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 GT8 vs GNX3 vs GNX4 « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Joined: 29 Oct 2004
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Location: Mines resort city

Kalau guna full tube amp
Guitar -> MIC200 ->Multifx with preamp module-> Tube amp RETURN Loop

- biasanya setting cam ne utk lebih tube dynamic picking.
- kira dia punya tube feel tu boleh tahan.
- ne disebabkan tube ne lembap skit nak kumpoi voltage berbanding solid state rectifier.
- kalo ko main blues ne wan boleh memercik tone dia... pastikan ko pakai cermin mata, takut percikan itu terkena mata... hehhhehe

kalau guna Solid State amp
Guitar -> Multifx with preamp module-> Behringer MIC200 -> Solid State amp RETURN Loop.

- ni style diorang kata kita guna tube sebagai filter supaya noise n freq pelik pelik dan tak sedap ditapis oleh tube tu.
- preamp tube takan respone dengan freq lebih dari 20kHz
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

And Now all jazz.
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Feb 2004
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woo. ko punya built in mic pre bukan ke dah brand dBx? aku pakai sm58 je terus ke GNX3.. hehehe ader la satu yg aku berkenan.. bbe sonic maximizer , bcos skg diorang dh keluarkan stomp box, ingat kalo ader duit nk angkat satu..

save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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Location: Mines resort city

BBE sonic... tu pun terbaik juga...
tapi tu pakai selepas multieffect dalam chain... dia proses bagi detail, dan buang mana tak patut. Aku ader carik kat ishi ari tu... cepat betul orang dah rembat.
- ader software sebenarnya utk bbe maximaizer ne
- BBE Sonic Maximizer DirectX Plug-in

Ini jenis utk atur balik freq macam harmonic converger.
Izzi carik peavey sweetner laaa.
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

And Now all jazz.
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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poundcake wrote:
woo. ko punya built in mic pre bukan ke dah brand dBx? aku pakai sm58 je terus ke GNX3.. hehehe ader la satu yg aku berkenan.. bbe sonic maximizer , bcos skg diorang dh keluarkan stomp box, ingat kalo ader duit nk angkat satu..

woi ini bukan pasal nak guna dBx la woi..!! ini utk kegunaan guitar..nak kasi sound guitar yg keluar dari gnx tu lalu masuk dlm real TUBE supaya dgn harapan boleh meng-ehem-ehemkan sikit sound digital tu..heheh..
Gelanggang guitar :
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 8:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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oh... ok... ok... Laughing bila sebut pasal mic pre.. terus teringatkan yg built in tuh.. sound.....ader satu lagi yg affordable.. presonus blue tube.. boleh sambung gak dgn multi effects.. rasanya ader instrument input.. eh.. behringer tu ader mic dgn line je kan?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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IZZI wrote:
kalau aku beli supermodel gnx3, mcmana nak pakai kat gnx3000 aku.

weh bro, ko dah try behringer MIC200? pakai la dgn gnx3 ko tu.. aku tgh kumpul duit nak angkat satu..

tak silap aku la.. kalo yang supermodel high end, GNX3000 and GNX4, ingat dia ader bagi Mfx yang basic punya.. yang tu la aku nak patch dalam hypermodel slots tuh....
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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gnx4 ni sesuai ker dgn amp 15watt roland tube ? ... rasa mcm hayabusa bw 70 jer ...
lelagi klu ikut dgn drum pad .. aku takut amp ni nti blow jer ... bukak pon bru 25% volume ...
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evh sins
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:14 pm    Post subject: i Reply with quote

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IZZI wrote:
boleh asalkan ko bahagia dgn soundnya..

bro izi..nice tones..salute soldier..le work on instrumental album..solo line j.satriani ke?help those who realy need you....what ever u says about efect and guitars are true..coz u said what had y done and study..macam2 line slow u ambik the best bro..u mmg layak jadi raja tutor guitar di i band ini..101 percent layak... Laughing ..hail
just wanns to be member so than can share ideas and can but intruments if i like..thanks
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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jeeli wrote:
gnx4 ni sesuai ker dgn amp 15watt roland tube ? ... rasa mcm hayabusa bw 70 jer ...
lelagi klu ikut dgn drum pad .. aku takut amp ni nti blow jer ... bukak pon bru 25% volume ...

boleh.. multiefek ni adalah modelling preamp je.. lagipun dia ada output volume yang kita boleh control..
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Location: pasir gudang johor

bro pon pki gnx4 jugak ker?... aku try install jugak software (walaupon dlm guide hanya win 2000 dgn xp jer bule install) pro track plus 2.2

lap top aku guna vista , bila aku masuk jer bule install ... tpi bila bukak ada suh select MIDI device .. dia suh pilih gnx4 usb .. bila aku tgk dlm kotak tuh takde gnx4 usb ...
aku ignore kan jer ...
bukak2 dia tak de sound ... link ke gitar ada .. suara takde ... adakah pasal vista mmg tak leh support sb tuh dia takde selection midi device to gnx4 usb ?.

klu tak de pilihan aku terpaksa guna software xp ler ...
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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pro track tu untuk recording kan...
GNx puna software nama dia Gen X-edit tapi kena ada unit dia la.. untuk modify tone pallete je...
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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pro track tu untuk recording kan...
GNX punya software nama dia Gen X-edit tapi kena ada unit dia la.. untuk modify tone pallete je...
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Location: pasir gudang johor

dah install .. Err aku tak tau sngt guna benda2 ni ... Dah ada sound kt amp buka lap top ni .. Tpi sound guitar tak de pon . Bila create drum , pastu play , tak de sound.. Ker aku salah setting?.
Kt option audio tab driver output tak de selection utk usb digitech output, cuma ada input digitech kt colloum input digitech 1/2
Bahgian out put ada hdmi output , bule ker kita tick pki tu?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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try tgk input untuk laptop tu.. dah set kan ke line-in tak?
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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dah set line in , ada 3 type left , right dgn stereo input 1/2 , tpi masih sama jugak , bila klik rec , pastu petik gitar ada signal turun ,naik makna nya mmg ada bunyi sepatutnya (dlm pro track 2.2) .. output aku taruk usb digitech jugak,
bila aku pilih stereo input 3/4 tak de signal turun,naik tak silap ... klu pilih input left atau right 1/2 pon sama jugak takde kluar bunyi ... signal ada ...

lg1 kadang2 laptop aku tetiba shutdown sendiri , bila usb gnx4 tu plug in ... dia detech ada some wrong kt gnx4 tu .. mungkin file dh corrupt agaknya ...

nak kena register online ker?.. sb tiap2 kali usb tuh bukak dia suh register , tpi aku choose later not this time ...
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