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 JASON LO STOLE OUR SONG! « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:35 pm    Post subject: JASON LO STOLE OUR SONG! Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Aug 2006
Posts: 6

To all patrions of the underground scene

This son of a bicth stole our idea!

In our 2004 debut album, National Disservice there was a track called Hang Hero which had the old newspaper interlude part that this bastardo stole!

Is it already too much that our underground scene is being harassed constantly by the pigs and politicians, now we have this coke sucker who just takes something without paying copyright or giving credit?

Well, Mr Lo ma hai, this isn't the last that you'll be hearing from us. You can expect to hear from our lawyers soon, you theiving whore!
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
Posts: 386

please state exactly which part of the song he stole
and please include the part of Lo's song u claimed he stole from u guys
until then,i cannot give u my support
because as far as i'm concern
Jason Lo can interpolate from ur song in order to create another song of his own
and there's nothing wrong with that

ni nak bawak gi court pon korang gerenti kalah
kalu korang bole buktikan
Jason Lo amik/pakai/sample part of ur song without permission of any kind
then korang takde kes against Jason Lo
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 08 Feb 2005
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part "old new paper! paper lama!"
Death Crew Productions
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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tu mmg susah
sbb kalu Jason pakai suara die atau die buat rekording sendri
mmg Jason x bersalah la
kalo Jason sample dr lagu Hang Tuah tu
then Jason salah
psl kalu die nak sample die kena mintak permisi dulu

kalu aku nak letak/rekod part org jerit "suratkabar lama" tu
kena mintak permisi korang la?
korang ade register copyright,trademark phrase tu?
kalu ade bule bg reference?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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actually kan.. aku dah banyak kali dengar lagu jason Lo.. tapi kan...

certain rythm part ade similiarity.. cuma dengar lagu Old News paper tuh..

mungkin dia main chord lama.. but i never forget the rythm..
"Thus let my enemy's blood be spilled
like water and sink into the earth."
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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Location: Agombak Ago go!

hehe the 1st time i heard the song on the radio.. i was like .. eh? cam pernah dengar. and yeah i heard it 1st from ben's.

but i agree with adzakael. if the melody of the shouting.."old newspaper", is categorized as something like those folk songs..lagu tiga kupang, injit2 semut, then anybody can use it royalty free. unless you sampled somebody else's recordings. These tunes are something that we all know, but couldn't determine who's the original composer.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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nie serious ke main main?? hah hah....patutnyer "old news paper " tu cina yg jual newspaper kat rmh aku yg sue korang!!... hahahaa...

moral of the story : saper yg ader idea or lagu tu cepat cepat la buat recording..takbley mainstream klr demo pun ok gak..
jadi mcm ex band aku la TELEBURY..diaorang claim ramai curik lagu la.. amk idea la.. but bila pk balik "apsal tak cepat cepat recording?? ".. mmg la org amk idea.gig byk main..all new stuff been heard.. ppl hear and improvice...well.. this is very subjective man...
infecto groovalistic...
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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but i agree with adzakael. if the melody of the shouting.."old newspaper", is categorized as something like those folk songs..lagu tiga kupang, injit2 semut, then anybody can use it royalty free.

tu la psl
since benda2 gitu dah masuk public domain

gilo la mamat ni
register semata2 nak bgtau benda ni
entah die baca reply kite sumer ke tak ni

p/s:bendkds,sori la,aku bukannye jenis emo membuta tuli sokong camtu aje,underground ke indie ke mainstream ke,sumer sama bg aku,so in ur case,aku still takleh nak bg sokongan malah nampaknye aku kena bg tentangan.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Aug 2006
Posts: 6

I am reediting this post thanks to somebody that pointed out I was acting like a sonofabitch myself.


Okay. So he didn't rip us off in anyway that can be presentable in a court lawsuit but he did plagurise (right spelling?) the idea.

I just hope you all realize how it is the general order of the world especially here in malaysia to screw the little guy.

And with that I bit you all farewell.

It's obvious the honky, retarded, lame, unoriginal bastardo has won.

And most ppl wanna kiss his ass to play in RTW anyway...

So screw it... In pure Ben's Bitches style.

End of the year, we'll be out with a new album with lots more songs for the untalented JLo to learn from and then modify and call his own.

We're not going anywhere but at least we don't have to worry about gas.

Last edited by bendkds on Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Posts: 386

what is wrong with u?

nak bawak pegi court,pegi la
sape yg halang pon?
ade aku send ppl letak pistol kat dahi korang?
aku point out yg korang akan kalah kat court
sbb kes korang sangat,sangat,sangat lemah

with your attitude shown here
jangan harap aku akan sokong korang

you are the typical malaysian
emo taknak face the reality
taknak check fakta
taknak piki masak2 panjang2
sumer nak hentam kromo
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Aug 2006
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adzakael wrote:
what is wrong with u?

nak bawak pegi court,pegi la
sape yg halang pon?
ade aku send ppl letak pistol kat dahi korang?
aku point out yg korang akan kalah kat court
sbb kes korang sangat,sangat,sangat lemah

with your attitude shown here
jangan harap aku akan sokong korang

you are the typical malaysian
emo taknak face the reality
taknak check fakta
taknak piki masak2 panjang2
sumer nak hentam kromo

Sorry la brudder... tadi suda tergila sikit. Biasanya berlaku bila musim kering.

But in regards to your last paragraph...
Yes, I have heard the song and I know there's no case to bring to court because the song is different musically.

My point is, if I'm so typically M'sian, why do I make originals?
The typical M'sian is the one with the boleh jalan attitude. Hence, they resort to copying ideas from ppl because they are to lazy or dumb to come up with their own.

And like I said before, anyone wanna support it's up to you. I'm not really looking for support but looking for like minded individuals that share my bitterness. That's all.

That's the nice guy talking.

The badass guy will tell you that this ain't your war brudder, so you can just fook off.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Oct 2005
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bendkds wrote:
adzakael wrote:
what is wrong with u?

nak bawak pegi court,pegi la
sape yg halang pon?
ade aku send ppl letak pistol kat dahi korang?
aku point out yg korang akan kalah kat court
sbb kes korang sangat,sangat,sangat lemah

with your attitude shown here
jangan harap aku akan sokong korang

you are the typical malaysian
emo taknak face the reality
taknak check fakta
taknak piki masak2 panjang2
sumer nak hentam kromo

Sorry la brudder... tadi suda tergila sikit. Biasanya berlaku bila musim kering.

But in regards to your last paragraph...
Yes, I have heard the song and I know there's no case to bring to court because the song is different musically.

My point is, if I'm so typically M'sian, why do I make originals?
The typical M'sian is the one with the boleh jalan attitude. Hence, they resort to copying ideas from ppl because they are to lazy or dumb to come up with their own.

And like I said before, anyone wanna support it's up to you. I'm not really looking for support but looking for like minded individuals that share my bitterness. That's all.

That's the nice guy talking.

The badass guy will tell you that this ain't your war brudder, so you can just fook off.

All you b*stards have plagiarized (yes, that's how you spell it) me.

I invented the "old news paper" thing back in the 60's (before you were itches in your daddy's crotch).

Before that, these guys were simply yelling "Oi! Oi! Bawa keluar surat khabar yang tidak terpakai, saya mahu beli".

As you can imagine, this was a mouthful to say when you're pushing your old newspaper cart (not many cars in those days).

*I* came up with the line "Old Newspaper, paper lama!" and created the phrasing and melody. Then proceeded to teach this to all the old newspaper men in Malaysia. They in turn taught their sons, etc.

Later I added the line "Bateri lama!" to this.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Mar 2004
Posts: 62

Alar.. relek lar.. mana ada lawsuit lawsuit...memang Jason Lo tak curi Lagu..

If you hear the rhythm he uses properly.. it merges with his vocal.
The same way my band did it..

He didn't stole the song.. but he did STOLE the identity of the song....

Let me tell you why...

Jason Lo had been long time trying to find out something to make him Malaysian.... I met him once.. stumbled upon Sara Lo and gave her my CD NATIONAL DISSERVICE...
and I told'em "You should hear this track called Hang Hero, we have a part where we took from an old slang of newspaper man... you know... it's an album which we try to make it sounds like Malaysian"

And few months later he release THE FALL...

Hey... We didn't even profit a single sen from the album ok... we dont get airplayed... we are funded purely DIY.. you know.. from our hardearned money.... and most of all.. we lost in total as we well National Disservice with RM5.. purely so that people can afford to listen to us.. a CD so well-made that it deserves to be priced more higher.. and we have 20tracks.. and sold with Honesty ...

And/ JASON LO... a kid with very very rich Father.. who hangout with very very rich friends like Alex from Singletrackmind...
He's registered to MACP.. which every song he published to airplay will receive money from..... and OLD NEWSPAPER received damn a lot of airplay... somemore.. many many weeks on Hitzfm Charts... and people praise him for his very Original Malaysian identity in the song...

now you compare.......

Kita budak DIY... dia ambik idea kecil saja.. tapi..semua glory.. dia punya.... ..

lawsuit takde lar.. ben main main saja...
mana ada logic pun...

anyway... good luck to mr Jason Lo... at least we know we're copied..
ask him to copy kote berbulu sekali lar... aku tak copyright lagu tu pun...
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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Location: Agombak Ago go!

eh now ...since jason registered with MACP. then those people collecting old newspaper cannot shout the same tune lah. considered as public performance already..kena apply MACP licence. hehe Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Mar 2004
Posts: 62

Hey Ho .. Let's Go.

this phrase is a slang within the street people in states.. yet.. every musician who uses the phrase with the melody will acknowledged Ramones for it.
it's been copied by many artists.. even the well Pop artistes.

and.. yeap..
No copyright .. DIY kids gets no recognition whatsoever.

What happens if that happens to you???
Tak rasa sikit sakit hati pun ke???
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