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 kENAPE mUZIK rOCK sudah tidak diterima zaman ini.... « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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mrbungle wrote:
omarjamaludin wrote:
korang tau tak..

pakai leather , chains..itu semua bermula ngan judas priest yg di mana singer rob tu secretly pegi gay bondage store kat London Soho (cos he's gay) and start wearing those chain and leathers on stage pastu skrg dah jadi uniform band2 metal yg di ikut2 oleh band2 lain?

so next time korang rasa nak jadi tough pakai besi2..pikir2 la dulu dari mana idea tu datang hahaha...

kinda ironic kan..hahaha

dude.. betul ker?? whoaaa.....
in indonesia ade this band called SEURIEUS...Glam rock habis dude..
kite pun ade lagi..cuma perlu di ketengahkan aje..MAY/LEFTHANDED/WINGS/SEARCH.. still belum pupus..
anyway SEURIEUS is coming to k.l this month for IKON ASIA..and guess saper nak bwk diorang pusing town?? Cool Laughing Cool

yep betul...cuba kau perhatikan sabbath yg before judas priest..diaorang pakai sempoi je kan? most probably denim and bell bottom long hair..

judas priest yg popular kan the metal , leather look with besi2 tajam etc..walaupun nampak brutal tapi sebenarnya tu idea rob halford yg dia amik dari London Soho gay/bondage store..

so itu la bermula nye trend tu... aku tak kisah lah orang nak pakai besi ke .pakai baju badut ke..cuma aku rasa ironic orang pakai besi chains sebab dia ingat dia tough tapi dia tak tau asal nye that look datang dari S&M world of London Soho gay store haha...

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 30 Oct 2006
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omar wrote:
..cuma aku rasa ironic orang pakai besi chains sebab dia ingat dia tough tapi dia tak tau asal nye that look datang dari S&M world of London Soho gay store haha...

gay pon tough hape. woofooo!! hardogayyy!!

ahaha sori ar aku terpengaruh tengok cerita jepun nama hardogay lawak cam haram. korang search la kat youtube kalau berminat. hehe
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku tak tahu la,terlambat join ke apa.topik ni pun dah lama di'post'.tapi aku nak tulis gak komennya.hehe.
macam-macam la pendapat,luahan dan seme-seme lah.tapi bagi aku lah kan,kalau dgr muzik rock sebab trend,mmg tak lama lah bertahan.hancur!kalau memang minat dari jiwa,datang la music apa ke benda pun,aku rasa rock tak akan mati punya.Smile
utk post-post yang sebelum ni,mcm yang siapa cakap?(lupa),yang dia citer pasal sorang mamat metalhead,tapi tak tau psal grind,etc.aku macam terfikir balik psl aku,sbb aku pun tak tau psl grind.tapi aku tak nak lah tergolong dalam kategori "trend" tadi.belum abis lagi aku explore psl seme band metal.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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pd aku la,kalo minat main mane2 genre pun,x semestinye kite kene tau byk tul psl band2 yg men genre tuh or band2 yg mcm pioneer utk genre tuh..jez as long as ape yg kite main tuh tergolong lg dlm genre yg kite minat,cukup la kot. jez pendapat aku jek la.. psl dressup pun aku rase x patut jadik isu kot. kalo la sape yg men metal tuh kene pakai cacak2 sane sini,tengkorak2 sume utk menunjukkan yg diorang men metal,kesian plak aku tgk abg2 yg umor da 40s tp slamber jek pakai tshirt biase ngan pants,men melodic metal sume masuk audition pape event. xde hal menyer. huehuehue..

n aku rase,pengaruh indo rock neh sume xleh salahkan sesape gak pun. sbab what they are playing,caters to the public's ear. xleh salahkan diorang la kan kalo lagu diorang org kate sedap. n kenape mesti nk salahkan indonesian bands sedangkan kalo nk ikutkan,kalo tanye dak2 yg men band kat sini,influence diorang pun byk org putih.

as a conclusion,aku rase baik kite stop pointing our fingers n keep playin what we're playin n doin what we're doin jek sng. rezeki semua kan kat tgn Tuhan. heh..

sory kalo ape yg aku ckp neh ade salah pape ke terkasar ke. jez my due sen..huhu..
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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muzik indon, muzik barat, apa2 muzik yang bagus, sudah tentu bagus, tapi budaya mengklonkan yang banyak kat negara kita nih yang kureng bagus.. sebelum Dewa kurang orang nak nyanyi dengan lirik "laki-laki", "pencinta", "bisa" etc.. Satu lagi, cara menyanyikan... berapa banyak suara seakan-akan Ahmad Dhani la.... dulu semua nak tarik macam Awie (drp wings..).. hehe
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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kerana org sekarang buta ROCK? ahahahahaha.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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perubahan zaman kot..
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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rock zaman sekarang dah berubah..rock still rock
cara penyampaian rock da bertukar

maybe rocker2 zaman dulu da abeskan segenap ruang rock yg da xleh nk create lg muncul la a new dimension of rock

tp ttp rock~
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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psl media massa dah jarang mainkan lagu2 rock dulu.

lagi terlalu banyak pilihan muzik selain rock untuk didengar... dulu tak banyak

antara pilihan baru kat link kat sini la (hehehehhe)
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hai kuat promosi... hehehe
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Wow, people are still in this thread since the first time it was posted.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Isu Rock ni endless..tak habis2..
rock still bentuk lain..

dan, undeniably, mmg rock dah makin lupus..


sebab budak2 skrg suka SHUFFLE. Depan Maybank BB. Macam orang terencat akal. Mcm org bangang. Budak2 skolah yg buta hala tuju.

dah rosak jahanam dah generasi akan datang...

my 2cents.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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haha anak sedara aku pun dok suka menSHuffle nih. tak paham aku. terkais kais. Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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ari tu geng Telco ada sponsor street shuffle nih.. pasal tu harian maksiat metro tak tulis aper2..
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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~Emppu Vuorinen \m/
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