak tu. setting yg kitorang guna adalah seperti dbwh ni

H.Ware- Celeron 1000, ram 256..... (credit to my mom, macih mama! -
ahaks! pc mak aku laa), S.Card - SBlaster Live Value, Speaker /
Amp - MiniCompo Sony + Speaker Besar Sony Mini HiFi.

software - Adobe Audition 1.0 (Cucu kepada Cool edit pro punya series)

FX / Amp / Distortion - Korg Tonework, Metalzone.
Guitar - Ibanez / B.C rich Warlock Platinum Series (Ahaks! jgn
Bass - Lupa la namanya
Mic - Mic Karaoke cik Eppy - drummer kitorang

Hmm.. mmg kitorang pun perasan guitar ada blur sikit bunyinya. nanti ah! kalau ade time terluang nanti den akan cuba ushakan. mixing guitar balik semula. at the moment ada sikit Bz skit laaa. Eden skang koje kat S'ban. PC plak kat Johor. so pepaham aje la.

Tang vocal tu kitorang pun tak paham. nape laaa ade satu mamat tu laaa. tak bole Xslang bila nanyi. Nak kate omputih, Nama ayah dia pun dah terang terang JAWA!....... dulu kekecik terlebih makan keju kot. Ahaks!

Anyway thanks for ur comment bro

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 May 2004
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Location: Kluang, Seremban

Ridzi wrote:
Fulammak la lagu ni...shit man...kalau dapat record betul2 mesti best..

Lagu ni happy ...aku suka...sounds really 'summer-like'. The vocalist has a very good voice..

I always have a softspot for punk-rock tunes !!

Well done!!!!


Macih Abg Ridzi...... TQ for ur sincere comment. Hopefully after this we could improve more. but until then. TUNGGGGGGGUUU!

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

lupalak wrote:
hmmm not bad .. boleh kasi mantap lagi..kasi citer sikit camner record... drum trk dah ok dah.. tapi guitar bunyi mcm bising.. tkleh nk dgr tone dier.. vocal korang bole capai high pitch.. ade vibe rock kangkang ...heheh nice.. mcm suara mamat terra rossa tuh.. nway.. imho, rasanyer ade mcm slang sikit bile nyanyi.. maybe if u can get rid of that and everything will be fine..
all in all.. bole improve byk lagi.. so good luck!

Aku dengar okey je dengan monitor speaker aku--...speaker ko tak berkualiti kot ahaksss!! Razz

Cuma bass drum dia kuat sangat. bunyi dia boomy..tapi aku rasa bole adjust skit pakai EQ..

Guitar kena kurengkan gain dia - pastu masa mixing kena naikkan level dia sket...baru bergetah nanti...pastu aku rasa guitar ko intonation lari skit...itu kena adjust intonation.

Bila record rhythm guitar tu cuba buat camni

record in mono...pastu copy and paste to another track to double it up...them pan both tracks hard right..

then record another take of the rhythm guitar - copy and paste to another track to double it up - then pan both tracks hard left

for the lead guitar..

record it in mono then double it up - pan one track slightly to the left and the other slightly to the right.

kalau ko ikut cakap aku mesti power!!!! percaya cakap aku!!

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 May 2004
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Location: Kluang, Seremban

hi again. Very Happy

Tq 4 the advise. I'll try it right away and hopefully by tonite it all be done. hopefully dpt try one song for the nite kira ok la coz esok kena balik S'ban la plak. tiket abis da ari selasa. so if ok ari isnin aku bagi result. so till then wish me luck.... cuma skang nie ngah gabra skit laa. P.c aku kena virus. kalau kena format alamat menangis laa. banyak tu nak kena buat balik. backup plak xde.

k la bro@ semua

till then chiow

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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 2:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 03 Feb 2004
Posts: 2033

Good luck guys...good song and good musicianship...keep it up Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 82

Ridzi wrote:
lupalak wrote:
hmmm not bad .. boleh kasi mantap lagi..kasi citer sikit camner record... drum trk dah ok dah.. tapi guitar bunyi mcm bising.. tkleh nk dgr tone dier.. vocal korang bole capai high pitch.. ade vibe rock kangkang ...heheh nice.. mcm suara mamat terra rossa tuh.. nway.. imho, rasanyer ade mcm slang sikit bile nyanyi.. maybe if u can get rid of that and everything will be fine..
all in all.. bole improve byk lagi.. so good luck!

Aku dengar okey je dengan monitor speaker aku--...speaker ko tak berkualiti kot ahaksss!! Razz


ntah ah.. aku pakai speaker pc ALTEC LANSING jer... maybe telinga aku kot...

Ridzi wrote:

Bila record rhythm guitar tu cuba buat camni

record in mono...pastu copy and paste to another track to double it up...them pan both tracks hard right..

then record another take of the rhythm guitar - copy and paste to another track to double it up - then pan both tracks hard left

for the lead guitar..

record it in mono then double it up - pan one track slightly to the left and the other slightly to the right.

kalau ko ikut cakap aku mesti power!!!! percaya cakap aku!!


aku rasa macam pernah baca teknik nih... rasanyer mamat lizard ker apa yg suggest.. then ko ckp tuh teknik pemalas... Laughing
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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 5:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Teknik pemalas is when you use only record one guitar track only, copy and paste and pan it left and right... which means you have the same guitar take on both sides. Itu maksud aku Exclamation

Aku suruh record 2 guitar tracks...then double it up 2 on the left and two on the right.. Like this you have 2 different takes, just doubled up on each side.

You can't judge the mix of a track with some shitty computer speakers... Listen to it with some reference speakers, only then you can see (hear) whats wrong with the track. (or any track for that matter)

/ridzi (gRuMPy oLd bAStARD)

*reference speakers - Studio monitor speakers/Flat response - the kind of speakers that does not 'colour' the sound.
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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Eddie Van Halen uses an almost similar technique to recording guitars. This is what he does on the later recordings :

His guitar signal is split, one panned hard right, and one panned hard left, and one of these is detuned with a Harmonizer (I can't remember the make...probably check up on this). That's all to it...and he didn't even need to double the guitars! Listen to the guitar sounds on the album 'Balance' which was recorded this way...monstrous! Eddie Van Halen is well known as someone who can achieve amazing results with the most idiotically simple recording techniques. He mikes up his amps with a Shure SM 57 or 58 propped right in front of the speaker ambient mikes or distant miking or whatever...of course a lot of the tone comes from the fingers, and that's another long story which I won't go in detail here... Smile

Anyway, try to nail a monstrous guitar sound even without the need of all these techniques in the first place. This saves the trouble of headaches later. Our cover version of 'Shyboy' has only one dry uneffected guitar track recorded on a Tascam cassette 4 track. Yup, no effects, no doubling, and yet it sounds like a wall of Marshalls (do have a listen on our band page if you havent...). Once you nail this, then use the tip that Ridzi proposed earlier...then things will certainly get interesting Smile
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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Actually there is no right way or wrong way to record guitars....just use what works best for you.

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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Ridzi wrote:
Actually there is no right way or wrong way to record guitars....just use what works best for you.


The only rule is as long as it sounds good Smile
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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Bode wrote:
and yet it sounds like a wall of Marshalls (do have a listen on our band page if you havent...).

Cheiistttt sempat lagi mempromote lagi tu hahahahahaha Laughing

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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 8:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Ridzi wrote:
Cheiistttt sempat lagi mempromote lagi tu hahahahahaha Laughing


Listen to

Promote aper Ridzi? What are you talking about? Very Happy
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