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About LANGSUYR was created by Bentara and Azmaniac in the mid of 1991, and they've been only a two-piece band since then until they found it hard to rehearse when Bentara's playing the guitar and singing while Azmaniac handling the drums. So, they've decided to recruit Azlan, who handles the vocals and Ajiz playing the drums. Azmaniac then became a rhythm guitarist.

With this line up, in 1993, they've recorded their one and only demo "Occultus Mysticism" which gained a wide response worldwide. People tend to know LANGSUYR better from it's "Occultus Mysticism". Recorded in Universal Studio, Klang, this demo perhaps was the best ever produced by a Malaysian band at that time.

The demo was sold out rapidly and an agreement was made between LANGSUYR and EAST GOTHIC PRODUCTIONS to re-release the demo professionally for 500 copies. And again, in 1994, the "Occultus Mysticism" hits the street and sold out in a short time, and there are still demands on it.

The demands is perhaps the best thing to show that LANGSUYR had reached the stardom. Since then too, LANGSUYR had made few gigs, the most successful gig was 'The Nocturn Feast' held in their hometown in 25th December 1994. LANGSUYR had also featured in numerous compilation tapes and underground magazines. Deals were also been negotiated, but nothing came in reality. LANGSUYR has decided to remain silence.

1996 sees the dark clouds cover the Malaysian scene, when LANGSUYR finally awake and release their second masterpiece.. "The Eastern Cruelty" EP.

Its 2005 an after more than 10 years they are sitting down again and preparing for a NEW dawn!

Members Azmaniarkht, Azlanthor, Bentara
Location Ipoh
Influences At The Gates, Pan-Thy-Monium, KIng Diamond, Iron Maiden, Morbid Angel.
Sounds Like Death Metal at it's BEST!

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM