This site is currently in archive mode. We no longer accept new accounts and song uploads. All rights to the published songs belong to the respective artists. But circumstances might have changed since the last time i-bands was online. Therefore, do report any copyright infringements to our team at
Supreme Tomato Furries
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Bad Luck....Just Not My Day
author: tomato82 posted: 27 Apr 2006 08:36 AM

just a quick update yet again...
here is the new site where we posted everything we had from pics to videos. (ive added the link at the website section)

drop in and say hi....leave comments and questions.....have fun listening to the raw demos ive uploaded.
hope to hear more from you guys soon.

Prince of SKA?!


To continue.....from before
author: tomato82 posted: 26 Apr 2006 02:42 PM
Hi again...

here is our new extended site....pls do visit and post comments and ask questions.
we have lost more music upload there compred from i-bands (i have a problem whenever i try to upload music here)
same as always you can stream/download the music....pass it around to your friends too...
okay guess that's it...have more updates 2 morrow.

The end,


Chatting online...and how it effects life.....
author: tomato82 posted: 26 Apr 2006 09:57 AM
Morning ppl,

I got a nice suprise today...had a good long chat with milton of RG LP.feels good to talk amng friends/bandmates like that...gets some of the stress form work off the shoulders.

ill post something more later.

Music + Life = Something


author: tomato82 posted: 25 Apr 2006 08:34 AM

Seems like it's getting to be a habit by updating this site every morning when i arrive at work.
Not much to do though, other then setting up anoter practice round @ appleseed during the weekend. E-powl is coming back to kuching for the RTM thingy.....but he's not confirmed for bandfest. ahhhhhhhh such a shame, the last time we played with a full lineup was at LOTB 05 promo @ amphitheatre.

anyhow hope to see you guys there...WE SALUTE ROCK & ROLL!!!

Peace & Music,


author: tomato82 posted: 24 Apr 2006 12:03 PM

Weyyyy....former band member Namong is getting MARRIED!!!
Semoga Panjang Umur Dan Murah Rezeki!!

All the best for the future!!

Dari budak-budak Edelheid

Practice...ending up chased by dogs.
author: tomato82 posted: 21 Apr 2006 09:46 AM

last nite was a success....we finally finish setting up At The Playground.....after a very long while mwaahahahhaha. Be sure to look out for the song @ Bandfest.

Oh and Mad & i were chased / attacked / mugged by a pack of wild dogs last night. Darnit....good thing we were able to escape with our lives!!!

To everyone out careful of dogs........

Something For Everyone
author: tomato82 posted: 19 Apr 2006 09:15 AM
Another morning at work,

Here is just a quick update!!
I found this great site yesterday...

has a lot of tips and info for the would be frontman/singer.
hope you guys will find something useful in there.



Love & Lost [Sari Berita Utama]
author: tomato82 posted: 18 Apr 2006 10:55 AM
Haha selamat pagi,

lama sik post makey local language tok.apapun berita-berita untuk hari ini adalah:

  • Lagu baru dah nak siap
  • Live EP in progress
  • Kedae tempat Mad keja nok tukar hari off
  • Rafiq & Jaleel duak-duak dah ada gitar....

berita selanjutnya, lagu baru "I am waiting" , "Dino vs. Tech" & "Sickly Waiting" dah nak siap.cuma tinggal beberapa part gik lom perfect....harap dapat target atleast sigek pakey main masa Bandfest.

Live EP pun dalam progress...estimated 5 lagu akan dimuat dlm EP pertama tok. Yang compom adalah "Fallen Angel" , "The Sun" , "At the Playground"....akan dimuat lam EP.

Mad akan dapat hari off pada setiap ahad mulai minggu depan...minggu tok masih gik ari khamis
so segala practice minggu tok akan bejalan cam biasa di Appleseed Studio Matang.

Rafiq & Jaleel dah duak-duak ada gitar...tinggal nok ambik gitar bass kat kedae jak gik.....pickup rusak.mintak collect kelak pakey mikik pickup.

sekian terima kasih.



Monday Morning 5.19
author: tomato82 posted: 17 Apr 2006 10:19 AM

Just writing to update you guys on whats happening around Kuching's Music Scene.
As some of you already know the bandfest thingy was postponed to next month....either being on the 6th May or 20th May (updates will follow).
I'm hoping that it would be held on the 20th seeing that Edëlhëid will be playing @ RTM Kugiran Competition on the 6th.
Hope that you guys would be able to show up and give support to all the bands that would be playing during both of the events.

RTM - Dewan P.Ramlee @ 6.5.2006 (3 bands including us will perform at a live recording)
BandFest 06 - Panggung Udara @ Taman Budaya/Dewan Suarah 10 bandkuest finalist + guest bands including OBS & Tempered Mental.(dates to be confirmed)

On a side note.....E-powl is looking for a new job here in Kuching. It's been quite hard for the band when he left for Miri. Dr Rude, our resident composer sent in 5 new songs for the band last week....hopefully we'll get the chance to play some of it for you guys @ bandfest. Thats it for today, all the best!


p/s: TX to Hamilton & Crew @ Under One Label for linking us to their site!! U guys are the greatest!

BandFest in all it's GLORY!!
author: tomato82 posted: 10 Apr 2006 01:03 PM
AWESOME!! that's all i have to day about the last two days of hectic promo and senseless fun.
the spot promo @ STC (Tourism Complex) was packed with fans.With CR-25, Holiday Madness & Dented (doing the opening act) just what I'd expect from some of the top 10 finalist of Bandkuest. But most importantly a lot of em' were waiting for the performance by Tempered Mental & OBS.
Sitting in the front row, watching them play their heart out was indescribable.i for one can't wait to get to perform with them @ BandFest in May.

The Unplugged session @ MOJO reminds me why i got into music in the first's all about making friends and sharing the love for music.Hopfully there will be many more events/show etc. like this in the future.


Around the world of music...
author: tomato82 posted: 08 Feb 2006 10:28 AM
heheh funny rabbits are hitting it off at blast off....hope they win.
anyways ill be trying to get a spot at the band peformance @ sukma ria this saturday...and if we cant make it maybe the weekend after.
the demo release date has been put off...just waiting for a-powl to arrive here in kuching.have a few more things to work out with the boys before we can start to concentrate for the like to apologise to you guys for the late updates...hehehe its quite hard to keep this site updated without internet connection at home :P

till my next post,

Another site for you to visit....:P
author: tomato82 posted: 01 Dec 2005 01:22 PM

its a personal site of RG/Lamepost heehe do come and visit...maybe post a few thoughts or two?

and here is our own blog site....its new so pls do post comments/questions :P



Travillion Mall JAM!!!
author: tomato82 posted: 29 Nov 2005 02:11 PM

Here is something for you guys to do this weekend.
We will be peforming @ The Travillion Mall this weekend (Sunday) along with a few other bands.
It's free and please do come on over and support our local bands!!

Hope to see you guys there!!


Good News!!
author: tomato82 posted: 20 Nov 2005 06:36 PM
Well here i am again with more news!!
1) We were one of the finalist & Top 10 bands for The Rexona No-Sweat Band Challenge 05
2) We auditioned for Astro's Blast-Off Band Programme and we were selected (more about this later in the week)

So as you can see there has been alot going on around town lately and well all of us had been very busy. I wont promise you anything yet but i wanted to skip doing home recordings for now and do something about our EP. Thanks to the guys of Radiogravity (they also have a site here in i-bands, so u can also visit them) we would be releasing the EP before Christmas.
Hoping for the best...thanks for supporting us.


author: tomato82 posted: 11 Oct 2005 10:05 PM
Good day!

Seems like it's getting harder for me to keep this site updated...but not to worry....we are still alive and kickin!!!
There have so much to do since the last post i guess you guys think we had disband.
all i can say is we have new songs (again) just that i have not been able to upload any of them.
its been hope you could bare with us!!

all the best for the upcoming holidays!!!

LOTB 2005 Roadshow & Semi-Finals
author: tomato82 posted: 30 Mar 2005 01:28 PM
Well it's been to long since i posted something on the msg board.
I would like to apologise for the late update since we are currently busy with our prctice session for the LOTB 2005 Semi-Finals this upcoming 9-10 April.

Before that i'd like thank all of you for supporting us and we will be working even harder to bring you not just more but better music.

For those living in Kuching please do get your free entrance tickets with the purchase of a special edition LOTB calendar book.
We would really like to see you guys there!!

Till next time,

(Don't forget we changed our band name to Edelheid)

Welcome to The Supreme Tomato Furries i-bands web page!
author: tomato82 posted: 17 Dec 2004 11:48 AM
First up, TQ very much for visiting!

We know that there isn't much up yet here in our i-bands page but we promise you more updates coming soon.
So till then have fun and if there are any questions/comments you would like to give, please do send them in.

All the best,
Putra (STF)

p/s: By the way... I've linked my old band (The Melodramatics) web page to the web link. This is just temporary till our own STF page is up :P. The Melodramatics site is closed now but you can still read our autobiograpy!!

Audio files!
author: tomato82 posted: 20 Dec 2004 02:39 PM
Hello again!

We would be uploading some audio files to this web page soon! The audio files are mainly the early recordings made by us, (it's not studio quality yet..:P but we hope it is sufficient for now) So take a listen and please do send in your comments!
We would really like to hear from you.

Putra (TSTF)

author: tomato82 posted: 27 Dec 2004 11:23 AM

Finally good news! Our first LIVE recording is now up in the music section... it's not studio quality yet but i hope you guys would still enjoy listening to us.
So have a Merry X'mas and Happy New Year! from us The Supreme Tomato Furries.

For your info there are 2 songs:
- Fallen Angel was recorded at our practice session
- Taxi (Rendition) recorded at a preview session @ Cassaphia

Happy listening,
Putra (TSTF)

Thank You!
author: tomato82 posted: 29 Dec 2004 09:19 PM
Hey hey,

First up thank you for the support you guys have shown us.
It really means alot to us to see that our song "Fallen Angel" is making an impact on you...our listeners (Please do keep downloading and streaming okay?).
We will be working even harder from now on to bring you better music!

Yours truly,
Putra (TSTF)

New year! NEW SONGS!
author: tomato82 posted: 06 Jan 2005 12:59 PM

For all you guys wo are frequently visiting our page, we have uploaded a couple of new songs to the music list.
Like we promised...we will be working really hard to bring you the best of TSTF!
Thanks forr all your support and if you feel you want to write back to us, please do.

All the best,
Putra (TSTF)

Hey hey!
author: tomato82 posted: 08 Jan 2005 07:14 PM

Heheheh its coming to an end of the first week of January.
Nothing much going on except we are looking for a new place to practice.
We hope that after this we'll be able to give you guys a better sounding music recording.
So i hope you'll keep on supporting us!

Putra (TSTF)

Ahaaaa! NEW Stuff coming up!
author: tomato82 posted: 15 Jan 2005 05:41 PM

Okay new stuff is coming up, we'll be posting some new song to the music page in the upcoming week so just hang on and be patient. I'm currently doing the multitracking for the new songs and i hope it would turn out better then the current sound recordings we have.

All the best,
Putra (TSTF)

Happy Holidays!
author: tomato82 posted: 25 Jan 2005 01:51 PM

Nothing much is going on...except we'll be abit busy this upcoming month.
Our prctice session is goin well and we hope to be able to perform @ RTM (hoping for the best).
Other then that i'm still doing multitracking for our new song so i'm targeting another 2 weeks before i can upload the complete song.

Have a happy holiday form us T.S.T.F

Putra (T.S.T.F)

author: tomato82 posted: 23 Feb 2005 12:31 PM
Hello again guys,

Sorry for the late update. New things coming up especially some new songs.
We currently have 3 in line to be released...but were are still doing some last minute editing for the music.

Other news...we'll be peforming @ Lord of the bands 2005 (early April)
hope to see you guys there...

All the best,
Putra (T.S.T.F)

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM