This site is currently in archive mode. We no longer accept new accounts and song uploads. All rights to the published songs belong to the respective artists. But circumstances might have changed since the last time i-bands was online. Therefore, do report any copyright infringements to our team at
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Rate Us!
author: langsuyr posted: 29 May 2005 08:23 AM
Lagu BEDAL ekslusif streaming untuk anda! Sehari sahaja!

First gig after 5 years!!!
author: langsuyr posted: 12 May 2005 12:19 PM
InsyaAllah, kami dalam persiapan untuk buat gig pertama selepas 5 tahun di KL akhir bulan Jun ni. Ia berbentuk showcase dimana persembahan LANGSUYR akan dibuka oleh 2 band support.

Yang kemudiannya boeh diadakan sesi beramah mesra bersama kawan-kawan dan die-hard fans. Limited spaces, kemungkinan 200 seats je available.

Kalau jadi, flyers akan disebarkan insyaAllah. Please be there!

Reh for download
author: langsuyr posted: 07 Apr 2005 01:53 PM

reh preview untuk lagu baru... Limited download... sape cepat dia dapat. masyuk 300305.wav

dalam *wav format. Nak convert ke MP3 sound buruk nak mampos!
untuk sound terbaik please OFF all equalizer. File size about 3MB. Please excuse all the roughness, yang tersilap, terlaju, terlambat, terkolap, terhegeh dan sebagainya...

instrumental. Sepatutnya ada vokal tetapi belum masukkan lagi.
Azmaniarkht - gitar
bentara - gitar
Bob Pyron - drum

lagu ni cuma 3/4 siap. Ada lagi 1/4 nak sambung. Masih lagi rough version, ada add/delete lagi.

ALL RELEVANT comments, please discuss it here

New song
author: langsuyr posted: 11 Mar 2005 10:38 AM
We are working on a new song for a new album. However, we are still looking for a 'stable' drummer. If you happen to be in IPOH and think that you CAN execute the song KU CEMARI, please contact us for audition session. THANX!

BTW, the new song is called ASYIK MASYUK... strange eh?

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM