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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:56 am    Post subject: Madhatter's stuff Reply with quote

Joined: 03 Jan 2004
Posts: 160


Aku baru upload satu lagu original baru. Satu lagi acoustic instrumental (just bcoz my electric is still 'sakit' under the bed ok). Aku rasa nie first yg proper aku record. Proper cara aku ler. Sebelum nie record main hentam keromo jer. So have a listen dan kalo boleh bagitau aku apa yg tak kena, musically or sonically.

Kalo korang dah dengar lagu nie, aku cuma nak tanya, part aku buat sikit solo 'laju' (tak laju mana pun) tu obvious sgt ker kelemahannya? Aku realised mmg ada out sikit, aku dah tak larat nak record balik. Then dari segi structure, aku rasa lagu nie sebenarnya takder proper structure sgt pun. Satu lagi, reverb yg aku taruk tu 'over' ke atau dah secukup rasa?

Hope bunyinya ok kat sistem korang. Aku mix sumer pakai headphone so kat speaker mungkin lain sket bunyinya. Enjoy!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Just listened to your song 1957. Soundwise, I think you have managed to capture that 'retro' feeling...and it goes really well with the style of the song! Personally I would have the song a bit longer. For a recording done with 12 buck microphone, this is some impressive stuff!!!

I wouldn't worry so much of getting the solo perfect...i like a bit of 'organic' feel in a song. Kalau too polished pun tak berapa best sangat. Satu je i think i heard a 'bum note' somewhere. Itu je yang aku tak suka... kat 0.24 ade bunyi note sumbang..Razz hehehe tu je la!!!

As for the sounds really roomy and I really like that. Kalau ko boleh buat 4-5 lagu pakai sound macam ni tau..... boleh buat lagu dengar time chill2....time jiwang2 ke...hehehe..

Keep up the good work!!


P/S Rainy Night is a cracking tune i LOVE IT!!!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Actually Ridzi I was referring to the 'Rainy Night'. Sorry aku lupa letak title dia in the opening post. Ko baru dengar 1957? Ceh, kuciwa aku! Sbb apa aku kuciwa? Sbb lagu ko adalah lagu yg first aku dload dari i-bands nie! Siap aku nak hantar puji-pujian kat ko tapi time tu m-board pun kurang aktif lagi. Tak silap aku, aku letak 1957, then esok tu ko post lagu first ko. Or was it ko dulu. Aku tengok rock/guitar instrumental jer, terus aku dload. Tak kisahlah, aku mmg suka muzik ko (yg aku rasa boleh membunuh jaws bush). Smile Jgn mare Ridzi.. lawak jer..

Anyway, thx for the pointers. Pasal 1957 tu, mmg aku ter'slip' pun... haha. Time tu amature gila buat recording. Sekali harung jer record! Malu2. 1957 tu mmg aku intentionally buat sekerat cam tu sbb independent nie kan satu perjuangan yg berterusan... so kira cam tu ler jugak lagu tu. (in other words - aku dah takde stamina nak record time tu...hehe!)

Harap ko boleh dengar balik Rainy Night especially the short solo 'laju' tu dan bagitau aku kalau bunyinya out terus atau acceptable. (time - 3.00)

Thx again for the feedback dude! Appreciate it a lot! Very Happy

'No reason to get excited,' the thief he kindly spoke.

Last edited by madhatter on Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Olohhh oloh kesiannye....

Takpela....janji aku dah dengar...actually I have listened to most bands here on i-bands, mungkin ini baru giliran ko tak? Better late than never!!!

Keep it up Madhatter!!!

As for Rainy Night - Aku rasa the whole song really best la.... I really havent got any complaints for it. The solo maybe ade room for improvement, but i don't really think its bad at all. You know what, Rainy Night's sound kinda reminds me of Mark Knopfler's sound...really cool.. Is Dire Straits one of your influences by any chance??

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Sob! Sob! abg ridzi pilih kasihhhh!!! haha! macam gay plak! Ko nie mmg penunggu setia kat sini ridzi ek? pantas sungguh! Nanti aku vote ko dpt pingat!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Memang le...aku takde bende lain nak buat...TV pun takde...member2 pun semua kat Malaysia... Gini la aku...keje 5 hari seminggu...Sabtu/Ahad dok mengadap PC..... sob...sob!!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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alahai sedih ler plak aku dengar kisah hidup kau.. takpe, dengarlah lagu Rainy Night aku. Mesti ko tertidor nyer! Pas tu mimpi best2!!! Twisted Evil

'No reason to get excited,' the thief he kindly spoke.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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huihoo!!!....memang best...
bole masuk compilation Sounds of Wood & Steel Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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aku suka ah lagu ni. sesuai dikala termenung, terkenang dan bernostalgia.
best best.. keep it coming!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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You know what, Rainy Night's sound kinda reminds me of Mark Knopfler's sound...really cool.. Is Dire Straits one of your influences by any chance??

Sorry Ridzi termissed part nie... masa aku record tu takle terpikir mark knopfler sangat. Aku layan gak dire straits. Sama ke sound tu? Dire straits lagu acoustic apa yg best? Boleh aku try dengar. Anyway, time aku record Rainy nie aku tgh syok layan Di Meola, De Lucia ngan McLaughlin. Member aku cakap lagu nie betul2 boleh buat org tido!

Thx Okta. Compilation Woods & Steel & Snores boleh le kot! Aku ada gak dengar lagu band ko... best bro!

Bukan dikala termenung je Grym, didlm bilik termenung pun best gak kot layan sambil berangan!

Tak sangka lak lagu simple cam nie pun org leh layan. Ada member aku cakap lagu nie betul2 boleh buat org tido!! Celaka betul! But that's the point of the song anyway.. utk teman aku tido.. Very Happy

'No reason to get excited,' the thief he kindly spoke.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Hello again my frens... aku baru jer upload satu lagu baru, 'Javairia' utk menyakitkan telinga korang. Niat jahat disebalik tu adalah utk cuba mempopularkan diri aku dlm carta fav i-bands.. muahahaha!

Aku tak buleh amik full credit lagu ni sbb part ryhtm yg basic (dlm first bar (?)) tu is somethin yg org ajar aku main years ago... sadly aku tak penah tahu sapa original artis yg main lagu tu. So kalo ada sesapa yg rasa cam familiar dan tahu sapa artis dan apa lagu tu, bagitau aku ok.

Part2 lain sumernya original... semuanya 'karutan' aku Razz Rythm pun aku tambah skit2 kasik panjang skit. Altho overall recording quality is better than my previous recordings (aku rasa la), it wud be nice if u guys can point out any lackings. btw this thing was recorded in my bedroom n still using the same old 12 bucks comp mic..

Part electrics tu could've sounded better if my amp was working properly. Aku bukak volume setengah dah tapi bunyi cam org sakit tekak jer.. buang duit jer antar repair! Plus metalzone aku lak ada kat member aku...

btw, this is not the electric + acoustic song that i mentioned in Jeff's thread. That one will be coming... tho not soon... but it'll come to see the light of day eventually...

Kata-kata akhir saya...

"Saya mengharapkan undi anda... SMS sekarang... Taip 'Vote Madhatter' dan hantar ke 55555!!"

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Aku bukannya nak puji sebab kau ni manager aku Very Happy ...tapi ni memang ikhlas la bro...aku suka giler lagu ni. The song touches you deep inside...and that effect bukannya senang nak dapat! Tabik!
Sound lead guitar tu fits the song...a bluesy tone with low/medium gain...sound heavy might be a bit too over bearing, so actually nasib baik juga metal zone kau tak ada masa recording lagu ni!
In some places, pitching kena jaga masa bending, dan setengah tempat masa fast picking tu, seeloknya kau jaga 'synchronisation' right and left hand. It's better to have a slower lick which is articulate and synchronised, rather than sacrifice these attributes to speed. Remember, speed is not's just the icing on the cake.
Plus points: playing kau clean...tapping bersih...dan yang susah sekali nak dapat ialah 'feel' got that man! There are solos which are technically perfect but leaves me cold...given the choice, I prefer a solo where the 'feel' is good, even though technically it's less than perfect.

Great job bro...your music page is cool...various different vibes from different songs!

More music from you please!

madhatter wrote:
Niat jahat disebalik tu adalah utk cuba mempopularkan diri aku dlm carta fav i-bands.. muahahaha!

Wei...jangan ler cakap terang terang! Nanti org tahu matlamat jahat kita!

madhatter wrote:

"Saya mengharapkan undi anda... SMS sekarang... Taip 'Vote Madhatter' dan hantar ke 55555!!"

Multiple votes sent! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Youre one of the few people in I-Bands i actually wait for something to come out.
Oi Jann..this is perfect man, macam nak nangis aku dengar. You have a way of making haunting and evocative tunes..its quite a talent.
btw, I think this could be Rainy Days as a counterpart for your rainy night, this puts an idea of staring out the window during a rainy day, lost in thought, wathcing the people in rain coats walking by ..
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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hi.. sorry lambat dengar... tapi memang best la lagu didengar dikala aku hampir nak tido pasal lapo ni hehehe..

harap dapat tengok anda bermain secara live... mesti best punye... Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 30 Sep 2004
Posts: 208 ur song!! Cuma macam Bode kata laju tu tambahan kalau yg part laju tu clean sure bertambah leleh dengar...

Thumbs Up for Madhatter!!!
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