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 Master of Puppets « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:21 pm    Post subject: Master of Puppets Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Sep 2005
Posts: 56

Satu soalan amatur - main lagu ni pakai alternate picking ke downstroke picking. kalau jawapannya dua-dua boleh @ ikut suka hati. Yang mana satu the one technically correct (metallica main)..

aku dah cuba dua2 - kalau alternate selalu confuse bila part tukar string, kalau downstroke sokmo, cepat letih & cramp. Ada jugak aku try mix alternate & downstroke, OK la jugak.. tapi aku nak belajar dari korang.. ni aku punya early attemp nak try main metal, riffing etc.. macam best je.. tq
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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kalau betul2 tengok james hetfield main.... semuanya down stroke picking.....

tapi aku main alternate picking..... tak kisah la...... yang penting main, selesa, bunyik sedap... jalan je.....
I m Now with: Iba........... Arrghh!!! Now what I really need is my hand and brain. The rest is just another thing.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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if you're serious about playing this song, you should go for DOWNSTROKE picking all the way! seriously, aku dulu pon pakai alternate picking gak, until one day aku jamming dgn member aku ni.. itu la first time aku tengok org main lagu ni downstroke all the way sampai abis! and the result is totally different compare to my crappy alternate playing! dia punya tone sangat clear, riffing very tight - just like Hetfield's playing! yg lagi sakit hati, dia main lagi laju dari standard tempo! damn it!

tapi kalau ko tengok masa dia riffing tu mmg tak caya la.. mcm magic! boleh ke manusia biasa "kocak" tangan mcm tu sampai abis satu jamming session?? tangan dia nampak mcm menggigil je heheh... giler laa...

aku pon masih praktis downstroke lagi ni, since 2003 lagi, tapi sampai skarang takleh master! hahaha sampai chorus je, terus alternate picking! hehehe...
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Definitely downstroking all the way. Alternate picking bunyi 'muddy' for this kind of song.

Downstroke kena prektis hari2. Kalau tinggal prektis, jadi la macam aku... dah takleh buat dah. Practice builds up your stamina.. so practice! practice! practice!!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku tengok youtube dream theather cover lagu ni.. petrucci guna alternate picking.. tapi petrucci memang alternate sokmo.. dia main lagu glasgow kiss pun pakai alternate.. aku cuba try pakai economy picking at 60 bpm pun berterabur.. kalau ikut real tempo jangan cerita la...

aku akan ikut nasihat korang & cuba main lagu ni pakai downstroke all the way.. mungkin makan berbulan2 utk sampai the exact tempo.. tangan jadi kejung kalu downstroke laju2 & lama2
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Start at a slow tempo. If your hand starts to hurt, that means you are stressing your muscles. try a slower tempo and gradually increase the tempo .. That way you build the stamina and precision. Good luck!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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position tangan pun penting gak...

sesetengah org men jari tegak..

sesetengah bengkok...


kena cari position yang sesuai.. (bukan tersekat ngan satu gaya je)

bahu, siku, ketiak (hehe)
tahap ketinggian gitar.. duduk, berdiri,
tahap bengkok badan.. (bg aku ada rasa kelainan, org len tak tahu laa..)
cara pegang neck secara mendatar @ Menegek @ 45 darjah


pemilihan pick...

cara paling senang
tiru idola... (dorg bukan sesaje je nak buat gaya pelik2.. ada sebab tu)

nak tido pun bleh hahaa

majulah muzik untuk semua kekeke
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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wehh orang dok cerita pasal teknik picking daa, bukan pasal mcm mana nak pegang neck! heheheh...

anyway, sebelum nak proceed dgn latihan downstroke picking ni, make sure you warm up dulu tangan picking tu... buat simple arm streching excercise (jgn melancap udah le kekek).. sbb aku pernah satu masa dulu sakit otot kat tangan / lengan sbb terlalu lama main downstroke picking ni.. (actually, teknik aku tak betul sebenarnya - tu pasal sakit)..

yg bikin lagi susah sbb nak kena kontrol palm-muting tu.. itu point penting nak kasi tone jelas sebenarnya.. bila palm-muting dah betul, downstroke picking tu yg adds flavour to the string picking sound!

Even kalau downstroke vs alternate satu string pun makes a big difference in tone! try it!
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 26 Nov 2005
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uih..... memang tahap ilmu pergitaran korang lebih tinggi dari aku... ilmu ngkorang setinggi pokok ketapang, sedangkan ilmu aku hanya setinggi pokok pisang......
I m Now with: Iba........... Arrghh!!! Now what I really need is my hand and brain. The rest is just another thing.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Otaizam wrote:
uih..... memang tahap ilmu pergitaran korang lebih tinggi dari aku... ilmu ngkorang setinggi pokok ketapang, sedangkan ilmu aku hanya setinggi pokok pisang......

aku pula setinggi pokok semalu je haw haw haw..
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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deadzid wrote:
wehh orang dok cerita pasal teknik picking daa, bukan pasal mcm mana nak pegang neck! heheheh...

anyway, sebelum nak proceed dgn latihan downstroke picking ni, make sure you warm up dulu tangan picking tu... buat simple arm streching excercise (jgn melancap udah le kekek).. sbb aku pernah satu masa dulu sakit otot kat tangan / lengan sbb terlalu lama main downstroke picking ni.. (actually, teknik aku tak betul sebenarnya - tu pasal sakit)..

yg bikin lagi susah sbb nak kena kontrol palm-muting tu.. itu point penting nak kasi tone jelas sebenarnya.. bila palm-muting dah betul, downstroke picking tu yg adds flavour to the string picking sound!

Even kalau downstroke vs alternate satu string pun makes a big difference in tone! try it!

Ampun Encik Deadzid
Aku saje jer nak memeriah kan thread..

tapi bukan ker gitar rendah or tinggi bagi effect kepada 'picking'

pening kpale aku memikirkan camner korg strum n picking
sambil main palm mute... sambil control dynamic...
giler susah.... nak pikir code lagi... adoi

tapi bagi aku james mcm kurang dynamic jer...
ader org penah ckp
cari lagu Metallica tak rumit
sebab kurang dynamic...
jadi men tali mane pun tak kisah..
bunyi lebih kurang jer..
betul ker???
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 11 Oct 2006
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ikut je mane yg ko selesa..
x yah ikut otai2 laen..
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Oct 2006
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tp master of puppets bes down stroke..
tp aku tak pass ble drummer aku melaju sgtkan lagu tu..

aku ngk ader org men lagu nie..
down stroke die mcm alternate picking n sound die mcm skali je..

n aku tgk..
mmg downstroke sahaja smbl palm mute..
hebat bg aku la..
tak tau bg org lain..
so you want to be somene else?
So who the hell wants to be you?
be urself.
It's much easier
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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klu buat downstroke...
gerenti sound die satu jenis je (samada lembut atau punch)

klu pick atas bawah..
sound die automatik jadi lembut.. (atau pun downstroke keras upstroke lembut dan sebaliknya)..

maybe sebab tu la downstroke lebih sesuai... supaya punch die balance..

apa kata korang try pilih pick yang pelbagai... try mane yang sesuai..
untuk downstroke or alternate picking...

aku pakai Jim dunlop jazz III untuk fast strumming sebab permukaan die tak tajam... tak sangkut..
untuk solo aku pakai jazz I sebab tajam... bleh picking jelas sket..

klu aku malas nak kontrol dynamic.. atau picking kurang jelas.. leatak effect wah wah sket.. (ni bukan sebab nak kaver, nk lebih variasi, takder la statik sgt)
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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Kalo tak silap aku la... Jarang dah main lagu ne.
biasanya aku main lagu ne ader downstroke semua dan ada part yang pakai alternate picking juga. kira tak semua kene pakai downstroke. Depend dengan riff dia.

Part riff EFB EFC EFC# berulang biasa aku pakai alternet. sebab dia punya last note tali 5 dan Dan yang lain tali 6.

dud dud dud picking somting macam ekonomi picking juga.
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

And Now all jazz.
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