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Supreme Tomato Furries
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About The Melodramatics Discography

The story of The Melodramatics began in 1994 when Dzul joined Namong to play guitar at his house in Kuching, Sarawak. Here Namong taught Dzul on how to play the guitar. After about a month, the two lads become more serious about forming their own band. Dzul began to write lyrics and Namong went to compose the music. Songs like "At the Playground, Too Much, Dinosaurs against Technology" and "Sick Machine" which was written by Dzul mark beginning of their career. When he told his plans to his classmate Putra, the whole thing just clicked into place. With Putra (known better by his band name Cheese) agreeing to dedicate his time to writing the lyrics for the new band, it was high time for them to name their band, and The Melodramatics was born.

It was late 1995 when The Melodramatics debuted with the first full band lineup. With Willie, Doug, and Tate (Namong's brother) joining the three lads. During that time the members did get the chance to contribute their own lyrics and music for the band to add to their current playlist of songs, this is true for Tate when he submitted the song which he wrote and composed called Guitar. On the other side of things, Namong helped Dzul (known better by his band name Dr Rude) when he too started composing. The music for some of the greatest songs that The Melodramatics played, including Dinosaurs vs. Technology (considered then the theme song for the band) was the result of this magical collaboration.

The Melodramatics first performed live for the crowd on New Years eve (1996). But sadly they performed only cover songs by Green Day ("When I come around" and "Coming clean"). After having a firm and steady grip as one of the best performing class band in 1996, the tides of time begin to change. In early 1997 Melodramatics has turned into a forgotten shadow of their former stardom, and only jammed with an uncompleted band lineup. One of the main reasons for this downfall is the upcoming exam (SPM) in that year. But still the two classmates Dr Rude and Cheese went on writing lyrics, playing and making music.

In the year 1998, the band was greatly shaken when the drummer Tate had to leave and then followed by Doug. The members who are still active were only Namong on the lead guitar, Dr Rude on guitar/vocal, Willie on bass position and Cheese on occasional backing vocal duty. Then luck seems to shine upon the band when Dr Rude picked up Punx Speedboat and his brother Terap to replace Tate and Doug, but the year has many more twists and turns for them to overcome. This was proven true for The Melodramatics when their singer/songwriter Dr Rude had to further his study at Johore Bahru, their lyrics man Cheese continued to UNITAR and one year later Namong packed his bags too and went to Kedah. For those who had followed the band progress this was like the final nail in their coffin, it signaled the end of The Melodramatics in 1999.

With the main members leaving, Punx and Terap went to seclusion and lived their personal life as they did before their recruitment into the band. But unknown to his former band members, Dr Rude contacted Cheese and told him that he was still active and that he had started to compose music without Namong. To Dr Rudes surprise Cheese told him that he had also kept on writing even though the band was inactive for over 2 years. From that day, a small spark of hope glowed in the darkness of the future for The Melodramatics.

Cheese who was then working at The Sarawak Cultural Village kept in touch with Dr Rude using e-mails to send any new lyrics that he wrote. By the end of the day the first song with lyrics written by Cheese and music composed by Dr Rude was complete. These two have conquered the barrier of space, even though they were far apart it would not stop the spirit of The Melodramatics from doing what they love most... making music. Dr Rude usually never fails come home to meet his former band mates Cheese, Punx Speedboat and Terap whenever hes on holiday. Not only that they're even starting to jam together just like old times.

At JB, Dr Rude's recruited his housemate Jet-Ali as the bassist. Jet-Ali helped Dr Rude to find a good melody for their new song. Theres something special here, when the mighty mind of Dr Rude composed a catchy song called In My Mind. Pe was recruited next and together with Jet-Ali and Dr Rude a spin-off trio group was formed. They performed a couple of numbers by Dr Rude like Sickly Waiting, Baby, Baby, In My Mind, and from Cheese such as Memory of the Heart and Light through the Night.

During their journey they were greatly influenced by the sounds of Bob Marley, The Beatles, Green Day, Goldfinger, Rancid, and NOFX at the beginning of their era. It's hard to define what genre of music that The Melodramatics played. But for now it's seems Dr Rude wants to change their music to Indie pop. It's because of that transition, a lot of the songs that Dr Rude composed was more to the Indie genre. 1999 was celebrated with the first raw demo for the band (by simple recordings made by Dr Rude and Cheese in a blank cassette) released with 10 tracks inside.

In 2002, Punx and Dr Rude started the change of The Melodramatics
music style into SKA. The song Ska of Love is the starting of their SKA beat. This transition of genre lead to the first change of the band name into The SkaMina. But truth be told, before that song (Ska of Love) Dr Rude already composed a number of SKA music for songs like Dont Go, Universe Come and Memory of the heart (the three lyrics written by Cheese). In May, Dr Rude gave the catchy melody written by Punx Speedboat a voice with easy thinking lyric. That song was totally amazing! Dr Rude just need 10 minutes to write the Linoleum Of Life lyric.

Late 2002, songs like Candle of Mine, Hell Knows, KFC, and Osama Bin Laden were added to the new list of the lovely SKA tunes played by the band. Early 2003, Dr Rude got a phone call from his band mate Cheese in Kuching about the future of their band, discussing to form a new Melodramatics lineup. By now theres only Dr Rude, Cheese and Punx have decided to stay. Even with the news of the active return to music by The Melodramatics, there was still no sign from Tate, Willie and Namong coming back to their previous posts. As a result The Melodramatics lost their drummer-Tate, bassist-Willie, and their strong man on first guitar position-Namong.

Thanks to Cheese for his hard work and dedication to rebuild and to maintain the band, the nominees for the new band lineup was submitted to Dr Rude. Cheese wanted to find a man for trumpet duty and keyboards for the new lineup and some others that are qualified to fill in the position left by Tate, Willie and Doug. For this to happen, Dr Rude had to return home to name their new band mate soon and also have enough time and attention to practice. The vision of Dr Rude and Cheese for the new lineup is to produce a real demo, with the huge collection of new and old songs that they have.

It has been many a year since The Melodramatics came from what used to be a classroom band. Now as future hope shins upon them, the eyes and ears of those who know them will be rejoicing once more as the classic sound of the old Melodramatic tunes meets the new and improved. Rest assured that all the favorite and hit songs from their old Demo including the provocative Dinosaur vs. Technology written by Dr Rude and the evergreen Universe Come by Cheese will be given new life, hopefully through the new lineup that Cheese had recruited The Acoustics.

Cheese discovered The Acoustics who were once active in the Kuching music scene by word of mouth of a mutual friend. He set up a first meeting with the band drummer Mat and then the lead guitarist Jaleel, the both of them showing interest to join the new Melodramatics lineup and being active again. So on that fateful day in 2003 two members from The Melodramatics (Dr Rude and Cheese himself) and The Acoustics forged a friendship that would later become the basis for The Supreme Tomato Furries (TSTF).

After adding Rafiq (also from The Acoustics) as the rhythm guitarist, TSTF has succeeded in reviving the spirit of The Melodramatics that Dr Rude and Cheese fought so hard to maintain. The lineup for TSTF were Putra - Lyrics & Vocal, Mat Drums, A-powl Bass, Rafiq - Rhythm Guitar, Jaleel - Lead Guitar, Muttz - Second Rhythm Guitarist & Backing Vocals, Sam Second Bassist, Dr. Rude - Song & Lyric Writer and Denny Keyboards.

Having a strong band lineup, TSTF paved the way for the premiere debut of The Melodramatics music to eager listeners. First by joining Lord of the Bands 05 with a successful live PROMO performance at the Open Amphitheater. Sadly the first battle of the band (LOTB 05) the TSTF failed to impress the crowd due to technical problems. This setback did not stop them though, when they were given the chance to perform at another live show during UNIMAS Open Day Expo 2005 a few months later. The boys made such an impact that they were given the privilege to do another welcoming performance for the VIPs closing ceremony.

It seemed 2005 would be a busy year for the boys (now calling themselves Edëlhëid) when Silas, the frontman of Evenstarr encouraged them to join Rexona BandKuest 2005. Eager to make up for their horrible performance at LOTB 05 they all agreed to join. Bringing on an arsenal of original and cover songs (comprising of Fallen Angel, Sun, Taxi Instrumental and a Kings of Leon cover Mollys Chamber) they finally proved that they have something special in their music. Breezing through the auditions and semi-finals, the boys didnt even think that they would be in the finals after surprisingly being one of the top 10 bands for the audition and semi-final run.

At the end of the day, after being in the shadows for so long its time to celebrate the first Battle of the band trophy that they earned. On a side note, being able to get to the finals was one thing but most importantly they made new friends (especially the guys of RadioGravity who knew them by their old band name TSTF) a day full of surprises! RadioGravity continues to give support and pushing them to launch their own CD Single.

As December draws to its end, Silas once again invited the 10 finalist of The BandKuest to perform on the second day of The Travillion Mall grand opening event. There, Cheese unveiled a new addition to their cover lineup by playing Rialtos Monday Morning 5.19 song. The crowd was so supportive of the band that they ended up playing 5 songs that night, with the best effect on the listeners when their song Fallen Angel was making an old lady dance to the catchy tune of Dr Rudes melody and feeling the impact of Cheeses lyrics. A new record-breaking feat!

A New Year dawns, with new resolution for Cheese. Having gained Silas confidence in their ability to entertain the crowd, he pushed the boys to another level by having them audition for their first live TV recording. With familiar faces around them, they signed up for Hitz.Tvs BlastOff 06. There, they got the taste of how a real TV interview feels like (nerve wrecking). Having only 10 minutes to do their set, Cheese opted to do an original song (Fallen Angel) apart from doing a cover like the crew requested. But feeling confident of the time limit for the set, he then agrees to do Mollys Chamber first (Kings of Leon cover) and then Fallen Angel, if time permits. And time did permit, having rocked the stylish Mojo @ Denise club with Mollys Chamber they continued to wow the crew with Fallen Angel.

The effect was the same as when they performed the song at Travillions grand opening. The Hitz.TV crew was moving their feet, dancing and clapping their hands to the music (heheh kudos to RadioGravity for singing along to the song) it was like an adrenaline rush. Ean the MC looked like he really enjoyed himself after the performance. Looking around Cheese noticed everyone had a smile on their faces. What a sight to behold! (The Production Assistant then dropped the bomb when she said they were selected as one of the top 20 bands to go to BlastOff).

Though Edëlhëid didnt get to go to KL for the competition, they had already achieved another milestone in their pursuit of musical exploration. Cheese found even more friends that share their passion for music. Even the Hitz.TV crew didnt realize a lot of the bands that were auditioning for the first day of BlastOff knew each other. While RadioGravity sang along to Fallen Angel during Edëlhëids set, Cheese showed his support for RadioGravity by singing along to Baby Blue (again to the surprise of Ean and Hitz.TV crew).

The exploits of Edëlhëid ended up reaching the ears of LGs Battle of the Band organizer and before they knew it, they were invited to join in the fun. Even though it was supposed to be a closed session for the students of LG Twintech they showed that music reaches through all boundaries. Again coming up strong with their Taxi Instrumental as an intro, the boys followed up with Fallen Angel and Muses Plug-in Baby. By that time the audience even the judges were clapping and singing along. It was a pity that the venue was a bit small but whats important is that everyone had fun. And in that Battle that got their second trophy by becoming second runner-up.

The boys are busy preparing themselves for another band bash organized by Silass TruEvents. The much anticipated Bandfest 2006 on the 20th May 2006 (featuring the 10 finalist of Bandkuest 05 plus a few guest bands). Cheese already has a superb playlist in mind for the event (being the debut of The Melodramatics theme song D vs T and I Am Waiting) and as an added bonus they would also be playing at RTMs Kugiran Competition (which will also be held on the same month).
Members Putra , Mad , Jaleel , Rafiq & E-powl [with additional members: Dr Rude , Syams & Muttz]
Location Kuching, Sarawak
Influences Morrissey, The Pixies, The Shadows .... and everything in between
Sounds Like Fusion of easy-listening tunes and Indie (plus others too numerous to mention) :P

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM