This site is currently in archive mode. We no longer accept new accounts and song uploads. All rights to the published songs belong to the respective artists. But circumstances might have changed since the last time i-bands was online. Therefore, do report any copyright infringements to our team at
Wanted Patriot
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Ibands showcase
author: wantedpatriot posted: 12 Jun 2006 03:18 PM
wow i bands i having a showcase
i hope wanted patriot can took part in it

(Click here to read more)
May 2006
author: wantedpatriot posted: 04 May 2006 10:56 AM
we are trying to record our unrealeased songs "oh dunia" with some 1 or 2 songs to be added. This time it have a big influenced on folk/rock/bluessy sound. Hope you will enjoy.For now we just upload our jammning session recording. Kinda rough ideas

author: wantedpatriot posted: 07 Apr 2006 05:48 PM
Hey Hey all
We are kinda newbies here
So we need guidance

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM