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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:21 am    Post subject: Did you know / Tahukah anda... Reply with quote

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PRS kena saman?

Menurut website PRS, production / distribution utk semua model2 Singlecut (les paul) di US telah diberhentikan utk sementara waktu sbb one of their competitors filed a lawsuit against them... so sapa ade model ni kena simpan baik2 laa sbb boleh jadi collector's item oo..
One of our competitors filed a lawsuit against us contesting the design of the Singlecut based on the competitor’s registered trademark. In this still pending litigation, the trial court issued an injunction, preventing us from manufacturing, distributing, selling, promoting or offering PRS Singlecut designs in the United States of America.

After receiving the above notice, we immediately ceased our production, our distribution and marketing of all Singlecut designs manufactured in the United States. We have also stopped sales and distribution of SE model Singlecuts in the US.
Immediately and until further notice we are removing all references and photographs pertaining to Singlecut type products from our website and printed material. We will not be shipping catalogs, pricelists, DVD’s and accessory brochures until revised literature is available.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:32 am    Post subject: Neck Scales Reply with quote

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Neck Scales
  • 25.5" - yg paling common bagi kebanyakan gitar...
  • 24.75" - gibson les paul...
  • 24" - fender mustang, jaguar, jagstang, bronco...
Here's a little info about the 24" scale neck... This is a neck for small people/small hands. This smaller neck was originally offered by Fender on a beginners guitar, and also on the Jaguar, which was considered a really "hot" guitar. Short scale not only brings the frets closer together (good for small hands), but it also takes less string tension to tune the guitar. Less tension equates to a softer feel and easier string bending.

Thank you... (info taken from Warmoth Guitars)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:44 am    Post subject: Which neck is right for me? Reply with quote

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Ciri2 pemilihan neck yg sesuai utk anda

Hands come in all different sizes. Big Hands, small hands, fat hands, skinny hands, long fingers, and short fingers. So it only makes sense that necks should come in different sizes to accommodate your size hand.

Nut Width

Kalau jari anda besar / gemok, pilih la fretboard yg lebar, begitu juga sebaliknya. So kalau nak fret yg lebar, kena la pilih lebar nut yg besar. Macam mana? Pegi bawak pembaris ke kedai gitar, ukur nut2 pada gitar2 yg anda berkenan dan compare... so pilih mana yg anda rasa selesa.

Back Shape

Back shape is the profile or grip shape of the neck. How much wood does it take to fill up your hand? Too little equates to quicker hand fatigue. Too much is even worse, you can't reach around it. There is much more personal preference to back shape choice than nut width. The selection criteria however is the same. Check out your friends guitars. Measure them and base your choice accordingly.

Thank you... (info taken from Warmoth Guitars)
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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good stuff..terus terang kata aku tak reti part2 ni..reti main je..well tak reti main jugak..tau teori je..nak belajar lagu malas! haha..
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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deadzid, hari tu aku ada adjust sikit ketinggian tali gitar dari fretboard. aku adjust kat saddle bridge aku. sound yg aku dapat jadi lagi sedap dari segi tone tapi bunyi dia jadi tak panjang(itu kita panggil action ke?). ada ukuran tertentu ke nak tentukan ketinggian tali ni. and kalau dah tukar kat situ, ketinggian pickup pun kena adjust juga ke?

untuk pengetahuan, aku pakai gitar samick LS11(biasela, gitar budget)
ini spec gitar aku:

bolt on maple neck
rosewood fretboard
agathis body
21 fret
25 1/2 scale
3 single coil pickups
1 volume
2 tone
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Action tu ketinggian tali dari fretboard... "kepanjangan" bunyi tu dipanggil "sustain". Aku tak sure if action buleh affect sustain, tapi aku rasa, kalau ko tinggi kan ko punya action, the pickups might not be able to pick some of the vibrations from the strings (don't quote me on this, I'm not sure too). Cuba ko dekat kan pickup dengan tali. To see if it helps.

From what I know, sustain can be affected by:
1. Wood. (Agathis is not a very good wood to begin with, I heard Mahogany gives the best sustain, but it's expensive)
2. Bridge type (String-thrus has longer sustain then floating trems)
3. Guitar built (Bolt-ons usually has shorter sustain than neck-thrus)

Mungkin Deadzid buleh terangkan dengan lebih lanjut...
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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nampak nya aku tak payah explain lagi sbb pendapat aku pon sama macam Daniel ni... try la adjust pick-up tu kasi rapat sikit dgn strings (but not to close sbb nanti bila tali vibrate, boleh berlaga ngan pick-up)...

satu lagi benda yg effect pada sustain ialah radius fretboard... fretboard yg melengkung mcm Fender Stratocaster mempunyai sustain yg kurang berbanding fretboards yg flat / rata mcm Les Paul, Ibanez RG, etc... mengikut spec gitar kau, aku rasa gitar kau nih mcm klon Stratocaster, so aku assume fret dia mesti melengkung, betul tak?

itu saja yg dapat aku tolong, aku pun tak geti sangat, heheh sama2 la kita kongsi pendapat... itu pasal la aku wujudkan thread nih! orait!
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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MetalSkeletor wrote:

From what I know, sustain can be affected by:
1. Wood. (Agathis is not a very good wood to begin with, I heard Mahogany gives the best sustain, but it's expensive)
2. Bridge type (String-thrus has longer sustain then floating trems)
3. Guitar built (Bolt-ons usually has shorter sustain than neck-thrus)

Oret, jes wanna add some more:

4. Pickup heights.- Increasing the distance between pickup and string will also give u more ‘natural sustain’ since it reduce the string pull from the pickup’s magnetic field. However, there’s a trade off here – reduced overall volume and less ‘bite’(high freq.)

Nevertheless, as the majority of us main electric,a good sustain depends on the amp/pickup more than anything. Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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thanks guys, ok this is what i have done...

adjust the pickups heights(damn, it''s kinda hard to make the sound right)
adjust the saddle's distance from the fretboard to get the right intonation

but then...

the strings too close to the pickups(berlaga ngan pickup - amatlah cipet bunyinya).

adjust again the height of the pickups a little bit. this time the sustain much more better then before and takde berlaga ngan pickup. i think i'm pretty satisfied with it. wish i could give you guys listen to my guitar to make sure but i don't have any recording software on my machine.

i've read something about relief between the distance of the strings and the fretboard. can anyone explain to me what it is?

btw, my guitar is a strat clone but it has a flat fretboard, bukan melengkung.

and i am thinking of changing my pickups, any opinions anyone?

thanks again guys for your help!
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TERUBOZU*on drums
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:05 pm    Post subject: Pickups Reply with quote

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Kalau nak tukar pickup, nak kena match dgn music style jugak, bukan main suka hati tukar je... kalau nak ikut kan, aku nak install EMG-81 kat gitar Warlock aku, but since harga dia mahal (RM 450) + nak kena maintain battery, so just forget it!

Another alternative for a good replacement pickup is Seymour Duncan. Well, like i said earlier, it depends on your musical style, kalau nak main style Malmsteen, intall la DiMarzio... okay, berdasarkan spec gitar kau, this is what i recommend:

Kalau nak main style heavy, semestinya nak kena pakai humbucker, kalau Seymour Duncan yg paling glamer is JB (Jeff Beck) model (harga dlm RM 380), EMG pulak model EMG-81, and so on... But since your axe consists of three single-coils, you can install Seymour Duncan's JB Jr. It's similar to JB humbucker but with the size of a single-coil! With this, you need not to drill large hole to install humbuckers.

Itu utk pickup bridge, kalau utk neck / middle pulak, try Seymour Duncan's Hot Rails™ - sesuai utk heavy music! Tapi kalau nak maintain that classic strat sound, JB Jr tu sesuai digabungkan dgn model Duckbuckers™. Berikut ada sikit info aku cilok dari website Seymour Duncan...

Seymour Duncan wrote:
Hot Rails™
Fat humbucker sound in a Strat size.

HR-1 Hot Rails™ are one of the highest output pickups we make. It's a humbucker that fits into a normal single coil slot, so you get the noise canceling effect without cutting a large hole in your guitar. The two thin blades with powerful coil windings give you the incredible sustain and a fat, full sound that's needed for playing heavier rock music. This pickup responds to the subtlest finger movements.
Available in black or white
Four conductor cable
Tone guide : High = 3.0, Mids = 8.0, Bass = 7.5

JB Jr.™
Very similar to the JB Model in a Strat size. Adjustable pole pieces.

SJBJ-1 This twin coil design pickup gives you the character of our popular JB™ model humbucker in a single coil size. Its adjustable pole pieces more closely emulate the magnetic field of a full size humbucker and allow you to fine tune the balance of your strings: a first for a humbucker this size. You can expect great harmonics and a sweet high-end. Use a complete set of Juniors or pair one in the bridge with our Duckbuckers­ in the neck and middle and have the quietest working man's Strat® around. U.S. Patent No. Des. 355,207.
Available in black or white
Four conductor cable
Tone guide : High = 10.0, Mids = 7.5, Bass = 4.0

True single coil sound with all that "quack" and no hum.

SDBR-1 Such a silly name for such a serious pickup! Using a patented design and a voicing based on our Vintage Rails™. Duckbuckers offer the advantage of incorporating six fully adjustable pole pieces. And by using the true hum canceling construction together with a unique, split blade design, Duckbuckers duplicate all the warm tone, cool output, and outrageous quack of a vintage Strat® pickup. All quack, no hum. U.S. Patent No. 5,525,750.
Available in black or white
Tone guide : High = 10.0, Mids = 6.0, Bass = 9.5

...or you can enter your guitar specs, and they'll suggest you a suitable pickups from their list... go ask the Tone Wizard!
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Last edited by deadzid on Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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banyak juga ye ilmu abg zid nih. thanks a lot. rasa2nya kat mana kita boleh hantar gitar untuk tukar pickup humbucker kecik saiz single coil nih?
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TERUBOZU*on drums
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Alah Zid, battery untuk EMG aku tu dah dekat setahun dah....masih lagi okey... Memang mahal....tapi untuk tone yang maha ganas EMG ni memang wajub...tapi tula...EMG's ni hanya bagus untuk bunyi metal aje...

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Seymour Duncan baby...EMG sounds too sterile to my taste
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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DiMarzio Evolution will be the pickup that i will purchase next to replace my already broken pickup(microphonic feedback). Seems like only the Evolution can probably match with the output level of my original pickup...the output is probably as powerful as active ones.
My Jackson J-80 passive humbucker is louder than EMG...though the tone is all different...I've tried EMG's before and love it too...bah..I love everything!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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MetalSkeletor wrote:
Seymour Duncan baby...EMG sounds too sterile to my taste

Seymours have a softside to it ...but EMGs are all metal!!

Bode, Air Nortons are good for your sort of playing...don't you like them??
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