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 Minta penerangan tentang nak belajar EQ « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:12 am    Post subject: Minta penerangan tentang nak belajar EQ Reply with quote

Joined: 14 Feb 2007
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Hello i-bands,

heheheh (kenapa nak gelak pun aku tatau)

nak minta dari yg berpengalaman untuk ajar aku tentang EQ, aku ada google thru net dan books (recording website,dennis robert dan la la la) tentang nak EQ tapi masih kurang faham dalam nak adaptasi kan dia.

macam ada juga baca thread di sini bagi EQ frequencies dia contoh macam:

100-250Hz ~ Adds body
250-800Hz ~ Muddiness area
1-6Khz ~ Cuts through the mix
6-8kHz ~ Adds clarity
8-12kHz ~ Adds hiss

segala formula nih pun ada di mana mana article EQ yang aku baca. so ada sedikit faham tentang peranan EQ nih (sikit je la faham aku english teruk gile) , cuma bile aku buka EQualizer aku tuh , terus tak faham macam mana nak di adapt kan atau di masuk kan Hz/kHz tuh semua.

ada juga ku bertanya dan mereka memberi sediki sebanyak seperti High Pass. EQ yang aku guna basically Sonitus:FX Equalizer. dan kat situ pulak ada 6 band, 6 filter , 6 Q, dan 6 gain. yang mana satu patut di ubah? dulu masa baru belajar EQ (zaman tak tau apa) aku main main ubah je kat graphic EQ tuh stail macam ejas EQ kat amp. Tapi aku rasa itu bukan nya kefahaman yang patut aku ada kan?

so aku harap boleh belajar lagi dan faham apa keguna Peak/Dip, Shelving Low, Shelving high, Lowpass dan Highpass. Very Happy

aku juga faham bab EQ ini ikut kehendak si peguna nak bunyi instrument atau track dia macam mana, tapi kalau bole beri sedikit basic setting EQ dan cara nak adapt kan dia tuh adalah lebih baik supaya aku dapat belajar dan experiment lebih dalam bab bab EQ nih (pakai preset tak pernah nak best pun)

harap di beri tunjuk ajar.

aku guna Toneport UX2 > PC windows xp > POD FARM > Cubase SX

p/s: dan utk abg deadzid (hero pengguna LIVE) , saya teringin nak belajar guna ableton live 6, sekali buka tatau mana na start, interface dia agak cool sgt sampai tak biasa tgk, harap kalau ada tutorial how to start pun ok gak Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:25 am    Post subject: Re: Minta penerangan tentang nak belajar EQ Reply with quote

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Jiro wrote:
p/s: dan utk abg deadzid (hero pengguna LIVE) , saya teringin nak belajar guna ableton live 6, sekali buka tatau mana na start, interface dia agak cool sgt sampai tak biasa tgk, harap kalau ada tutorial how to start pun ok gak Very Happy

how to start? kat Live 6 tu sendiri ade dah (kalau ko install full setup la)... Ko gi kat menu Help > Lesson Table Of Contents. Nanti kluar kotak kat belah kanan window, ko follow la satu2....

anyway, seperti biasa, sapa2 yg tanya aku pasal Ableton Live 6, aku akan redirect ke thread ni -> Ableton Setting Problem .. heheh patut buat sticky ni.. tapi tamau la, kang chop giler kuasa lak! hahaha
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:48 am    Post subject: hahah Reply with quote

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oh terimas hero live, the deadzid

heheh aku dah jumpa dah how to start dia Smile thanks alot

betul tuh, patut sticky je, tapi tatau ler kalau derang nak, sebab tutorial penting nih harus di jaga rapi Razz

btw, kat live tuh, camne nak open vst instrument dia? macam ezdrummer and stuff??
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Bro jiro.. nih aku kasi sikit2 boleh buat rujukan dan eksperimen,...

Individual Instrument eq.
1. Bass guitar
Boost 100-200 Hz :: add body
Boost 500-800 Hz :: raspy sound
Boost 700-1000 Hz :: fill out thin sound
Boost 2-5 kHz :: add impact & an edge
Cut 4-5 kHz :: eliminate pick noise

2. Drums
Boost 80-250 Hz :: add fullness
Cut 300-500 Hz :: clean up the sound
Boost 5 kHz :: add crispness

3. Kick
Boost 50-80 Hz :: depth & rounded sound
Boost 250 Hz :: fullness
Cut 200-400 Hz :: improve clarity
Cut 400-600 Hz :: more open sound
Boost 2.5-10 kHz :: beater sound & attack transient

4. Snare
Boost 100-130 Hz :: add fullness
Boost 250 Hz :: add warmth
Boost 3-6 kHz :: snap
Boost 8-10 kHz :: add crispness & attack
Cut 12 kHz :: warmer sound

5. Toms
Boost 20-120 Hz :: add fullness (floor toms)
Boost 240 Hz :: add fullness (rack toms)
Boost 5 kHz :: attack
Boost 4-8 kHz :: add presence
Boost 10+ kHz :: add air

6. Hi-hat
Boost 200 Hz :: clank sound
Cut 150 Hz :: clean up the sound & minimize effects
Boost 10 kHz :: adds "sheen"

7. Cymbals
Boost 200 Hz :: clank sound
Cut 1-2 kHz :: clean up clankiness
Boost 5-10 kHz :: shimmer

8. Overheads
Cut 100 Hz :: clean up the sound
Boost 10+ kHz :: add air & sheen

9. Acoustic guitar
Boost 80-120 Hz :: low end
Boost 250 Hz :: add body
Boost 2.5-5 kHz :: clarity & punch
Cut 80-100 Hz :: clean up the sound & aid
Boost 7 kHz :: presence (for lead acoustic)

10. Electric guitar
Boost 240 Hz :: fullness
Boost 2.5 kHz :: bite & presence
Cut 100 Hz :: clean up the boominess
Boost 125-250 Hz :: add warmth
Boost 2.5-4 kHz :: bring out rhythm guitar & emphasize the attack
Boost 4-6dB 5 kHz :: bite & presence (lead guitar)
100 Hz or less – Boominess *
125-250 Hz – Add body and warmth (fills out)
240 Hz – Fullness *
300 Hz – Muddiness (Boost or cut to thicken/ thin out)
300-500 Hz – Eliminate nasal quality (Cut) ~
700 Hz – Create a throaty or woodsy sound ~
1 kHz – Add edge ~
1.5-3 kHz – Add edge
2.5 kHz – Bite and presence *
5 kHz – Helps lead (boost 4-6 dB) *
5, 8 & 10 kHz – Bright ~
6 kHz – Add clarity
10 kHz – Add hiss

11. Horns
Boost 120-240 Hz :: fullness
Boost 5-7.5 kHz :: become shrill
Boost 300-400 Hz :: fatten the sound
Cut 1-3.5 kHz :: harshness
Boost 6-10 kHz :: high-end

12. Piano
Boost 80-150 Hz :: low-end emphasis
Cut 250-350 Hz :: reduce boom
Boost 2.5-5 kHz :: add presence, attack & honky-tonk sound

13. Violin
Boost 250 Hz :: fullness
Cut 1-3.5 kHz :: harshness
Cut 7.5-10 kHz :: scratchiness

14. Vocals
Boost 120 Hz :: fullness
Boost 200-250 Hz :: boom
Boost 5 kHz :: presence
Boost 7.5-10 kHz :: sibilance
Boost 2.5-3.5 kHz :: lead vocals
Boost 6-10 kHz :: lead vocals

15. Electric guitar
Boost 100 Hz :: more bottom
Cut 300-500 Hz :: eliminate some of the nasal quality
Boost 700 Hz :: throaty & woodsy sound
Boost 1 kHz :: more edge
Boost 3 kHz :: more bite
Boost 5-10 kHz :: more brighter

16. Kick
Boost 60/100 Hz :: more bottom end
Cut 300-700 Hz :: eliminate the box like sound
Boost 1-3 kHz :: more attack

17. Snare
Boost 2dB 100 Hz :: more bottom end
Cut 300-700 Hz :: eliminate the box like sound
Boost 2-6dB 5-10 kHz :: brighten up the top end

18. Bass guitar
Boost 100 Hz :: fatten the bottom
Boost 2.5 kHz :: more bite

19. Acoustic guitar
Cut 100-300 Hz :: clean up the boominess
Boost 8-10 kHz :: add some "silk"
Boost 700-1200 Hz :: more woodsy

20. Toms
Boost 2dB 100 Hz
Cut 4dB 300-700 Hz
Boost 2dB 5+ kHz

21. Piano
Boost 8-10 kHz :: top end
Boost 4-5 kHz :: add a little definition

Overall punya eq basic untuk mastering

80hz - rumble of the bass
100hz - thump of the kick
200hz - bottom of the guitar
250hz - warmth of the vocal
350hz - bang of the snare
400hz - body of the bass
500hz - clang of the high hat
600hz - clang of the cymbals
800hz - ping of ride cymbal
1000hz - meat of the guitar
1200hz - body of the snare
1400hz - meat of the vocal
1600hz - snap of the kick/plectrum on guitar (attack)
2500hz - wires and snap of snare
3000hz - presence of the vocal
4000hz - ring of ride cymbal/top end of bass guitar
6000hz - sizzle of the high hat
7000hz - sizzle of the cymbals
8000hz - top end of the kick
9000hz - brightness on snare and cymbals
10000hz - brightness on vocal
12000hz - air on vocal
14000hz - air on cymbals

hang guna apa sekarang Sonar ke, sebab perasan ade guna sonitus fx tuh,.. btw, aku pon banyak nak belajar lagi,, hahaha
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 1:14 pm    Post subject: Thanks Bro Reply with quote

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Bro, thansk fo all the frequencies chart Very Happy really help full, heheh bole di buat buku nih. tapi kan bro, kan nombor nombor tuh semua nak masuk kan kat mana? itu yg aku tak faham sgt sgt tuh, buka je eq tuh, dah ada 6band dan 6 filter... aku tak guna sonar, guna cubase SX je (sape kalau ada cubase 4 or 5 yg cap ayam, bagi ler tau, aku dtg membeli)

so dari apa yg bro bagi frequencies chart tuh, camne nak adapt kan? tukar semua filter ke number yg diberi ke? Very Happy

btw aku ada soalan technical yg membuatkan aku rasa songsang hidup aku jap

kenapa sonar je aku tak bole pakai? bila pakai, latency dia kaw kaw, DAW lain takde masalah

dan juga now lepas aku install IKmultimedia ARC dan izotope ozone 4, cubase aku terus crash, Please Send End Program keluar Sad sedih giler
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Nih satu cth ringkas,..Boost 100-200 Hz :: add body

1. Bass guitar
Boost 100-200 Hz :: add body (yg colour kelabu tuh lah untuk add body) tapi based on ko punya waves track gak, bleh check area tuh sekarang berape db,, bleh guna multiband eq untuk check berapa db,, atau lagi bagus monitor analyzer untuk check.. BTW nih just teori basic,.. boleh ikot kehendak hati,, kepekaan telinga paling penting Laughing ...

macam lecturer plak siap2 gambor,, hahaha..
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 2:56 pm    Post subject: wahhh Reply with quote

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BROOO~!! i love you lar bro~!!

nih baru betul betul membantu, ini la yg di cari yeahh~!! now dah faham dah kene ejas macam mana. bro, u mmg terbaik la, hehhehe buat presentation macam nih la baru ngam, macam bro deadzid, hahah~! Very Happy

dan nak tanya je, sebab gambar rajah tuh dia tunjuk 1 band channel je kan? macam sonitus:fx ada 6, so adapt kan pada yg 100hz - 200hz tuh je yer? macam itu?
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:04 pm    Post subject: alamak Reply with quote

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alamak bro, tetiba confuse pulak

macam cth:

boost 100Hz - 200Hz = add body

so pada frequency 100Hz - 200Hz tuh nak kene boost berapa dB? atau ikut telinga?
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 10:04 pm    Post subject: Re: wahhh Reply with quote

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Jiro wrote:
BROOO~!! i love you lar bro~!!

Tiba2 badan aku menggigil....Serram
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 2:02 am    Post subject: Re: alamak Reply with quote

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Jiro wrote:
alamak bro, tetiba confuse pulak

macam cth:

boost 100Hz - 200Hz = add body

so pada frequency 100Hz - 200Hz tuh nak kene boost berapa dB? atau ikut telinga?

rasa-rasa ikan,..hahaha taram je laa bang,, Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 2:02 am    Post subject: Re: wahhh Reply with quote

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Deck wrote:
Jiro wrote:
BROOO~!! i love you lar bro~!!

Tiba2 badan aku menggigil....Serram

ditambah ngan ko punye avatar..double seramm!!haha

adekah aku salah tafsir dgn pemahaman ko nih or ko yg salah tafsir

dlm penerangan2 yg diberikan oleh Bro Erylasia n situasi ko,

contoh ko tgh record Bass Track,n ko rasekan sound x sedap didengan..seperti kekurangan sesuatu

so ko nk tmbah "Body Sound" yg dimaksudkan,caranya..add EQ efx yg ko pakai..x kira la mcmane and brape byk band yg ko selesa..ko trus pergi ke range 100Hz-200Hz..boost or cut sesedap rasa smpai ko dpt ape yg diinginkan

adekah ini membantu?atau selama ini aku pon salah dlm pemahaman EQ
hanya berkongsi
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Tak yah susah2... raw sudah.. LOL..
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:56 am    Post subject: Owwwhhh Reply with quote

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owwhhhh, ok ok, now aku dah sedikit faham Very Happy dan terus membuat latihan tekan tubi JIAH~!

aku rasa pemahaman aku yg lembab nih kot jadi punca kekeliruan hahahah aku rasa apa yg kau cakap tuh betul Very Happy~!

so bro bro sekalian, (ada lagi tuh nak tanya, bebal tul aku nih)

macam contoh yg di beri kan utk add body punya sound kan, bole kalau aku adapt kan semua sekali dalam EQ tuh, maksud nya bukan takat nak add body jer, tapi yg lain gak. or sekali EQ satu je bole? Very Happy
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