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 Ben's Bitches song in Harian Metro « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Mar 2004
Posts: 62

wow,'banyak' betul genrenye,ade la dalam 3-4 shj.Korang dengar genre2 ni aje ke?Seriously,ini takleh dikatakan 'covers many genre'.

betul lar.. all i mentioned.. we had all the genre in Mamak Conspiracy alone. You dont believe, buy the album and listen.

Well, Adzakael and grayheadphones, say whatever you want lar. But, you gotta chat with me in person to know, I can't type too much here. JOM lar lepak somewhere. Dont lar hide behind the curtain. We'll make friends. You can also criticise us in person, i can handle that.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Posts: 62

Mamak Conspiracy

-Tensyen (Punkrock-agro)
-Aku Suka Jolok (Punkrock)
-Awek Lu Fit (Punkrock)
-The Cha Cha Ska of Amber Chia (Ska with Cha cha fusion)
-(You Make Me Wanna) Conform (Rockabile)
-Bangsar Must Burn (Punkrock)
-Ah Beng Emo Metal Love Song (Emo)
-Pensil Besar (Rock)
-Cialat (punkrock)
-Happy (Indie-rock)
-Mumbai Superstar (Rock with a taste of Hindi)
-Kim Jong Il (Punkrock)
-Juicy Enough For A Squeeze (Grunge)
-Satan Wants A Cigarette (Punkrock)
-This Is Not A Black Metal Song (Black Metal)
-Girl From Ipoh (Pop Rock)
-Meat In The Plastic Bag (Metal)
-Anyday With A Gig is a Good Day (Reggae)
Pantat di Indonesia (Acoustic)

we also have a couple of version and some songs we've recorded that didn't make it into this album. We've picked the most entertaining tracks to be inside this album. Lyrically, you have to check yourself lar, I cant sit down here and explain the meaning of the songs, gonna take too long.
that's why i suggested to hangout, so that i can tell you about them.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Oct 2005
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adzakael wrote:
terus terang aku cakap
somehow korang nye provocation mmg unnecessary
utk ape korang provoke pon?

Ben's Bitches is PUNK

Harian Metro deserve to be provoked and aggravated to no extent. If I had the time and resources, I'd be throwing lawsuits at those fuckers like there was no tomorrow about some of the slander and libel they print about our youth...people who are going to be running the country while I'm old and feeble.

In addition to that, I can think of at least a dozen more people or organizations I'd like to provoke and aggravate.

The whole idea of Punk and counter cultural activities is to push the boundaries, art, culture to try and effect at least a modicum of social change.

By doing this you save your culture and society from being STAGNANT. You're telling people out there, you don't like the way they're doing things.

Ben's Bitches uses satire to HIGHLIGHT situations like these:

1) Hey, radio and TV stations, you fucking blow. You play crap. Your DJ's have the IQ of a retarded dugung lobotomized by a boat propeller. You play sexually explicit WESTERN CRAP ALL THE TIME, well, I've got the entire internet to be retarded on -have this free download pisstake about "sex rambang" and one of of the dangers - catching crabs in my pubes, using as much obscenity as I can think of (Berbulu)

2) Hey "grassroots" media and censorship board, you ban Lelaki Komunis Terakhir and Apakhabar Orang Kampung because you're.....afraid that our young Malaysians are going to give up their mobile phones, playstations and head out to join the great leap forwards? After half a century, communism is still your boogey man(Kim Jong Il)

3) Hey, I'm a Christian/Hindu/Buddhist guy/girl fallen in love with a Malay Muslim girl/guy, now I've got to denounce my legacy religion and embrace this new one - not because I have faith in this new religion, but because it's the LAW. (Awek Lu Fit)

4) I'm paying all this road tax and tolls but the roads suck. Jabatan saliran are doing squat about our rivers - or maybe they're engineering Malaysia to be Venice of the east by ensuring we all get flooded under. It's getting expensive to take a whore -w wait a minute, prostitution is illegal in Malaysia..that's why all my foreign clients have ask to be set up with whores whenever they stop by KL. (Tension)

5) I obsess about my tenaga batin and penis. Good thing they're putting tongkat ali in just about every consumable beverage and there's urut batin signs up on just about every tree I can find and ads in the paper of some old bearded fucker in a turban holding a mobile phone. God I need a large cock. (Saya Ada Pensil Besar)

Other than Ben's Bitches, Carburetor Dung, Meor, NAO, Pak Pandir, Rahmat Haron and a few others, I've hardly heard any thing containing social commentary pertaining to Malaysia written or packaged ELOQUENTLY - I realize that there are some "hard core" bands - more about them later in this post - that have some element of commentary but I'm afraid, I just can't make out what they're saying without the lyric sheets.

Bands like Ben's Bitches put together social commentary, distasteful to the "authorities". THAT'S PUNK.

Youth who are dissatisfied with the status quo and have the creative capabilities to do something about it. THAT'S PUNK.

At least that's how it was in the late '70's and '80s. The 90's brought about some form of kindergarten punk, totally watered down lack of social consciousness or commitment.

During Goat Gate. I recall most of the "HARDCORE" individuals cowered to the cops. A lone petite chinese woman, Elizabeth Wong, stood outside the Brickfields police station and YELLED at the COPS demanding to see OCPD Zuraidi and reminding them not to f**k with her.

Most of the "hard core" bands, boys mainly, skulked away as soon as they were released. A few GIRLS, Irene being one, went back in to the station to lodge police reports against wrongful arrests.

Now that's punk. And that's provocation. That's something I will always respect Elizabeth and the REAL HARDCORE GIRLS for doing.

Sometimes it's necessary to be provocative.

That's PUNK.

Last edited by kalium on Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:59 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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grayheadphones wrote:

excuse me for my doubts, but im the average joe type who if he's about to spend money on a cd, he would need to be more convinced, rather than just forking out money for just plain hype, or the more common 'support local industry' excuse.

the reality is, most people just need a better reason to buy a cd than that. like most people as well, i support local music that's actually worth supporting. if people were supporting *all* local music, all artists on i-bands would have music as their full-time sustaining career by now. and there's a reason for that not happening, although it would be the most ideal situation for the rest of us who write/play music.

I thought deciding what to buy was simple & a no brainer.

There's generally one criterion I use when I buy stuff, music, literature, artwork etc... Do I like it? No sales pitch in on the planet is going to make me buy an album I don't like.

BB's and a lot of other band's works/samples are on the net. Namely i-Bands (myspace is Evil).

Here's an algorithm in old interpretive BASIC - Ajeep should appreciate it.

100 Do_web_search_for_band_you_may_like
110 Listen_to_song_sample
120 If I_Like_Song_Sample then 200
130 Goto 100
200 Purchase_music
300 End
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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I love Ben's Bitches' brand of tounge n cheek humour, though I admit that my taste in humour is not the same with everyone else, but like omar mentioned, everybody has the right to love or hate anything.It's purely personal and subjective.
I'm not a fan of Mawi or Siti Nurhaliza (to put it 'subtly' Laughing ), and for somebody like me, it's hard to avoid them because they are But still, I cant complain that I'm 'forced' to listen to them, because even with the unavoidable exposure to them via the media-->nobody is forcing it down my throat.

Similarly, it's not Ben's Bitches is 'everywhere' gracing billboards and URTV covers that it's impossible to avoid them, but they are there for those who choose to listen to their brand of musical comedy.

To be frank, I'll draw a few analogies here:

I love 'Spongebob Squarepants', and this is something that I can enjoy with my kids. At the same time I do love Chris Rock's stand up comedy acts(with all the expletives and swearing), but of course this is something that I definitely wouldnt share with my kids (for obvious reasons). This is adult entertainment, and strictly for adult enjoyment only. And of course, at the same time, there are adults who get offended by Chris Rock's material, and unlike me, it is advisable that they stay away from it.

Similarly, Ben's Bitches' material is strictly for adults who love that type of tounge and cheek humour. Definitely not for the underaged...and not for those who would prefer other styles of humour.

I think Ben's Bitches' should provide a warning sign on their page/album to pre-warn potential listeners of revealing language that may offend some peeps. That way, at least they can say that they have done their job at cautioning people of the language involved. At least people who dont like this type of language can stay clear from listening/buying the music.
So, if somebody accidentally gave 'Mamak Conspiracy' to a 5 yr old as a Birthday present, it is his/her fault for not taking into account the warning on the cover.

But as long as you dont include this warning, you may get yourself in trouble...This is not just in Malaysia. Even artists abroad who have strong language in their album MUST include the warning on their covers...or else they may get themselves in legal hassles.

I wouldnt go as far to say that Ben's Bitches should be role models...FAR from it...and of course they dont take themselves seriously as well. They can be called 'immoral' by some people, and I may agree with that too. But funnily at the same time, nobody is making a fuss about the 'morality' of many other things in society...for example, the magazine 'Mangga'...of course, you will never find phrases like '***** Berbulu' in the magazine, but this magazine do boast a lot of pictures of local female 'artists' showing off 70% of their tits in it's glossy pages. Definitely UN-Malaysian and NOT 'ketimuran/kemelayuan'. And I do notice young underaged kids happily flicking through it's pages. And there are no warnings on the cover saying 'Perhatian: Majalah ini banyak mengandungi gambar buah2 dada yg tiga suku terdedah'

I'm not really advocating Ben's Bitches to be given an AIM award, or for them to be labelled as 'family entertainment'. But it's interesting in this pursuit of improving 'morality' in this country, some people get shot down while some do get away with it.

Last edited by Bode on Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Oct 2005
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wow,'banyak' betul genrenye,ade la dalam 3-4 shj.Korang dengar genre2 ni aje ke?Seriously,ini takleh dikatakan 'covers many genre'. [/quote]

betul lar.. all i mentioned.. we had all the genre in Mamak Conspiracy alone. You dont believe, buy the album and listen.

Well, Adzakael and grayheadphones, say whatever you want lar. But, you gotta chat with me in person to know, I can't type too much here. JOM lar lepak somewhere. Dont lar hide behind the curtain. We'll make friends. You can also criticise us in person, i can handle that.

CK: It's called SARCASM

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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korang pernah dengar lagu Cik Minah?

"Hai cik minah hai cik minah mari kita main kuda..
Hai cik minah hai cik minah mari kita main kuda..
Saya kuda cik minah
cik minah kuda saya
Saya kuda cik minah
cik minah kuda saya"

masuk radio siut lagu ni dulu.

tak salah aku mamat ni nyanyi lagu kecik2 lembu jaga bla bla apa tah lagi.

takde carut2 pun.. tapi pasal lagu ni la sampai skrg aku jadi horny.
nampak awek lalu jek rasa nak kuda


yela yela aku tau tak relevan.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Bode wrote:
'Perhatian: Majalah ini banyak mengandungi gambar buah2 dada yg tiga suku terdedah'

That would certainly make it easier to select which mags to buy.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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But funnily at the same time, nobody is making a fuss about the 'morality' of many other things in society...for example, the magazine 'Mangga'...of course, you will never find phrases like 'Kotek Berbulu' in the magazine, but this magazine do boast a lot of pictures of local female 'artists' showing off 70% of their tits in it's glossy pages. Definitely UN-Malaysian and NOT 'ketimuran/kemelayuan'. And I do notice young underaged kids happily flicking through it's pages. And there are no warnings on the cover saying 'Perhatian: Majalah ini banyak mengandungi gambar buah2 dada yg tiga suku terdedah'

so then be among the ppl who actually talk about that immoral magazine issue.

It has been done before,cume most of us terlepas pandang.

Right now,we are talking about Ben's Bitches album,therefore it is not suitable for us to compare it with immoral magazines issue.Sure,we can talk about that but as a seperate topic.

I concerns about a few things here,mostly about ethics and moral.The genres covered are merely sub-genres of the 3 main genres of popular music.It does not matter if they only made 1 'lagu lucah' or 1000 'lagu lucah',the question will be why must they do it?Is there really no other alternatives in expressing sexual related opinions?

Or why must they use such vulgar compositions of language and claiming it to be Malaysian oriented lyric?Are we Malaysian really that barbaric,lacking good manners and have such a low mindset? Why must Ben's Bitches project such negative image to our society?Why must they make indie musician 'macam tak sekolah'?Or should i say 'tak bertamadun'?

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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kalau tak lucah dan mencarut.. tak BEN'S BITCHES la!!!
kasik tukar nama BINI BEN'S .....
infecto groovalistic...
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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keh keh keh keh Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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benda yg betul2 concerns me bile ck ckp lirik jiwang=lirik setan.itu bg aku being ignorant.

as the discussion went on,aku nampak beberapa lagi benda.Seperti memerlukan org lain utk jawab soalan aku or to point out what is BB actually doing.

This indicates BB have no idea of what they were doing.

Plus,soalan2 aku masih lagi tak berjawab.Apa keperluan provokasi itu?Is it utk sedarkan org ramai or targeted to certain group?Kalau ya,perlu ke guna ayat2 sebegitu?

Jalil Hamid ada buat lagu psl Tongkat Ali,The Divine Comedy ade lagu 'Generation Sex',but i can't recall anything vulgar in both songs.Or Pak Pandir,who in Kalium's opinion has punk attitude,never uses such dirty and vulgar words to address any issues.(And yeah,Pak Pandir do have a jiwang song,even Downset ade song with jiwang patah hati lirik).

Now we come to the part where Ben's Bitches need to realize that they need to act according to context.they need to know the limit or else they will only be remembered as a 'band teramat kurang ajar' dan bukan sebagai pengkritik sosial.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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adzakael wrote:
benda yg betul2 concerns me bile ck ckp lirik jiwang=lirik setan.itu bg aku being ignorant.

as the discussion went on,aku nampak beberapa lagi benda.Seperti memerlukan org lain utk jawab soalan aku or to point out what is BB actually doing.

This indicates BB have no idea of what they were doing.

Plus,soalan2 aku masih lagi tak berjawab.Apa keperluan provokasi itu?Is it utk sedarkan org ramai or targeted to certain group?Kalau ya,perlu ke guna ayat2 sebegitu?

Jalil Hamid ada buat lagu psl Tongkat Ali,The Divine Comedy ade lagu 'Generation Sex',but i can't recall anything vulgar in both songs.Or Pak Pandir,who in Kalium's opinion has punk attitude,never uses such dirty and vulgar words to address any issues.(And yeah,Pak Pandir do have a jiwang song,even Downset ade song with jiwang patah hati lirik).

Now we come to the part where Ben's Bitches need to realize that they need to act according to context.they need to know the limit or else they will only be remembered as a 'band teramat kurang ajar' dan bukan sebagai pengkritik sosial.

rilek la brader...

don't know about you but i will always remember them as a pretty cool band..if you prefer to think otherwise then nobody is forcing to you to change your opinion
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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betul tu omar. aku sokong...

for me.. ben's bitches takde nak provoke sape sape.. it just the way they are..and semua topik dlm lagu diorang adalah isu isu semasa...
maybe is the way diorang nak mengingat antara satu sama lain.. MAYBE LA .. I DUN KNOW COZ AKU BUKAN BB....
as fer me.. they r cool... IN THEY'RE ON WAY.....and i'm fine with it...

p/s = the way diorang pronouce "kotek berbulu" pun dah buat aku gelak..
and of course la.. aku takkan kasik anak aku dengar BB...merosakkan minda dan akhlak!!!.... hahahhaha... cheers all!!....
infecto groovalistic...
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hehe mcm ajeep kata kena tukar perkataan kote kepada ayat yg kurang impak skit mcm penis ke..

or 'kemaluan berbulu' ke..sounds less vulgar he he

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