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 activity dari clan2 of the beroks.. set 1 « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:15 pm    Post subject: activity dari clan2 of the beroks.. set 1 Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 1357

hello guys,

i did want to exposed these to all so that you can all be safe.

1) parts guitar kena kencing
some people suka jual2 barang dah di tarbus atau di pau. means tak all ori but claimed all ori. sounds typical?
a) kawan aku beli guitar dekat a collector friend, claims all ori, dan memang ori. but when my friend paid the deposit, he swarp with china pots and switches.. ini orang kawan ka?

2) parts kena ripped off
i got few friends of mind, hantar repair but
a) nothing changed but charged for replacement
b) your ori parts exchanged with cap ayam.. (wonder pets! ha ha ha!)
hantar amp, parts dia rembat, hantar guitar, pon sama dia buat..
c) siap curi pickup vintage, tukar dgn jap pickups dan buat pencil date kat pickup... kesian budak tu..
d) letak guitar kat studio member 1 hari, habis pickups kena tukar dgn squire..

3) jual atau exchange barang2 rosak atau rejects but claimed superb
ini sangat famous.. pada satu ketika pernah kena serang 1 truck askar minta tukar/claim balik.. tsk!3

4) selling pirate guitars, redecaled but claim original
ini pon satu, claimed all ori 69, traded with an 66 plus top up, but the 69 is made by all parts.. nasib baik tak kena bomoh mamat tu..

5) unfair trade*
ada ka mau tukar all ori 66 c/w h/case dgn amp? claming the 30 watts amp vintage.. from 80s tak silap aku.. bila aku jumpa orang tua tu kat kampong, dia bilang 'kita bukannya bodoh sangat..'

6) funny guitar setup and intonation
this fella, charged rm 60 ka atau seratus. claimed he can do intonation works. he changed strings, lap2 sikit. done! hmmm..

7) stock pak sanggup (mostly entry level collector or poyo)
ada mamat ni, dah kena tipu banyak kali dgn collector ni, still mau beli jugak dan kena tipu until now. bila di tegur, pergh! bodoh sombong. at the end, tah apa2 dia dapat..

8) stock simpan dgn jual barang2 curi.
yg ni lagi sakit, dah la tau guitar tu siapa punya, bila owner mau beli balik, cepat kasi tukar surat beranak dan trade dgn orang lain.. ada jugak yg simpan prs curi, es335 dan macam2, tak bawak keluar dan simpan kat rumah..

9) stock busuk perut (nick dia ni..)
dia suruh ko jual dan cari buyer, kasi harga kat ko. bila ko dapat buyer nak bayar lebih, dia kasi kensel dan slow2 cari mamat yg nak bayar lebih tu.. dia ni tak pegang pada janji.. lu orang tau la sapa ya..

so be careful, nanti aku pos modus operandi somemore.. aku kantoi most of them, so diorang bikin 'union of the snake la' againts aku la... ha ha ha!

man, you'll die too... aren't you afraid of hell? oh my, you're a disbeliever right? lies, greed and cheats has becoming everybody's next to nature lately.

Last edited by browndog2woof on Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 18 Nov 2004
Posts: 1731

aku penah kene, aku beli pikap, dia claim f spaced, aku beli, pastu pasang tak ngam, maknanya standard spacing

pastu seller tanak refund, dah la bagi wrong info, pastu tak bertanggungjawab.

lenkali beli pikap bawak pembaris

pastu dulu, antar gitar kat satu 'mamat' ni, mentang2 la aku taktau ape2, dia kata tukar selector gotoh, pastu kasik selector seken hen yang rosak jugak.. haiya.. ini orang pun ada ka.. volume pot pun sapu, kasik 25k jer, padahal gitar aku kena 500k, mentang2 la aku taktau apa2.. takpe skang aku dah tau

berhati2 di jalan raya
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Tapi ada jenis penipuan yang elok jugak. Contohnya seller iklan nak jual guitar, so buyer datang test then setuju bayar deposit, bila duit dah cukup nak dtg collect guitar, seller kasi guitar dgn hardcase dgn pedal pulak.. tak tepati janji punya seller.

Ade ke seller mcm ni? hahah
Gelanggang guitar :
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 18 Nov 2004
Posts: 1731

IZZI wrote:
Tapi ada jenis penipuan yang elok jugak. Contohnya seller iklan nak jual guitar, so buyer datang test then setuju bayar deposit, bila duit dah cukup nak dtg collect guitar, seller kasi guitar dgn hardcase dgn pedal pulak.. tak tepati janji punya seller.

Ade ke seller mcm ni? hahah

ko jual guitar ko nanti kat aku, buat la camni hehehe
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Aug 2009
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memang patut pun dedah kes kes camni..xtau r kalau boleh reveal identity individu,kedai ke,sapa sapa jela yg buat camni..kita beli barang2 ngan duit yang kita tabung over a period of time nak beli something..nak beli brg,hantar repair , service ke apa bukan murah..aku penah kena gak, xde r kena tipu tapi aku hantar gitar aku service, tukar bone nut dia buat cam sial..sbb aku nak cepat masa angkat gitar aku balik,sampai rumah tgk open g ngan b buzz teruk..aku dahla time tu hantar service pakai duit study loan pastu tadak duit da..dia tak test ke masa tukar tu..

pissed!!! Evil or Very Mad
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 22 May 2006
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huzai wrote:
aku penah kene, aku beli pikap, dia claim f spaced, aku beli, pastu pasang tak ngam, maknanya standard spacing

pastu seller tanak refund, dah la bagi wrong info, pastu tak bertanggungjawab.

lenkali beli pikap bawak pembaris

pastu dulu, antar gitar kat satu 'mamat' ni, mentang2 la aku taktau ape2, dia kata tukar selector gotoh, pastu kasik selector seken hen yang rosak jugak.. haiya.. ini orang pun ada ka.. volume pot pun sapu, kasik 25k jer, padahal gitar aku kena 500k, mentang2 la aku taktau apa2.. takpe skang aku dah tau

berhati2 di jalan raya

hehe.. Laughing
padan muka ang..

aku xpernah lg beli brg dlm ibands, tp pernah menjual.
so far, xda masalah dgn brg n buyer pon puas hati.

harap2 lah..
Fuckin Brutal!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:37 pm    Post subject: nasihat Reply with quote

Joined: 28 Jun 2008
Posts: 1429
Location: Shah Alam

nasihat aku r
kalo deal aper2 pown,
kalo x puas hati wajib claim
jgn diam kan diri
kalo kita dah claim then mamat tuh wat xtau
then war2 kn kt i bands or maner2 forum yg berkenaan
pd aku berani buat berani tanggung

aku ader satu kes nak wat criter
aku x nk bgtau saper mamat nih sbb aku hormat kt sumer org
dia ader anta gtr suh wat (fabricate) part,
then dah siap suh amek dia plak delay lbh krg sbln
lps amek dlm 2 minggu dia dtg blk
dia claim aku ader tkr mc head ngan bridge
berderau aku kena fitnah cam nih
aper tujuan dia ni pn aku x fhm
Question Question Question
tp yg aku fkr sbb dia ni byk gtr,
so mnkn prsn gtr yg yg dia anta kt aku tu sumer brg ori
(gtr beli 2nd hand)
lps anta kat aku br dia check,
ms beli dulu mnkn dia x check
aku rs dia da kna kencing ngan seller lama
tp lps grm kat aku, sorry bro, wa x mention saper
tp smpai skang ht wa terluka,
so, saper2 yg x puas ht ngan service yg dorg dpt ngan dwt yg dbyr,
better claim & better discuse terang2 b4 prosit any urusan pn
IMHO Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
OrangeMusicStudioShahAlam since2004 call 0123-12345-0 for booking, MarshallTubeMA100&4x12",VS100&4x12", MG100DFX,LaneyTFX3hybrid UK, PeaveyCombo300,Hiwatt300,Hartke2500-2x10",hybridheadHartkeHA3500-Ashdown4x10"cab, SabianB8,StaggDH,PearlExportSeries&YamahaStageCustome,c/w twinpaddle, TamaImperial, IbanezGRX,SDGR, WashburnX10, YamahaRBX,EG303, VantageCustom, BossMT2,BF2,CH1,DD3,DS1, BehringerMultieffect, MegaHalfStack, - Linda

Last edited by boyroy on Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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Location: Agombak Ago go!

boy lepas ni ko kena amik gambar la guitar customer ko.
sampai2 jek amik gambar dulu. amik ngan muka owner sekali as evidence.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Jan 2008
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GryMlock wrote:
boy lepas ni ko kena amik gambar la guitar customer ko.
sampai2 jek amik gambar dulu. amik ngan muka owner sekali as evidence.

Letak guitar sebelah muka ke?? hahaha
kalu jauh2 nanti gambar guitar lak tak detail..
Every part perlu close up bro.. baru nampak detail..
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:31 pm    Post subject: good Reply with quote

Joined: 28 Jun 2008
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mmg bgs idea tu
tp x practical r
x smpai tahap lg
Cool Cool
OrangeMusicStudioShahAlam since2004 call 0123-12345-0 for booking, MarshallTubeMA100&4x12",VS100&4x12", MG100DFX,LaneyTFX3hybrid UK, PeaveyCombo300,Hiwatt300,Hartke2500-2x10",hybridheadHartkeHA3500-Ashdown4x10"cab, SabianB8,StaggDH,PearlExportSeries&YamahaStageCustome,c/w twinpaddle, TamaImperial, IbanezGRX,SDGR, WashburnX10, YamahaRBX,EG303, VantageCustom, BossMT2,BF2,CH1,DD3,DS1, BehringerMultieffect, MegaHalfStack, - Linda
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:50 pm    Post subject: Re: nasihat Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 1357

boyroy wrote:
nasihat aku r
kalo deal aper2 pown,
kalo x puas hati wajib claim
jgn diam kan diri
kalo kita dah claim then mamat tuh wat xtau
then war2 kn kt i bands or maner2 forum yg berkenaan
pd aku berani buat berani tanggung

aku ader satu kes nak wat criter
aku x nk bgtau saper mamat nih sbb aku hormat kt sumer org
dia ader anta gtr suh wat (fabricate) part,
then dah siap suh amek dia plak delay lbh krg sbln
lps amek dlm 2 minggu dia dtg blk
dia claim aku ader tkr mc head ngan bridge
berderau aku kena fitnah cam nih
aper tujuan dia ni pn aku x fhm
Question Question Question
tp yg aku fkr sbb dia ni byk gtr,
so mnkn prsn gtr yg yg dia anta kt aku tu sumer brg ori
(gtr beli 2nd hand)
lps anta kat aku br dia check,
ms beli dulu mnkn dia x check
aku rs dia da kna kencing ngan seller lama
tp lps grm kat aku, sorry bro, wa x mention saper
tp smpai skang ht wa terluka,
so, saper2 yg x puas ht ngan service yg dorg dpt ngan dwt yg dbyr,
better claim & better discuse terang2 b4 prosit any urusan pn
IMHO Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

banyak betul kata boyroy tu.. sini banyak profiling cases.. stock2 sakit.. ada penipu dan ada tulen. kalo setakat post bawah 10 dgn nawaitu sabotage tu.. konon2 nak meraih dan mintak simpati macam double beruk2 tracking tu, kasi simpanla..

man, you'll die too... aren't you afraid of hell? oh my, you're a disbeliever right? lies, greed and cheats has becoming everybody's next to nature lately.

Last edited by browndog2woof on Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 1357

IZZI wrote:
Tapi ada jenis penipuan yang elok jugak. Contohnya seller iklan nak jual guitar, so buyer datang test then setuju bayar deposit, bila duit dah cukup nak dtg collect guitar, seller kasi guitar dgn hardcase dgn pedal pulak.. tak tepati janji punya seller.

Ade ke seller mcm ni? hahah

ada.. aku pernah dengar cerita ni.. siap dapat guitar terbaik dari asal pon ada.. tapi harga tetap yg sama sama.. bila untung, hmmmm... senyap je.. woi, tak larat nye ko berpuasa... ha ha ha!

man, you'll die too... aren't you afraid of hell? oh my, you're a disbeliever right? lies, greed and cheats has becoming everybody's next to nature lately.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:16 pm    Post subject: Ramadhan Reply with quote

Joined: 28 Jun 2008
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Location: Shah Alam

Buang yg keruh
ambil yg jernih
Cool Cool Cool
OrangeMusicStudioShahAlam since2004 call 0123-12345-0 for booking, MarshallTubeMA100&4x12",VS100&4x12", MG100DFX,LaneyTFX3hybrid UK, PeaveyCombo300,Hiwatt300,Hartke2500-2x10",hybridheadHartkeHA3500-Ashdown4x10"cab, SabianB8,StaggDH,PearlExportSeries&YamahaStageCustome,c/w twinpaddle, TamaImperial, IbanezGRX,SDGR, WashburnX10, YamahaRBX,EG303, VantageCustom, BossMT2,BF2,CH1,DD3,DS1, BehringerMultieffect, MegaHalfStack, - Linda
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