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Wanted Patriot
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About Ez Party Malaysian Premiere Party Organizer!

All the band member have known each other long before we decided to pu up a band. Most of us have known each other by jamming togather. What make this possible was, we are put togather in one class back 2000. We were combined to a class that have many music lover. We like to compete. That what makes us a band. With the line up Faiz as the lead guitar/composer, Manlok as the rhytm/bassist, Izhar as the drummer and Zai as the percussionist . We were active in performing at many school and other function. We also compete in all competition we could. There was no formal band name when we start composing our first single "Oh Dunia" It was done for the Science Song Competition. We are also helped by our other classmate which have the same passion as we do. Joseph, Kai Chong and Calvin were with us all the way suppoting and also recording thier own material. Now there have release thier own albums. We start to do more songs and compete for other competition. The name wanted patriot cross our mind when we want to compete in Icom Patriotic Songs. We did many function and was very active in school. The we decided to record all our other songs as our memoirs and nostalgic memories. All recording was done at our drummer's practice studio 'live' and was help by our his brother Amir as the sound engineer. All recording was done digitally. But after school end, all the band members have thier own commitment in work and studies. So the band was put down to stay. But all the band members still pusueing in music activitties such as Faiz is With Houdinix as the keyboardist/Harmonika and Manlok is futhering as a bassist for PH7. but 2005 have change it all. We were unite and the is an idea to reincarniate Wanted Patriot. We are now looking for new band mates and trying to record new material. We also want to rerecord our first single "Oh Dunia" as there is many room to improvise. We are open to criticsm as no one is perfect. This is a memoirs of our work...................

View more Wanted Patriot Official Website at Myspace

OR CALL ZAI @ 0126587465 FOR INFO
Members Ninja, Manlok, Izhar & Zaiferez
Location Shah Alam
Influences ol skool rock and rolls band, p.ramlee, and other genre of music that have been in our lives.
Sounds Like Rock&Roll Band

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM