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silbi |
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:57 pm Post subject: zoom mrs-8 portable multi track recorder - i just got one... |

Joined: 12 Oct 2005 Posts: 843
i just got myself the abovesaid gadget, its sorta an 8 tracker machine with built in drum and bass machine - kinda cool....pasal aku miskin, beli 2nd hand je benda ni...helluva lot cheaper than retail price i tell ya.
(aku call ck tadi - RRP now is RM1700!!! giler sume music punya barang dah mahal siot coz of the fule prices and exchange rate!)
Tapi 2nd hand punya barang standard lah, it has a bit of scratches her and there. But the best part is that, it still has CK music's warranty until year end...hahaha...i am a happy dude!!
liked it coz it uses SD Card, which is common and cheap...the lower model for this machine (a 4 tracker, RM780) uses Smart Media card which is darm expensive.
so i got a sr card toshiba 512mb to use with it, beli kat lowyat for rm90 je. tapi kena be wary of the memory card brands lah coz it dont except all, transcend ok kot...
Iactually if u buy mrs-8 new, u'd get a 128mb with it...tapi 128mb tu kecik sgt...aku rasa satu lagu record dah full kot
Reason i prefer to use a portable recorder like this is because i find it too much of a hassle to use the PC PC very not so friendly to me...hehe
anyways, anyone has this machine too? aku baru start tweak semalam je...and as usual, the drum function kasi gua pening...haha...still, dah boleh start record 2, 3 track dah and it sounds nice.
A great thing is that this baby has built in mic and accepts xlr too, has built in guitar and vox effects which can be utilised in the absence of proper effects...
ok..aku nak try tweak lagi ni...
aku cita2 nak guna menatang ni masa buat live recording for a small band...tapi tak sure camno...still looks orang tgk spec dia, ingat boleh ke?
still, sesapa ada - do share yer tips... |
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Bode |
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:33 pm Post subject: |
Joined: 03 Feb 2004 Posts: 2033
Congrats on the purchase bro! You'll have lotsa fun making music...towards the production of your 'Silbi's Rising Force'
I think synthdude will be the best person to comment on this...he is a diehard hardware user and probably has tried pretty much everything on the market
Anyway...where's synthdude? Havent seen much of him lately...probably renewing his contract with Mr. Devil... |
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deadzid |
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:49 pm Post subject: |
 Mod Squad

Joined: 13 Feb 2004 Posts: 3891 Location: Shah Alam
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silbi |
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:01 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 12 Oct 2005 Posts: 843
for info - the price for this last dec new was it has rised to rm1700...giler tuu
gua el-cheapo brat...pantang nampak benda macam murah bantai je beli...and for this, i think i've made the right choice...coz i'd saved tons of $ than getting it brand new. syukur2...
dari zaman dulu lagi memang cite2 nak ada multi-track system...tascam ke apa mission dah accomplish...tak yah pakai DAT, or memory card is the way to go! Nxt would be a Hard disk system...
sapa nak tolak SD card 1GB murah2 sound aku...aku nak beli..hehe...
seriously, i'm a happy camper with this pup cume yg aku bosan, aku memang blur bab2 programmiing ni...
orait...nak baca manual lagi ni...nasib baik hari ni gua cuti... |
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jengofett |
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:59 pm Post subject: |
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Posts: 63
Good for you mate..
i was in the same boat last time... I found it much easier to record in a multi track, dulu aku contemplating either the zoom or the boss, at the end i got me a boss 900cd... price wise diffrent la tapi i got it at ishibashi Japan so murah la...
this zoom is a no brainer la... best is the simple route.
record->Mix- EQ -->>mastering ... all in one. aku dah try this baby masa tu ck offer 1.2K... but entah apasal I choose the boss...
sound wise it really can produce a "CD/Radio" type of sound if proper eq was done. one thing which is easier that it does not have the "Crash" Syndrome...
My mode is Multi Track ---> PC in Wave format --- for Mastering
enjoy your toy |
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silbi |
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:11 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 12 Oct 2005 Posts: 843
yeah...hardware multi track machine are easy to some extent...but maybe to twaek effects futher, better still use the i'm sure i'm gonna do both.
you bought online from japan? hwo was the shipping fee? tax? etc?
yeah...the boss is always a better toy to some extent...coz if i have the dough id' prob go for boss...but it seems that even over here a 4 tracker boss costs a lot more than an 8 track zoom...dunno why?
moral of the story - if u r sengkek always go for zoom...hehe... seems most of my effects are now zoom-based. now i got a 505II, 707II and this new baby...zoom zoom all the way for me...
anyways, it seems that ur familliar with the zoom or multi track machines in i might need you advice someday...coz i'm the type who sometimes could get lost with even the simplest stuff but excel in some complex stuff...hehe
tadi i managed to record 5 tracks...sounds neat...but the drum part still boring lah coz i only use one same pattern throughout. Hope i could do some complex pattern change soon.
enjoy your toy too mate! |
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jengofett |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:08 am Post subject: |
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Posts: 63
well i am no expert in the matter but still belajar gak lah. i cant seem to coordiante myself with this pc thingy. dulu ada itu tascam porta 4 track ...easy lah tapi bouncing quality was eating up all data.
aku tak beli on line .. aku gi sana ari tu mtg jap... ok gak...choices there was tremendous .... sana kalau kaki synth tu gila la sebab murah... aku ghi kat branch dia kat shibuya osaka... kedai besar gila ada kot 2 x bently.
the learning curve for zoom is much simpler due to its functionality... the guy in ck ...jaya taught me on the zoom item....
for drum tracks kalo ko tengok boss pergh pening gila sebab 1 button can assign to multi function (That is the set back for the "mini multitrack' but still it is easier than the pc (imo)... well aku pon dah dekat setahun ada benda ini masih terkial kial belajar ....
I tried to use it in live recording the only setback was only two input at a time .... so kalu kao ada banyak input still there is a need for a Mixer la. Tapi kalau nak get that raw effect ambience using the on board condenser mic pun cukup. |
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deadzid |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:19 am Post subject: |
 Mod Squad

Joined: 13 Feb 2004 Posts: 3891 Location: Shah Alam
ala apa susah, beli je mixer kecik Behringer yg 8 or 12 input tu pun dah cukup.. then connect to your multi-track recorder.
beli recorder mahal2, takkan mixer RM250 - rm400 takleh beli? hehe racun2... _________________ > facebook
> youtube
> my-mic
> |
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jengofett |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:25 am Post subject: |
Joined: 16 Feb 2005 Posts: 63
beli recorder mahal2, takkan mixer RM250 - rm400 takleh beli? hehe racun2... = C*b*t ahak ahak ahak
btw silbi ko boleh join the Zoom yahoo groups. email dia lots of info there. |
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silbi |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:10 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 12 Oct 2005 Posts: 843
kat forum ada mamat tu nak jual mixer behringer baru for 300+ je...check it out. looks ok though but no power lah.
mixer aku dah ada, beli setahun lepas...sekenhen em quite cheap. ada 2 bijik lagi..macam mana aku boleh terbeli sampai 2 bijik aku pun tak tahu...aku mmg mental. ekeke....maybe gua ni collector.
satu selalu pakai satu lagi dalam storeroom...
Both are 8 channel powered mixers...satu brand Phonic, satu lagi Artek - rupa, power lebih kurng sama. I'm sure they're a lot better than those cap ayam ones in jalan pasar.
so i think i might try to utilise these to record live...tapi bila masa pun tak tahu...nak angkut benda2 ni berat gak siot...haha
so, with those stuff, u think easy to use with the recorder? the config, etc? any links, do advice.
btw - u said boleh pakai built in mic utk record live -but wont that be in mono? i presume a stereo mic would be i dunno whether the built in is mono or stereo...
anyways, thx for the link man! cargas gua mahu layan... |
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OneMB |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:45 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 22 Jan 2006 Posts: 483 Location: Banting
deadzid wrote: | ala apa susah, beli je mixer kecik Behringer yg 8 or 12 input tu pun dah cukup.. then connect to your multi-track recorder.
beli recorder mahal2, takkan mixer RM250 - rm400 takleh beli? hehe racun2... |
Guys, I'm just wondering
macam mana nak connect mixer biasa dengan multi-track recorder?
via RCA line-in multi track recorder? atau via TRS/XLR mic input multi track recorder?
kalau dari RCA mixer biasa, record ke RCA Multi Track Recorder, tak de signal lost ke?
Contoh macam jengofett punya Boss BR-900CD ada RCA line in dan 2 XLR MIC in
Nak guna line mane satu yang sesuai?
XLR tulis je guna utk mic, tapi guna XLR untuk line-in bolehkan?
Last edited by OneMB on Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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omarjamaludin |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:02 pm Post subject: |
 Site Admin

Joined: 18 Feb 2004 Posts: 2615 Location: Tmn Melawati
wah pening..dah try RCA tape out (mixer) ke RCA (tapiin (recorder)ke? rasanya okay kot.. _________________ my photoblog - |
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OneMB |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:17 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 22 Jan 2006 Posts: 483 Location: Banting
RCA line out analog mixer ke RCA line-in Multi Track Recorder
kalau macam tu sound ok tak?
memang pening berfikir tentang line out sana cucuk line in sini
berserabut berfikir
kadang˛ sampai kena lukis atas kertas tentang sambungan yang sesuai  |
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silbi |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:20 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 12 Oct 2005 Posts: 843
dunno much about the boss, but for my zoom, rasanya takde tape-in (aku tak sure pulak).
Yg ada cuma line in, tapi tak tahu stereo or mono. Yg aku tahu if stereo have to use two mono inputs.
1. intruments to mixer or mics
2. connected to external mixer
3. external mixer tape out to recorder (use the two mono input for stereo kot)
4. tekan record - voila!
ada betul?
signal loss? ada kot, so try to use better shielding cables... |
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silbi |
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:43 pm Post subject: |

Joined: 12 Oct 2005 Posts: 843
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