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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:54 pm    Post subject: Gabardine songs Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Sep 2004
Posts: 31

Hello guys, have a listen and tell me what you think. Currently theres 3 of them;

1. Forward View (1998)
2. M&Ms for the good Dr (1998)
3. Finding Time (in progress)

Song 1 & 2 were recorded way back in 1998 and song no. 3 is currently being recorded ngan 3 more other songs. Ada sikit change in direction in the music, line-up players pun dah tukar sikit..more angrier and drum driven. Nak compress bass for FInding Time susah macam sial..still havent figured it out properly, and the guitars are still dry sikit.

Thanks, ROCK ON!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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First of all, welcome to i-bands!

Aku dah download / dengar lagu "Forward View"... First time aku dengar lagu nih kat mySpace.. Soundwise, sangat bagus, cam sound album! Cerita la sikit camne korang buat recording tuh... tahun 1998?? hmm aku rasa masa tu tak banyak band yg buat home-recording kat mesia nih! so i bet ko nih mesti kat luar negara kan?

Masa aku buat demo dulu (tahun 2001) org cakap band aku "the first malaysian band to release a demo on a CD format"! heheh.. biasa la mesia lambat sikit technology dia...

well, itu je aku leh komen pasal lagu korang, music-wise.. heheh aku tak geti nak komen lagu2 camni, tapi it's quite catchy... but don't worry, sini ramai yg follow music cam ko nih! all the best!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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heheh, deadzid deadzid...ko punye critic and praisal semua bess bess..hehe

1998, yea pakai home recording. That time it was a big experiment for us, bukan nye reti nak pakai bende2 tu semua. I think the best way you can get good quality recording and capture that TUBE punye sound is to use the proper mics. The guitars , my ibanez (using 10smodded with LP 57 pickups on bridge and neck) covered the more meaty tones while the Strat of my other guitarist filled up the mid to high areas so the combo when live was already good. Recording it with mics was another matter. Susah macam anjing. I use a mesa boogie subway blues (dah jual dah) and the other guitar was using a 25watt Fender princeton (solidstate). Kitorang pakai condensor mics, matched pair, one was placed in front and the other dekat blakang to capture the low end. We used only delay/Reverb and Ibanez Tube Screamer(katak hijau) for effects. All that was fed into a DI box masuk cucuk dalam computer and recorded the tracks separately while applying light compressor settings.
The drums was a nightmare. Orang sebelah ketuk dinding aku pakai kerusi sial ..last2 dia give up sebab kitroang blasah je. Anyway, we recorded it with condensor and dynamic mics, we couldnt get a shotgun mic for the snare so blasah dynamic mic biasa je. In the end to get the sound properly we reocrded just recorded the snare and the bassdrum together dulu, baru masuk bende2 lain..drummer aku rasa cam sial gile dia cakap. Recorded the crashes and highheads individually and looped it into the mix. The bassline itu memang terrible sebab aku punye bassist antara orang paling malas di dunia. Tapi dia bagus ah, pakai ibanez 5 string. we just masuk DI boxt je, because aku rasa impossible nak record pakai mic boleh tangkap low end sampai cam tu, mic haraga 10 ribu boleh ah. Lagipun bass dia pakai active pickups so it was ok la. Pakai equalizing sikit je. Sayang nyer, tak dapat nak pakai condensor mic for the vocals, so pakai dynamic je so bunyik macam sial sikit la. Itu pinjam punye barang semua orang dah mintak.
Anyway, dah settle semua tracks , mastering it took me a few days, itu pun sampai seakarang aku rasa macam tak betul. First run everything macam smack in the middle and ko dengar gringgrongrgingrong je, so I used different compressor setttings on each tracks and let it play and see how it sat in the mix. Did some full panning on guitars ala pearl jam, and since the drums were on different tracks we managed to pan that too. I did some 'complimentary equalization' on most of the tracks so as to make each track distinct withoout ruining the sound too much, still havent got that bit right becayse its such a bitch to do. I think the hardest part is trying to have the bassline distinct and not run all over the place and that took a bit of equlizing work to get rite. NOTE: USE A COMPRESSOR PRE-EFFECTS UNTUK BASS KALAU TAK SAMPAI TAHUN DEPAN KO KEEP ON RERECORDING. One loud note can ruin the whole mix. After the mixdown, compressed it one more time and added some light reverb ..and there you go. Satu lagu siap. Susah macam babi nak buat. Itu pun bleh tahan cam sial. hehehe.

Hope that answered your question Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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fua.. panjang betul jawapan ko...

anyway, yang aku tak tahan tu cara korang buat recording drums..! hahaha gile susah! nak record snare + bass drum saje without crash + hi-hats!

and then, tak sangka lak recording utk bass camtu punya susah.. kenapa kena pakai mic utk recording guitars? apsal tak cucuk line in terus je from amp / DI-box?

anyway, output dia quite impressive! bile nak balik mesia? bukak hoe-recordeing studio? buleh aku jadi artis pertama syarikat rakaman Gabardine! hehe
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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actually mat salleh ajar aku ah tu recording guitar pakai condensor mic, aku sampai sekarang tak lah tangkap cam ne dia buat. Kene ada placing betul ko dapat full range. Aku dengar recording dia sebijik cam sound dia main guitar depan aku, ambience dia tankap baik punye. What using mics do is manage to capture that sound yang ko dengar depan amp ko tu, the full spectrum of your guitar sound. So ape ko dengar depan amp ko tu, cam tu ah bunyik keluar kat speaker ko. The problem yang aku tahu 'selepas' dah record is a spectacular guitar sound will not go down well in a mix. Unless ko get some complimentary EQs going with other instruments tapi itu leceh gile la. One of the main probs was with reverb settings, so ko kene potong reverb and delay sikit from your input sound or else dia mask bunyi semua. Kene dry sikit la. Give it a try la tapi get some good condensor mics that can handle comfortably low end sounds. Kau cucuk direct aku rasa ko sendiri tahu la bunyi dia beza camne ngan bunyi main depan amp.
Pasal bass tu , nak record senang. Tapi nak bagi dia sit down in the mix properly yang payah. Just make sure ko pakai compressor sebelum cucuk DI box la atleast, menyenangkan kerje mixdown. Aku ada try dari amp line out pegu masuk DI box tapi bunyik dia cam sial, i donno why, signal loss gile babi. bunyik thin gile.
But you know, this all depends on your sound, lagu aku buat tu minimum effects, less technique driven so kene up sikit dia punye sweet tube guitar tones and thick basslines so aku teliti sikit ah pasal bende tu.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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oh yer, aku balik mesia next year ah zid!
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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heard 'Forward View'.

vox - well, in the low key, your vokals sound like eddie vedder but when reaching higher notes, the vocals suddenly turns to kurt cobains style of shrieking. but hell, you got a great vox man!

song - love it. i am personally interested into these kind of rock. those melody, grungy type of sounds. it really does sounds like a pearl jam track. but that's just my ears.
"life is what you make it"
TERUBOZU*on drums
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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heard M&Ms for the good Dr.
hmmm, why do you sound like eddie vedder?
"life is what you make it"
TERUBOZU*on drums
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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sikit jer dude. not too obvious. I'd say same style of singing.

FYI.. there's this one dude that sounds exactly like Eddie Vedder Twisted Evil chicks seems to love him though.

Gabardine : gila la camtu sekali record drums. thanks for sharing your recording process. seronok dibaca Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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sikit je la tapi aku memang suka siot vox2 yg macam eddie vedder ni. ada rich tone bila dengar.

weh ajeep, ko ada baca tak ROTTW terbaru yg ada gambar cover Blues Gang tu. cuba ko buka interview Plague of Happiness, dia ada bagi kredit kat ko la. dia ada kata thanks to Ajeep form Malscene and Ibands. camtu le lebih kurang bunyinye.
"life is what you make it"
TERUBOZU*on drums
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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er.. jgn lupa beli sekali majalah K.I.U.T. yg edisi compilation kaler merah kot (3 issue dlm satu)... bukak kat page yg ada interview dgn Virus Sound.. ade muka aku siot! hahahaha...
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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K.I.U.T? apa kejadah majalah ni? tak penah dengar ni?
woit bawakle majalah tu bila lepak kat mane2 nanti. aku maleh nak cari le.
"life is what you make it"
TERUBOZU*on drums
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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alaa aku punya copy ntah kat mane ntah.. dah hilang! ko pegi la kedai2 magazine mane2 pon ade, baru a few weeks keluar! kat kedai bawah studio catchy pon ade!

Magazine tu suppose to be named Desperado, tapi ade masalah dgn pihak penerbit, jadi la KIUT! Band2 yg masuk dlm majalah tuh pun kiut2 belaka! hahaha... logo dia kalau tak silap aku ade mcm KERRANG sikit2.. cover band Viper kot? ke Cobra? ntah la...
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hek eleh, cam ne boleh hilang tu beb? kalo aku, aku terus frame kan apa2 artikel yg kluar pasal band aku. boleh buat kenang-kenangan.

kalo crimson fall dah nak ditubuhkan, apa cite ngan virus sound ko tu?
"life is what you make it"
TERUBOZU*on drums
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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pali wrote:
heard M&Ms for the good Dr.
hmmm, why do you sound like eddie vedder?

Heheh....Pali... I said the same to a certain individual...and he got really pissed off.... careful there.. Laughing

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